be recorded immediately and permanently at the packaging development branch of the Engineer Research and Development Laboratories, Fort Belvoir, V...
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CONTAINERS AND TRANSPORTATION Effectiveness of Packaging Is Recorded T h e clinical history of a package subjected to shock and vibration tests can now be recorded immediately and permanently at the packaging development branch of the Engineer Research and Development Laboratories, Fort Belvoir, Va. An electronic device, designed and built to E R D L specifications by Reed Research, Inc., Washington, D . C , provides this record. Previous methods, while indicating the information required did not make it at once available and permanent. A record of this type, according to James A. Sargeant, ERDL. chief, packaging development laboratory, will be of great value in determining exact source and cause of damage occurring to a packaged article during transit and just how much and how long a package will protect its contents. A feature of the recorder, which embodies the best of many previous systems, is the 14 channel magnetic head which permits recording of the activity in as many as 14 strategic parts of the package. T h e new device designed to produce an accurate record of amplitudes and frequencies of shock and vibrations from 2

For further information on *fhe keyed items mentioned here, see coupon on p a g e 4217 to 500 cycles per second and accelerations up to 8 0 g's will b e used in all shock and vibration tests at the packaging development laboratory. Later it will be e m ployed in tests of parachute and free fall packs released from airplanes.

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