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Apr 15, 1994 - Managing Editor: Mary Warner ... Software. Felix for Windows, an off-line NMR data processing ... BPA International Business Publicatio...
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REPORT 459 A ON THE COVER. D e t e c t i o n l i m i t s in AES Detection limits are important figures of merit in all branches of analytical chemistry. P.WJ.M. Boumans of Philips Research Laboratories reviews the approaches to calculating detection limits and describes how the results provide insight into system diagnosis, possible instrument improvements, and a better understanding of spectral interference.

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EDITOR: ROYCE W. MURRAY University of North Carolina ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Catherine C. Fenselau, University of Maryland Baltimore County, William S. Hancock, Hewlett Packard, James W. Jorgenson, University of North Carolina, Robert A. Osteryoung, North Carolina State University, Edward S. Yeung, Iowa State University/Ames Laboratory

442 A

Editorial Headquarters Research section Department of Chemistry Venable and Kenan Laboratories University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3290 Phone:919-962-2541 Fax:919-962-2542 E-mail: Murray @

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 66, No. 8, April 15, 1994

472 A A t o m i c a b s o r p t i o n : A v i e w of the early days Atomic absorption spectroscopy went through some rocky times before analytical chemists and instrument manufacturers took notice. James W. Robinson of Louisiana State University recalls the development of AAS from a marginally interesting phenomenon to a commerically viable technique with strong industrial applications.

Editorial Headquarters A-page section 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 Phone:202-872-4570 Fax: 202-872-4574 E-mail: acx96 @

Managing Editor: Mary Warner Senior Editor: Louise Voress Associate Editors: Grace K. Lee, Felicia Wach Editorial Assistant: Deborah Noble Contributing Editor: Marcia Vogel Head, Graphics and Production: Leroy L. Corcoran Division Art Director: Alan Kahan Art Director: Peggy Corrigan Designer: Michele Telschow Production Editors: Kathleen Savory, Elizabeth Wood Electronic Composition: Wanda R. Gordon

ANALYTICAL C H E M I S T R Y APRIL 15, 1994 VOLUME 66 NUMBER 8 ANCHAM 66(8) 441 A-490 A/1209-1368 (1994) ISSN 0003-2700 Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ©Copyright 1994 by the American Chemical Society

DEPARTMENTS 449 A In This Issue 453 A Analytical Currents 456 A News NIST builds a neutron spin-echo spectrometer. · EAS announces award winners. · Division of Analytical Chemistry co-sponsors EAS. · For Your Information. 469 A Software Felix for Windows, an off-line NMR data processing package, will be useful in certain niches, according to reviewer James F. Haw. · HPLC Troubleshooting provides an overview of basic techniques that is suitable for beginning HPLC users, says reviewer Joost K. Strasters. · Software released. 478 A Meetings Conferences. · Short Courses and Workshops.

481 A Product Reviews Electrospray MS. Given the variety of today's retrofit options and complete integrated MS systems, many laboratories should now consider adding electrospray ionization to their repertoire of techniques. We review the basic theory and compare the features of several commercial products.

RESEARCH Accelerated Article 1209 Dynamic Surface Tension Detection by Optically Probing a Repeating Drop Rate Lawrence R. Lima, III, Darren R. Dunphy, and Robert E. Synovec* Articles 1217 Enzyme-Substrate Kinetics of Adsorbed Cytochrome c Peroxidase on Pyrolytic Graphite Electrodes Donna L. Scott and Edmond F. Bowden *

1224 Detection of Reversible Redox Species by Substitutional Stripping Voltammetry Tsutomu Horiuchi*, Osamu Niwa, and Hisao Tabei 1231 Amperometric Glucose Sensors Based on Immobilized Glucose OxidasePolyquinone System Takahiko Kaku, Hiroko I. Karan, and Yoshiyuki Okamoto * 1236 Application of Photochemical Reaction in Electrochemical Detection of DNA Intercalation P. C. PandeyandH. H. Weetall* 1242 Dithiocarbamate Extraction and Au(III) Back Extraction for Determination of Mercury in Water and Biological Samples by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry Jem-Mau Lo* andJun-DerLee 1249 Frequency, Current, and Amplitude Maps of Oscillating-Plasma Glow Discharge GC Detectors Bryan Cook and Edward H. Piepmeier* continued on p. 445 A

Copyright Permission: An individual may make a single reprographic copy of an article in this publication for personal use. Reprographic copying beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law is allowed, provided that the appropriate per-copy fee is paid through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923. For reprint permission, write Copyright Journals Dept., Columbus, Ohio Administrator, Publications Division, Editorial Office Manager: Mary E. ScanlanA-page Advisory Panel: Frank V. Bright, ACS, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Journals Editing Manager: Kathleen E. Raymond E. Clement, Therese M. Cotton, Washington, DC 20036. Norman J. Dovichi, Royce C. Engstrom, Duffy Mary Ellen P. McNally, John W. Olesik, Associate Editor: Lorraine Gibb BPA International Business Publication J. Michael Ramsey, Robert D. Voyksner Membership Applied for August 1993. Assistant Editor: Brenda S. Wooten Publications Division Director: Robert H. Marks Head, Special Publications: Anthony Durniak Head, Journals: Charles R. Bertsch Head, Publications Marketing: David Schulbaum

Advisory Board: Phyllis Brown, Bruce Chase, Joseph G. Gordon, David M. Haaland, Joel M. Harris, Franz Hillenkamp, Kiyokatsu Jinno, Dennis C. Johnson, Richard A. Keller, Peter Kissinger, Gary E. Maciel, Scott M. McLuckey, Milos V. Novotny, Geraldine Richmond, Ralph Riggin, James A. Yergey Ex Officio: Janet Osteryoung

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Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 66, No. 8, April 15, 1994 443 A

Contents 1254 Fabrication and Characterization of Low Loss, Sol-Gel Planar Waveguides Lin Yang, S. Scott Saavedra *, Neal R. Armstrong, and John Hayes 1264 Photoactivated Luminescence Method for Rapid Screening of Polychlorinated Biphenyls T. Vo-Dinh *, A. Pal, and T. Pal 1269 Analytical Determination of Enantiomeric Purity Using Raman Optical Activity Kevin M. Spencer*, Robert B. Edmonds, R. David Rauh, and Michael M. Carrabba 1274 Structural Characterization of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Dihydrodiol Epoxide DNA Adducts Using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry E. A. Stemmler*, M. V. Buchanan, G. B. Hurst, and R. L. Hettich * 1286 Measurement of High-Dynamic-Range Thorium Isotopic Ratios Using Continuous-Wave Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry Brian M. Tissue, David A. Pickett, and Bryan L. Fearey *

1294 Curve Fitting for Restoration of Accuracy for Overlapping Peaks in Gas Chromatography/Combustion Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Keith]. Goodman and J. Thomas Brenna*

1334 Quantification of Compound Classes in Complex Mixtures and Fuels Using HPLC with Differential Refractive Index Detection Charles W. Sink and Dennis R. Hardy*

1302 Chemical Derivatization for Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry. 1. Alkyl Halides, Alcohols, Phenols, Thiols, and Amines /. Martin E. Quirke *, Christopher L. Adams, and Gary J. Van Berkel*

1339 Membrane Extraction with a Sorbent Interface for Capillary Gas Chromatography MinJ. Yang, Susan Harms, Yu Z. Luo, and Janusz Pawliszyn *

1316 Determination of Tellurium in Urine by Isotope Dilution Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Using (4-Fluorophenyl) magnesium Bromide as a Derivatizing Agent and a Comparison with Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Suresh K. Aggarwal, Michael Kinter, James Nicholson, and David A. Herold* 1323 Fingerprint Identification of Organic Compounds Using an Oscillating Plasma Glow Discharge Detector for Gas Chromatography Diane L. Smith and Edward H. Piepmeier* 1330 Solid-Phase Extraction of Ascorbic Acid 2-Sulfate from Cysts of the Brine Shrimp Artemia franciscana Hans J. Nelis, Greet Merchie, Patrick havens, Patrick Sorgeloos, and André P. De Leenheer*

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1347 Fluorescent Substrate for Potential Use in Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay of Membrane-Bound Nucleic Acids Satoshi Fujita *, Masayoshi Momiyama, Yasumitsu Kondo, Naoto Kagiyama, Samuel H, Hori, and Takeshi Torn 1354 Noninvasive Spectroscopy for Monitoring Cell Density in a Fermentation Process Zhihong Ge *, Anna G. Cavinato, and James Β. Callis 1363 MS/MS with High Detection Effi­ ciency and Mass Resolving Power for Product Ions in Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry Shenheng Guan, Alan G. Marshall *, and Markus C. Wahl Author Index

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