Nov 5, 2010 - AWO Directors Meeting. Directors of American Waterways Operators, Inc., the national association of the barge and towing vessel industry...
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CONTAINERS AND TRANSPORTATION A W O Directors M e e t i n g Directors of American Waterways Operators, Inc., the national association of the barge and towing vessel industry, will meet Sept. 11 in St. Louis, Mo., a t t h e Statler Hotel. Munger T. Ball, Sabine Towing and Transportation Cos., Inc., Port Arthur, Tex., is chairman of t h e board. Chester C. Thompson, W a s h ­ ington, D. C , is president.

American Box Surveys 50 Years of Packaging Celebrating its 50th anniversary this year is American Box Co. of Cleveland, and its subsidiary, American W o o d Prod­ ucts Corp., Marion, S. C. Since its found­ ing in 1911, the company has kept p a c e with industrial progress through its con­ tributions to wood container engineering, according to t h e recent company an­ nouncement. Beginning with t h e hand-nailed box during the days of low-cost labor and materials, the trend has been to lighter weights and faster, mechanized produc­ tion using thin wood veneers wirebound t o wooden cleats. Today's boxes and crates weigh 5 0 % less t h a n old-style wood boxes of the same capacity, at 20 t o 5 0 % lower cost. Variations have in­ cluded the use of fiber board and paper panels machine-stapled to light wooden cleats for shipping refrigerators, stoves, etc. A paper panel box ( a p p r o v e d by the U . S. Quartermaster) weighing only 19 p o u n d s has been developed to replace a solid wooden box weighing 55 pounds. T h e company is also palletizing many of its boxes and crates, including wireb o u n d tote boxes a n d many of its box shipments. T h e new lightweight dispos­ able pallet is another new development which simplifies handling. C 1

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to Amsco Packaging Machinery, Inc., the manufacturer. T h e system maintains a steady flow of securely sealed b a g s with little or n o handling. A 16-inch closed top preheater condi­ tions the polyethylene before entering into t h e sealing mechanism; this is designed to permit h i g h sealing speeds. I t is e q u i p p e d with variable speed controls for operation at the most efficient b a g h a n d l i n g and sealing speeds. Sealing speed varies from 150 to 550 lineal inches per minute. Rapid height adjustment of t h e sealing mechanism makes t h e machine useful for handling different height packages suc­ cessively. Dimensions of t h e sealing ma­ chine are 62 inches high, 33 inches wide, and 54 inches long. T h e roller b e d conveyor, e q u i p p e d with adjustable legs, is supplied in 6- or 9-inch widths a n d any length required. The patented Amsco air extractor removes all air from t h e b a g and assures a neat, com­ pact package, t h e company states. C 2

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Specimen Containers A v a i l a b l e f o r Fabric Testing

Atlas Electric Devices Co., m a n u f a c ­ turer of L a u n d e r - O m e t e r s , F a d e - O m e t e r s , a n d Weather-Ometers, has a n n o u n c e d that it n o w has available for distribu­ tion the n e w specimen containers for the No. 3A tentative accelerated washfastness test recently adopted b y the A A T C C . This new test employing metal specimen containers, cylinders 3.5 inches in diam­ eter by 8 inches in length, duplicates the color destruction a n d abrasive action of five average commercial or home launderings in just one 45-minute test—one tenth of the t i m e required by old test m e t h o d s . Polyethylene Sealing Machine T h r o u g h the use of easily installed and removed adapters, the unbreakable con­ A complete setup for conveying and tainers a r e mounted horizontally at right sealing large, heavy packages in poly­ angles to t h e shaft in any standard o r re­ ethylene is model D high-speed, auto­ search model Launder-Ometer. M o u n t e d matic, rotary sealing machine with air ex­ in this fashion, the test specimens are sub­ tractor and roller bed conveyor, according jected to a forceful t h r o w , a long slide, and a strong Amsco m a c h i n e seals packages in polyethylene bags impact. T h e use of 100 steel balls in e a c h con­ tainer, and a lower liquor volume ratio also serve to increase abrasive action. T h e tentative test is a p ­ plicable t o cotton or linen textiles in fabric form and is especially designed for evaluating t h e -washfast­ ness of colored textiles ex­ pected t o withstand fre­ q u e n t laundering. As m a n y as 20 samples m a y b e tested simultaneously. C 3


2 9,



These sturdy a l l . w o o d boxes, with i n t e r c h a n g e a b l e cork (Hercules) o r rubber cushion I Aero) inserts, give all point protection and reduce bottle breakage. T h e y ' r e ' easy to handle, eliminate the need for foreign filler' materials, and reduce occupational hazards.





SPECIFICATIONS SIZE: 171/j" χ 17ψ2" WEIGHT: Appmx. bottle.

χ 2 2 " (I.D.)

45 lbs. without

CARBOY·. 13 Gallons. Available also i n 5 gallon, 6 Vi gallon and·· other capacities*