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Environmental Science & Technology • Copyright 1984 by the American Chemical Society Editor: Russell F. Christman Associate Editor: John H. Seinfeld Associate Editor: Philip C. Singer



ADVISORY BOARD Julian B. Andelman, Marcia C. Dodge, Steven Eisenreich, William H. Glaze, Michael R. Hoffmann, Lawrence H. Keith, Donald Mackay, Jarvis Movers, Kathleen C. Taylor, Eugene B. Welch

Volume 19, Number 1, January 1985

WASHINGTON EDITORIAL STAFF Managing Editor: Stanton S. Miller Associate Editor: Julian Josephson MANUSCRIPT REVIEWING Manager: Janice L. Fleming Associate Editor: Monica Creamer Assistant Editor: Yvonne D. Curry Assistant Editor: Mary Ellen Provencher


3 Editorial 4 Letters 5 Currents 21 Advisory Board 22 Editorial policy 22 Instructions to authors 24 Peer review policy IBC Copyright release form

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8 Proficiency testing of environmental laboratories. The New York State experience for the past five years. James C. Daly and Kurt E. Asmus, New York State Department of Health, Albany, N.Y

14 Coal liquefaction products. What are the environnmental consequences when they are released to inland waters? Jeffrey M. Giddings, Stephen E. Herbes, and Carl W. Gehrs, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Term.

REGULATORY FOCUS 19 RCRA. Richard Dowd explains the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the only environmental law reauthorized by the 98th Congress, and points out changes in the new law.

RESEARCH 27 Airborne trace elements in Great Smoky Mountains, Olympic, and Glacier National Parks. Cliff I. Davidson,* William D. Goold, Thomas Ρ Mathison, G. Bruce Wiersma, Kenneth W. Brown, and Michael Τ Reilly Particles containing trace elements may undergo successive deposition and resuspension processes during trans­ port from the source to the ultimate sink. 35 Statistical considerations in the eval­ uation of chronic aquatic toxicity studies. Thomas Capizzi,* Leonard Oppenheimer, Hina Mehta, Hussein Naimie, and Jenny L. Fair This strategy for the statistical analy­ sis of chronic aquatic toxicity tests of­ fers several improvements over stand­ ard practice.

ESTHAG 19(1) 1-96 (1985) ISSN 0013-936X Credits: pp. 8,11, courtesy New York State Department of Health, Center for Laboratories and Research, Photography Unit; p. 14, courtesy Southern Company Services; p. 16, courtesy Oak Ridge National Laboratory; p. 21, ESaTs Julian Josephson Cover: Courtesy Cliff Davidson, Carnegie-Mellon University

Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 19, No. 1, 1985 1