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Jul 15, 1994 - way has generated interest in electronic transmission of chemical information. Michael E. Lesk of Bellcore describes a collaborative ex...
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REPORT 737 A High-pressure ionization and ion trap MS Ion sources operated at high pressures are natural candidates for coupling with quadrupole ion traps because of pumping requirements and high ion injection efficiencies. In the second of a two-part series, Scott A. McLuckey, Gary J. Van Berkel, and Douglas E. Goeringerof Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Gary L (dish of the University of North Carolina review how this combination can address challenges in MS.

737 A

A/C INTERFACE 747 A ON THE COVER. Electronic chemical journals The hype over the information superhighway has generated interest in electronic transmission of chemical information. Michael E. Lesk of Bellcore describes a collaborative experiment by the ACS, Chemical Abstracts Service, Bellcore, and the Online Computer Library Center to make chemical journals available on the desktop and predicts what electronic services may be available in the future.

747 A

EDITOR: ROYCE W. MURRAY University of North Carolina ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Catherine C. Fenselau, University of Maryland Baltimore County. William S. Hancock, Hewlett Packard, James W. Jorgenson, University of North Carolina. Robert A. Osteryoung, North Carolina Stale University, Edward S. Yeung, Iowa Slate University/Ames Laboratory


Analytical Chemistry.

Editorial Headquarters Research section Department of Chemistry Venable and Kenan Laboratories University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. NC 27599-3290 Phone:919-962-2541 Fax:919-962-2542 E-mail: Murray @

Vol. 66. No. 14. July 15, 1994

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JULY 15, 1994 VOLUME 66 NUMBER 14 ANCHAM 66(14) 719 A-764 A/2201-2424 (1994) ISSN 0003-2700 Registered in U.S. Paient and Trademark Office ©Copyright 1994 by the American Chemical Society

DEPARTMENTS 727 A In This Issue 731 A Analytical Currents 734 A News WPAC addresses quality concerns. · Dow to sell Camille. · ChromatoFast and Varian to market FastGC. · Ultrasound for safer air bags. · Alfred 0 . C. Nier passes away. · Nominations. · For Your Information. 745 A Software Introduction to HPLC, designed to teach basic LC, has the qualities of a textbook and the advantages of rapid indexing and animation, according to reviewer John W. Dolan. · Peter Griffiths and coworkers evaluate Spec-ID Plus, a Windows-based application that allows an unknown spectrum to be identified. 756 A Meetings Conferences. · Short Courses and Workshops.

757 A Product Review FT-IR PAS steps up to depth profiling. Photoacoustic spectroscopy can coax spectra out of intractable solids, and new step-scanning technology for FT-IR spectrometers permits depth-specific analyses. We review the basic theory involved and compare representative commercial instruments and accessories.


2226 High-Performance Evolved Gas Analysis System for Catalyst Characterization P. A. Barnes*, G.M.B. Parkes, and E. L. Charsley 2232 Micellar Catalysis and Product Stabilization in Hydrazone Formation Reactions and Micellar-Modified Determination of Hydrazine and Phenylhydrazine Anatoly K. Yatsimirsky*, Natalia T. Yatsimirskaya, and Svetlana B. Kashina 2240 Biodégradation of Soluble Redox Polymers. 1. (0.017Ferrocene)amylose Boris B. Gnedenko and Alexander D. Ryabov*

2201 Dynamics and Response of PolymerCoated Surface Acoustic Wave Devices: Effect of Viscoelastic Properties and Film Resonance 2245 Stephen J. Martin *, Gregory C. Frye, and Metalloporphyrin Derivatives as NeuStephen D. Senturia tral Carriers for PVC Membrane Electrodes 2220 De Gao, Jun-Zhong Li, Ru-Qin Yu *, and Solvent Extraction-Flow Injection Guo-Dong Zheng without Phase Separation through the Use of the Differential Flow Velocities within the Segmented Flow Charles A. Lucy* and Ken K.-C. Yeung

continued on p. 723 A

Publications Division Director: Robert H. Marks Head, Special Publications: Anthony Durniak Head, Journals: Charles R. Bertsch Head, Publications Marketing: David Schulbaum Journals Dept., Columbus, Ohio Editorial Office Manager: Mary E. Scanlan Journals Editing Manager: Kathleen E. Duffy Associate Editor: Lorraine Gibb Assistant Editor: Brenda S. Wooten

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Vol. 66, No. 14, July 15, 1994


Contents 2250 Response Mechanism of Polymer Membrane-Based Potentiometric Polyion Sensors Bin Eu, Eric Bakker, Jong H. Yun, Victor C. Yang, and Mark E. Meyerhoff* 2260 Quantitative Diffuse Reflectance and Diffuse Transmittance Infrared Spectroscopy of Surface-Derivatized Silica Powders Earnaz Boroumand*, Hubert van den Bergh, and Jacques E. Moser 2267 In Vivo Percutaneous Absorptiometry by a Laser Photoacoustic Method Using a Novel Open-Ended Cell Combined with Light Guide Ryuichi Takamoto, Shinya Yamamoto, Ryujiro Namba, Tasuku Takamatsu, Masahiro Matsuoka, and Tsuguo Sawada * 2272 Laser-Induced Photofragmentation/ Photoionization Spectrometry: A Method for Detecting Ambient Oxides of Nitrogen /. B. Simeonsson, G. W. Lemire, and R. C. Sausa * 2279 Particle- and Vapor-Phase Contributions to Metallic Impurities in Electronic-Grade Chlorine TraceyJacksier*, Richard Udischas, HwaChi Wang, and Ramon M. Barnes

2285 Electrospray-Condensation Particle Counter: A Molecule-Counting LC Detector for Macromolecules Kenneth C. tewis, Daniel M. Dohmeier, James W. Jorgenson *, Stanley L. Kaufman, Eahimeh Zarrin, and Frank D. Dorman 2293 Elucidation of Species in AlcoholWater Mixtures Using Near-IR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Statistics M. Kathleen Alam * and James B. Callis 2302 Investigation of Molecular Weight and Terminal Group Effects on the Timeof-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectra of Polyglycols Luanda R. Hittle, Diane E. Altland, Andrew Proctor, and David M. Hercules * 2313 MS/MS and MS/MS/MS Analyses in a Multisector Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer Toru Sakurai, Hiroyuki Ito, and Takekiyo Matsuo * 2318 Spontaneous Injection in Microcolumn Separations Harvey A. Fishman, Nabeel M. Amudi, Thomas T. Lee, Richard H. Scheller, and Richard N. Zare * 2330 Class-Selective Collisionally Activated Dissociation/Ion-Molecule Reactions of 4-Quinolone Antibiotics Armando Colorado and Jennifer Brodbelt*

2336 Factors Controlling Precision and Accuracy in Isotope-Ratio-Monitoring Mass Spectrometry Dawn A. Merritt and J. M. Hayes 2348 Electrospray Ionization Ion Mobility Spectrometry Doug Wittmer, Yong Hong Chen, Brian K. Luckenbill, and Herbert H. Hill, Jr. * 2356 Determination of Nanogram Levels of Peptide Drug in Rabbit and Human Plasma Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry /. Crowther*, V. Adusumalli, T. Mukherjee, K. Jordan, P. Abuaf N. Corkum, G. Goldstein, and J. Tolan 2362 Quantitative Measurement of Cyclosporin A in Blood by Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry David C Muddiman, Arkady I. Gusev, Andrew Proctor, David M. Hercules*, Raman Venkataramanan, and Warren Diven 2369 Open Channel Electrochromatography on a Microchip Stephen C. Jacobson, Roland Hergenroder, Lance B. Koutny, and]. Michael Ramsey* 2374 Target Factor Modeling of Migration Behavior in Capillary Electrophoresis Rachhpal S. Sahota and Morteza G. Khaledi * continued on p. 725 A

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Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 66, No. 14, July 15, 1994


Contents 2382 Postcolumn Radionuclide Detection of Low-Energy β Emitters in Capillary Elec­ trophoresis Scott Tracht, Verna Toma, and Jonathan V. Sweedler* 2390 Eluent Modifiers for the Liquid Chro­ matographic Separation of Carboxylic Acids Using Conductivity Detection John Morris and James S. Fritz * 2397 Enhanced Extraction of Phénobarbital from Serum with a Designed Artificial Receptor Jane N. Valenta, Robert P. Dixon, Andrew D. Hamilton, and Stephen G. Weber*

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2412 Binding Studies of Vancomycin to the Cytoplasmic Peptidoglycan Precursors by Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis Jinping Liu *, Kevin J. Volk, Mike S. Lee, Michael Pucci, and Sandra Handwerger

2404 Ion Chromatograpy as Potential Reference Methodology for the Determination of Total Calcium and Magnesium in Human Serum Linda M. Thienpont*', Jean E. Van Nuwen- 2417 borg, and Dietmar Stockl Isolation of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter: Evaluation of Sequential Combinations of XAD Resins 2, 4, and 7 Technical Notes Ruben J. Lara * and David N. Thomas 2409 2420 Improved Method for the Determination of the Oxygen Isotopic Composi- Enzymatic Profiling of Immobilized Cells Using CZE tion of Cellulose Karen J. Miller and Fred E. Lytle * PeterE. SauerandLeonel d.S.L.O. Sternberg* Author Index 2424

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Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 66, No. 14, July 15, 1994
