Contamination of soil and vegetation near a zinc smelter by zinc

Metal oxide fumes escaping from two zinc smelters in. Palmerton, Pa., have highly contaminated soil and vege- tation with zinc, cadmium, copper, and l...
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displaced the conversion-temperature curve by over 200°C. This large inhibiting effect of water is undoubtedly a result of the similarity in the chemisorption behavior of ammonia and water on the alumina support (Peri, 1965) coupled with the hundredfold concentration advantage of water in the feed stream-i.e., 10.0 vs. 0.1%. With nickel or ruthenium present in the catalyst the temperature difference between the wet and the dry experiments was less than 100°C. Intermediacy of Ammonia. The correspondence between the effect of temperature on ammonia formation from NO on the one hand and ammonia decomposition on the other suggested t h a t a major part of the conversion of NO to N2 follows the rather circuitous pathway (Reaction 4) involving the intermediacy of ammonia. Over the platinum-nickel catalyst, ammonia formation reaches a peak and begins to decrease rather rapidly above 425°C (Figure 4B). which is the temperature range where the ammonia decomposition begins to be significant (Figure 2). This correspondence in temperature profile was also found for the other catalyst systems studied. The above results confirm t h a t ammonia is not stable a t high temperature, which is known from thermodynamics (Bernstein et al., 1971), but do not establish whether a m monia is an intermediate in the reduction of NO to N2 However, it was also found (Figure 8) t h a t ammonia formation over the Pt-Ni-AlzOs catalyst is significantly affected by space velocity. Thus, at higher space velocity (lower residence time), more ammonia is formed under conditions where NO removal was complete for all the space velocities studied. These space velocity effects would seem to provide substantiating evidence t h a t a m monia is actually formed and then undergoes elemental decomposition. Thus, the path represented by Reaction 4 is an important route for the conversion of nitric oxide to elemental nitrogen. There is probably another path from NO to Nz that does not go through ammonia. This other path may involve the oxidation reduction sequence:




‘/z N2

+ MO


(8) (9)

where M and MO are respectively the reduced and oxidized forms of the catalyst. The present results only identify the path from NO to N2 through ammonia as a n important mechanism in the reduction of NO. The identification of other paths and the estimation of their relative importance remains for future work.

A cknoujledgment Many of the techniques for catalyst preparation and testing were developed by R. M. Sinkevitch during the course of this work. His inventiveness and diligence in obtaining the results presented herein cannot be over-emphasized. The assistance of C. M. Nannini in obtaining the surface area measurements is also gratefully acknowledged.

Literature Cited Amano, A,, Taylor, H., J . Amer. Chem. SOC.,76,4201 (1954). Bernstein, L. S., Kearby, K . K., Raman, A. K. S., Vardi, J.. Wigg, E. E., “Application of Catalysts to Automotive NO, Control,“ SAE Paper No. 710014, 1971. Charcosset, H., Frety, R., Soldat, A., Trambouze. Y., J . Catal., 22,204 (1971). Daniel, W. A,, S A E Trans., 79,400 (1970). Hill, F. N., Selwood, P. W., J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 71,2522 (1948). Hunter, J. E., “Effect of Catalytic Converters on Automotive Ammonia Emissions,” presented to the Central States Section of The Combustion Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., March 1971. Klimisch, R. L., Barnes, G. J., Enuiron. Sci. Technol., 6,543 (1972). Lunt, R. S., Bernstein, L. S., Hansel, J . G., Holt. E. L., “Application of a Monel-Platinum Dual Catalyst System to Automotive Emission Control,” SAE Paper No. 720209, 1972. Markvart, J.. Pour, V., J . Catal., 7,279 (1967). Nowak, E. J., Koros, R. M . , ibid., 1967, p 50. Peri, J . B., J . Phys. Chem., 69,23 (1965). Sabatier, P., “Catalysis in Organic Chemistry,” transl. by E. E. Reid. D. Van Sostrand Co.. Sew York, K.Y., 1922, p 533. Shelef, M., Gandhi, A , , Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Decelop.. 11, 2 (1972). Verhoeven, M., Delmon, B. C. R., Bull. S O C .Chim. , Fr., 3065 (1966). Voge, H. H.. Atkins, T. L., J . Catal.. 1, 171 (1962). Weisz. P. B., Adcan. Catal., 13, 137 (1962). Received for recieu: June 14, 1972. Accepted Nocember 20, 1972. Presented at the Caiijornia Catalysis Society Annual Meeting, April 29, 1972, and the Phiiadelphia Catalysis Club Spring S y m posium, M a y 9, 1972.

Contamination of Soil and Vegetation Near a Zinc Smelter by Zinc, Cadmium, Copper, and Lead Marilyn J. Buchauer Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers-The

State University, New Brunswick, N.J. 08903

Metal oxide fumes escaping from two zinc smelters in Palmerton, Pa., have highly contaminated soil and vegetation with zinc, cadmium, copper, and lead. Within 1 km of the smelters, 135,000 parts per million ( p p m ) zinc, 1750 ppm cadmium, 2000 ppm copper, and 2000 ppm lead have been measured in the 0 2 horizon. Approximately 90% of metals deposited on the soil surface have been retained in the top 15 cm of the soil profile. Depauperate trees within 2 km of the smelters contained up to 4500 ppm zinc and 70 ppm cadmium by weight in washed, oven-dried foliage. Metal aerosols may enter the leaves directly, presumably through open stomates.

Contamination of soil and vegetation owing primarily to airborne heavy metals occurs in urban areas (Purves and Mackenzie, 1969), along highways (Motto et al., 1970; Daines et al., 1970; Lagerwerff and Specht, 1970; Hutchinson, 1971), and near smelters and foundries (Tourney, 1921; Lundegardh, 1927; Greszta and Godzik, 1969; Costescu and Hutchinson, 1971). Soil contamination by zinc, lead, and copper aerosols has been recognized for decades, but cadmium was overlooked until recently. The first published study reporting soil contamination due to airborne cadmium is probably t h a t of Greszta and Godzik (1969), who found high concentrations of cadmium, zinc, and lead in soil near a zinc smelter in Poland. SubseVolume 7, Number 2 , February 1973


quently Lagerwerff and Specht (1970) and Hutchinson (1971) found cadmium contamination in roadside soil. Elevated cadmium levels near a battery smelter in British Columbia have also been reported (John e t al., 1972). S t u d y Area Palmerton is situated on the Lehigh River, just north of the Lehigh Water Gap, in Carbon County, Pa. The town is in a narrow valley, bounded on the south by Blue Mountain and on the north by Stony Ridge. The soils are Dekalb and Laidig series stony loams derived from shale, sandstone, and conglomerate (Fisher et al., 1962). These soils are normally very acid, ranging from p H 4.0 to 5.0. The slopes of Blue Mountain a t Lehigh Gap are sparsely vegetated or completely barren over an area of about 485 ha. Sassafras a l b i d u m , Nyssa sylcatica, and Arenaria p a t u l a are common species in the severely denuded areas. S m e l t e r History

The New Jersey Zinc Co. currently operates two zinc smelters in Palmerton, referred to as the east and west plants, respectively. There are no mines in the area; all ores are brought in by railroad. The primary ores smelted today are concentrated zinc sulfide ores containing approximately 55% zinc, 31% sulfur, 0.15% cadmium, 0.30% lead, and 0.40% copper. The metal oxide fumes driven off during roasting and processing are recovered by baghouses and electrostatic precipitators of u p to 99% efficiency. Approximately 96% of the sulfur dioxide in the roaster offgases is recovered as sulfuric acid. Based on a tentative emissions inventory, daily metal emissions since 1960 have probably ranged from 6000 to 9000 kg of zinc and 70-90 kg of cadmium. Emissions of both copper and lead are probably less than 90 kg/day. The east plant is the source of approximately 60% of the zinc oxide and a t least 70% of the cadmium oxide fumes which escape into the atmosphere. Methods

Samples of the lower portion of the 0 2 (decomposed leaf litter) horizon were collected a t various distances from the smelters along Blue Mountain ridge. Near the smelters where the 0 2 horizon had been removed by erosion, upper A1 horizon soil was collected instead. In addition, a soil pit 1 X 1 meter square and approximately 1 meter deep was excavated a t each of five sites on Blue Mountain. The sites ranged from 1 to 40 km east of Lehigh Gap. Soil samples were collected a t various depths in each pit. All samples were allowed to air dry and then were forced through a 2-mm stainless steel screen. Approximately 10gram subsamples of mineral soils were ground to less than 200 mesh in a tungsten carbide-lined ball mill. Foliage samples were collected from tree, shrub, and herb species. Leaves intermediate in position on the twigs were picked. For trees, usually only the lower branches could be reached. The entire plant of the herb Aralia nudicaulis was collected a t each site. The leaves were washed by hand, using a sponge, in an ivory soap solution and rinsed four times with distilled water. The samples were dried in a forced air oven a t 70°C and ground in a stainless steel-lined Wiley Mill. Plant tissue and organic horizon samples were digested with a 4 : l mixture of concentrated nitric and perchloric acids. Mineral soil samples were boiled for 2 hr in perchloric acid, The resulting solutions were diluted to volume with distilled water, and the heavy metal contents determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. A Perkin-Elmer Model 303 atomic absorption spectrophotometer, a one-slot burner, and a n acetylene-air gas mixture were used. 132

Environmental Science & Technology

Transplant experiments were initiated in March 1969. Organic matter and soil were removed from the 0 2 and A3 horizons, respectively, on top of Blue Mountain a t sites 2 km and 40 km from the east plant smelter. Soil collected at 2 km will be referred to as “near” and soil collected a t 40 km as “distant.” Blue Mountain ridge topsoils are in the Dekalb series, and do not vary appreciably in physical a n d chemical properties. Five sites on Blue Mountain a t various distances from the smelter were selected. At each site two holes about 20 cm deep and 25 cm in diam were dug, lined with vinyl sheeting, and filled first with 15 cm of A3 soil, then 5 cm of 0 2 horizon organic matter. One hole was filled with “near” and one with “distant” soil. At each site, four Quercus rubra L. (red oak) seedlings were planted in both soil types. In September 1970, after two growing seasons, surviving seedlings were harvested, washed and analyzed for heavy metal content. Additional seedlings were similarly planted in “near” and “distant” soil in clay pots kept outdoors in the courtyard of the Rutgers University greenhouse, in New Brunswick, N.J. All statistical analyses were performed using prepared programs run on a n IBM 360 computer. Results and Discussion

Soil. The d a t a have been transformed to the logarithmic scale, which linearizes the relationship between metal content and distance from the smelter. This transformation also normalizes the d a t a , for in the original scale the standard deviations were directly proportional to sample means. The sample means were analyzed by broken line regression. This technique fits a straight line to that portion of the d a t a exhibiting a significant linear relationship between metal content and distance. and determines the break point (intersection of the sloping and horizontal lines) beyond which this relationship ceases (Figure 1). The break points represent the theoretical limits of soil contamination due to smelter emissions. Beyond these points, observed metal contents represent normal. or background levels, as listed in Table I. The distance in kilometers a t which background levels are reached are given below: Zn Cd cu Pb East 25 21 19 39 West





The east plant smelter was used as the zero point in regression analysis, since it is the major emissions source. The west plant is located 4 km west of the east plant. In all cases, background levels are reached nearer the smelters to the west (upwind) than to the east (downwind). Zinc oxide particles in smelter fumes range from 0.01 to 0.3 p in diam (Corn, 1968). Particles this small are removed from the atmosphere very slowly, and may be carried many kilometers before settling out. The data represented in Figure 1 include analyses of only ridge top Dekalb soils. The highest metal levels occur in Laidig stony loams, a t the base of the north slope of Blue Mountain, within 1 km of the east plant. In this area the upper A1 horizon contains 50.000-80.000 ppm zinc, 900-1500 ppm cadmium, 600-1200 ppm copper, and 2001100 ppm lead. The metal content is variable due a t least in part to severe erosion of the exposed A1 soil. The very highest levels were found in isolated patches of 0 2 horizon material, composed of partly broken down S. albidum and A . p a t u l a litter. One sample contained 135,000 ppm zinc, 1750 ppm cadmium, 2000 ppm copper, and 200 pprn lead. These values are comparable to concentrations in zinc ores mined commercially. Such highly contaminated material may have received some direct deposition of

Figure 2. Soil zinc content as a from the east plant zinc smelter

f u n c t i o n of

depth and distance

The site 1 k m distant was at the base of the north slope of Blue Mountain: all other sites were on the ridge top. The top four data polnts on each curve (with the exception noted below), from the uppermost point downward, represent samples from the 0 , (fresh leaf litter). 0 2 (partially decomposed leaf litter), A, (humus), and A3 (mineral soil) horizons, respectively. Remaining data points represent samples from the B horizon (mineral soil). The 0 , and 02 horizons are missing at the 1-km site, due to removal by erosion. The 0-cm iine marks the boundary between the 0 2 and A, horizons 10 10



Dirtonce lkm)




Table I. Background Level Zinc, Cadmium, Copper, and Lead Content of the 0 2 Horizon

Zinc, cadmium, copper, and lead content of the 02 horizon as a function of distance f r o m the east plant zinc smelt-

F i g u r e 1.


ic, p p m

East West





346 31 1





240 355


All samples were collected along the top of Blue Mountain ridge. from Dekalb stony ioam soils. A total of 26 sampies were coilected to the east and 25 sampies to the west of the smelter. Each data point represents a mean of between two and eight samples. Equations for the lines for data to the east are: log Zn = 4.45 - 0.076 D, log Cd = 2.89 - 0.104 D, log Cu = 2.54 - 0.058 D. log Pb = 2.83 - 0.011 D. Those to the west are: 0.121 D, log Cd = 2.50 0.104 D , log Cu = 2.24 log Zn = 4.42 0.060 D , log Pb = 3.10 0.034 D . where D = distance in kilometers

95% c.1.a


"The confidence intervals are based on arithmetically pooled variances for all background level samples, both east and west of the smelter. Variances of background level samples were homogenous.

windborne dust from exposed piles of ore concentrates. Metal oxide fumes from smelting are still a major source of contamination, however. Most metal emissions occur within 30 meters of the ground surface (Ord, 1972), and Blue Mountain is immediately adjacent to the east plant in the prevailing downwind direction. Thus any metal emissions "shadow area" is probably minimal. Zinc deposition rates in Palmerton in 1969, based on dustfall data gathered by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, varied between 1.75 and 5.25 g/mZ/month, or 185-561 lb/acre/year. Assuming the relationship between deposition rate and emission rate for cadmium to be the same as that for zinc, cadmium deposition should have been about 3.0 lb/acre/year. Even assuming lower deposition rates in the past, these rates of metal deposition would be sufficient to account for the estimated 12,000 lb/acre of zinc and 160 lb/acre of cadmium present today in the solum near the east plant smelter. The concentration of all metals decreases sharply with depth in the soil. Data for zinc are plotted in Figure 2. About 8 5 9 5 % of the estimated total zinc, and 95% of the estimated total cadmium in the soil profile are in the top 15 cm in the highly contaminated areas. Brown et al. (1963) have also reported very little downward movement of zinc oxide applied to a soil surface. They postulate t h a t this immobility is due to the insolubility of zinc oxide in water, and to the high fixation of zinc added to soil. In the vicinity of smelters emitting large amounts of sulfur compounds, soil acidity is commonly increased. This is not the case at Lehigh Gap. The p H of the A soil horizons a t Lehigh Gap varies from about 4.5 to 6.0,

which tends to be higher than the normal range for Dekalb soils of 3.8-5.0. If this p H increase at Lehigh Gap is real, it might be due to the deposition of zinc oxide, an amphoteric compound (Lott, 1938; Buchauer, 1971). The ratio of zinc to cadmium in the soil has been affected near the smelters. In Laidig stony loams along the base of the north slope of Blue Mountain 10 km or more from Lehigh Gap, the mean Zn/Cd concentration ratio in the 0 2 horizon varies from about 60 to 90. Near the east plant smelter, the ratio has been depressed to a mean of 4050. Near the west plant smelter the ratio has been elevated to a mean of 115-142. The probability that these differences are due to chance alone is less than 2.5%, as revealed by analysis of variance. These differences in the Zn/Cd concentration ratio are to be expected, since the east plant is the primary source of emitted cadium. Vegetation. Transformation to a log-log scale best linearized and normalized the data. In the original scale the standard deviations were directly proportional to sample means. Linear regression analysis of the transformed data reveals for every species a significant ( P < 0.05) negative linear correlation between the logarithm of foliar zinc content and the logarithm of distance from the east plant smelter. This decline in metal content with increasing distance is readily apparent in Figure 3. A statistically significant linear correlation between cadmium or lead content and distance exists only for the six tree species (Figure 3, graphs A and B ) and also for A . nudicaulzs for cadmium only. A significant correlation between copper content and distance exists only for Q. rubra, N . sylcatica, S . a l b i d u m , and K . latifolia.




d.f. N












Volume 7, Number 2, February 1973 133


Table II. Metal Content of 0. rubra Seedlings Planted in Distant Soil as a Function of Distance from the East Plant Zinc Smeltera Distance, km

No. of seedlings

Zn, ppm


0. 1 EL

Cd , PPm

cu, PPm

Pb, ppm

Foliage lb


5 14 40

4 4 4 2 3

21 20 500 195 165 155







38 10 3.0 1.5

N.D.C N.D.



33 8.0

100 62 11 11 11

30 70


, , , , ,,,,







E 1

Stems 10

1 5 14 40

4 4 4 2 3

1560 575 120 437 262


25 10 2.0 2.0 5.0

42 7.5 5.0 5.0 5.0

35 25 N.D. N.D. N.D.

N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D.

5.0 18 5.0 28 28

N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D.


Taprootd 10

1 5 14 40

4 4 4 2 3

90.0 40.0 12.5 27.5 37.5

Walues are one analysis of one composite sample. bAt the base of the lower north slope of Blue Mountain all other sites were on top of the mountain. CNot detectable; for copper less than 5 ppm. for cadmium less than 1 pprn, and for lead less than 10 ppm. dVascular cylinder; bark removed prior to analysis.

1 !,

, ,,,,,,,






, ,

,j 50




Figure 3. Mean zinc, cadmium, copper, and lead content of foliage as a function of distance from the east plant zinc smelter

The foliar zinc content of most species appears to be near background levels in samples collected 14 km from the east plant smelter. For those species in which elevated levels of cadmium, copper, and lead were detected, foliar background levels appear to be reached between 1 and 5 km. The vegetation of the Lehigh Gap area is scrubby and generally depauperate in appearance. The foliage develops a n interveinal chlorosis by mid June, and by July the red and yellow foliage is suggestive of autumnal coloration. Marginal necrosis is also common, which may be due to acute sulfur dioxide injury. Occasional periods of higher t h a n 0.4 ppm ambient sulfur dioxide have been recorded in Palmerton (McGrogan, 1971). Since significantly elevated foliar sulfur levels can be detected only within 1 or 2 km of the east plant, and only by t h e end of the growing season, it is highly unlikely that chronic sulfur dioxide injury accounts for the foliar chlorosis. In contrast, levels of zinc and cadmium in t h e foliage are far higher than the minimal levels of 200 ppm and 20 ppm, respectively, associated with toxicity and chlorosis in native tree species (Buchauer, 1971). As much as 4500 ppm zinc and 70 ppm cadmium have been found in the foliage of trees near the east plant smelter. It seems unlikely t h a t so much zinc and cadmium are in biologically available forms in the cytoplasm of the cells. Surface contamination cannot be ruled out. However, since the leaves were thoroughly washed prior to analysis, and unwashed leaves contained two to six times more metals than washed leaves, most of the metals in washed leaves presumably are physically inside the leaves. It is possible t h a t metal particles may enter directly through the stomatal apertures, and be deposited within the leaves. J u s t such a mode of entry has been postulated by Motto e t al. (1970) for ambient lead particles. Since 134

Environmental Science & Technology

Each point represents a mean of two plants per site, collected September 1. 1970. The site 1 km distant was at the base of the north slope of Blue Mountain all other sites were on the ridge top. The detectable limit for cadmium is 1 ppm and for iead is 5 ppm. Key to species: Graphs A : 0 Quercus prinus: 0 Quercus rubra; 0 Betula lenta (trees). Graphs B: 0 Nyssa syivatica: 0 Acer rubrum: 0 Sassafras aibidurn (trees). Graphs C: 0 Vaccinium vaciiians: 0 Kaimia iafifoiia (shrubs); 0 Aralia nudicaulis (herb).

most zinc, and presumably cadmium, oxide particles in smelter fumes are less t h a n 1 p in diam, and stomatal apertures commonly range from 5 to 30 p, entry through the stomates seems likely. Transplant experiment d a t a are presented in Table 11. All seedlings grown in "near" soil died after one growing season. Soil metal contents are listed below: Zinc, pprn Horizon 0 2



20,000 2,000

Cadmium, pprn


300 100


500 10


3 2

There is a steady increase in the metal content of oak seedling leaves and stems, but not roots, with decreasing distance from the east plant zinc smelter (Table 11). The additional metals in seedlings near the smelter apparently entered the plant tops directly, from the air, rather than via root uptake. Surface contamination may account for a large proportion of the increased stem metal content near the smelter, since it was difficult to thoroughly wash the bark. The seedlings grown in "distant" soil exhibited no signs of toxicity, even a t 2120 ppm foliar zinc and 38 ppm foliar cadmium. In contrast, foliage of severely stunted seedlings grown in pots of "near" soil a t the greenhouse contained only 400-500 ppm zinc and 4-7 ppm cadmium. Apparently, ambient metal oxide particles entering foliage directly, perhaps through the stomates, largely remain bi-

ologically inert, whereas metals entering via root uptake can produce immediate and significant toxic effects. Thus, in situations where ambient foliar intake of metal oxide particles could occur, measurement of total foliar metal content may be inadequate to gauge the severity of plant toxicity. Acknowledgment Murray Buell and Harry Motto provided invaluable guidance in carrying out this research. Stephen Toth and John Tedrow were also generous with their time and talents. Literature Cited Brown, A. L., Krantz, B. A,, Martin, P. E., Soil Sci SOC Amer. Proc., 26,167-70 (1963). Buchauer, M. J., PhD thesis, Rutgers-The State University, Sew Brunswick, N.J., 1971. Corn, M., “Air Pollution,” A. C. Stern, Ed., Vol 1, Academic Press, New York, N.Y., 1968, pp 47-119. Costescu, L.. Hutchinson. T. C.. Abstr.. 22nd Annual AIBS Meeting of Biological Societies, Fort Collins, Colo., August 1971, Bull. Ecol. SOC.Amer , 52 ( 2 ) , 29 (1971). Daines. R. H.. Motto. H. L.. Chilko. D. H.. Enciron. Sei. Technol., 4,318-22 (1970).

Fisher, G., Mattern, R., McCombs, R., Sorgren, J., Rebert, A,, “Soil Survey of Carbon County, Pennsylvania,” USDA Soil Conservation Service, Series 1959, S o . 14, 1962. Greszta, J., Godzik, S., Rocz. Glebozn., (Soil Sci. Annu.) Tom XX, Z. 1, Warszawa, 1969 [English abstr.]. Hutchinson, T. C., Abstr., 22nd Annual AIBS Meeting of Biological Societies, Fort Collins, Colo., August 1971; Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer., 52(2),29(1971). John, M. K., Chuah, H. H., VanLaerhoven. C. J., Environ. Sci. Technol., 6,555-7 (1972). Lagerwerff, J . V., Specht, A. W.. ibid., 4,583-6 (1970). Lott, W. L., SoilSci. SOC.Amer. Proc., 3, 115-21 (1938). Lundepardh. H.. K d . Landtbruks Akad. Handl. Tidskr. 66L626. 192S-[English ab&.]. McGrogan, J . E., Pennsylvania Department of Health, Region 11. WestReading Office, west Reading, Pa.. personal communication, 1971. Motto. H. L.. Daines. R. H.. Chilko. D. M.. Motto. C. K.. E ~ L ’ L ron Sei Technol , 4,231-7 (1970). Ord, J., New Jersey Zinc Co.. Palmerton. Pa., personal communication, 1972. Purves, D., Mackenzie, E. J., J. Soil Sci., 20, 288-90 (1969). Tourney, J . W., J. Forest., 19,367-73 (1921). Received for reuielc: J a n u a p 13, 1972. Accepted December I , 1972. Presented at the 22nd Annual A B S Meeting of Biological Societies, Fort Collins, Colo., August 1971. Supported by National Science Foundation Graduate F e l l u s h i p and Public Health Sercice Air Pollution Special Fellowship AP-43, 777-02.

Heavy Metal Levels of Ottawa and Rideau River Sediments Barry G. Oliver’ Water Science Subdivision, Inland Waters Directorate, Department of t h e Environment, Ottawa, Ont., Canada

I Sediment samples were collected a t two-mile intervals

along the Ottawa and Rideau Rivers near Ottawa, C i n a da, in July, 1971. The sediments were analyzed for lead, mercury, zinc, copper, nickel, cobalt, iron, manganese, and chromium using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The surface areas of the samples were measured and taken into consideration when deciding whether or not metal levels were unusually high. Some anomalously high heavy metal concentrations found in the sediments in certain locations appeared to be related to pollution of the rivers by municipal and industrial waste water discharges and waste disposal practices. In the aquatic environment, heavy metals are a serious pollution problem since they are toxic to fish (Doudoroff and Katz, 1953; Aronson, 1971), may be transported and concentrated in the food chain (Gavis and Ferguson, 1972; Tornabene and Edwards, 1972), and, when present a t elevated levels in water supplies, can be a hazard to public health. Industrial and urban waste water discharges into rivers may increase the heavy metal concentration of the water and also lead to an accumulation of heavy metals in the sediments. The present article reports Hg, P b , Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Fe, M n , and Cr levels in river sediments with a view to identifying sources of heavy metal discharge into the Ottawa and Rideau Rivers. Experimental The study area is shown in Figure 1. Surface sediment samples were collected with a Lane sediment sampler a t ‘Present address, Water and Wastewater Treatment Research Subdivision, Department of the Environment, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, Postal Box 5050, Burlington, Ont., Canada.

two-mile intervals along the Ottawa River from Ottawa to Thurso and along the Rideau River from Smith Falls t o Ottawa from July 19-24, 1971. Three samples were taken a t each sampling station about 10 yards from each bank and in the center of the river. A portion of the sediment sample was spread out on a petri dish and air-dried for four days. A representative part of each sample, obtained by coning and quartering, was finely ground. One gram was accurately weighed and digested in 60 ml of acid solution-4.0M H N 0 3 , O.7M HC1-for 2 hr a t 70-90°C. The efficiency of this partial extraction technique is quite variable depending on the nature of the sample. But the difference between the amount of metal obtained using a HF-HN03-HC104 total extraction and the above procedure was roughly constant for 20 representative samples collected throughout the study area. This indicates that the dilute HN03-HC1 technique has little effect on the metals bound in the sediment minerals but removes only surface adsorbed or precipitated metals from the sample. The acid extracts were analyzed for lead, mercury, zinc, copper, nickel, cobalt, iron, manganese, and chromium using a Perkin-Elmer Model 403 atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Conventional atomic absorption techniques are not sensitive enough to measure the concentration of mercury in the extract, so a flameless method was used for this metal (Hatch and Ott, 1968). The precision of the analyses is shown in Table I. A compilation of the complete analyses, sample classification, the locations of sampling sites, and more detailed experimental procedures, have been reported by Oliver and Kinrade (1972). The porous nature of sediments leads to great discrepancies between measured surface areas and those calculated geometrically (Weiler and Mills, 1965). Therefore, the surface areas of the samples were measured by the Volume 7 , Number 2. February 1973 135