Contents - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Editorial Assistant: Deborah Noble. Contributing Editor: Marcia Vogel. Head ... lems from virtual impossibility to virtual reality, complete with joys...
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REPORT 1065 A Dynamic 2D IR spectroscopy

1079 A


1065 A

Dynamic IR spectroscopy coupled with 2D correlation analysis can provide insights into polymer deformation mechanisms, identify submolecular interaction sites in polymer blend systems, and enhance the resolution of spectral features. Curtis Marcott, Anthony E. Dowrey, and Isao Noda of The Procter & Gamble Com­ pany review the theory of the technique, explain the instrumentation required, and describe applications.

REPORT 1079 A Ion sources for inorganic MS

1091 A

EDITOR: ROYCE W. MURRAY University of North Carolina ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Catherine C. Fenselau, University of Maryland Baltimore County, William S. Hancock, Hewlett Packard, James W. Jorgenson, University of North Carolina, Robert A. Osteryoung, North Carolina State University, Edward S. Yeung, Iowa State University/Ames Laboratory

1044 A

Editorial Headquarters Research section Department of Chemistry Venable and Kenan Laboratories University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3290 Phone: 919-962-2541 Fax: 919-962-2542 E-mail: Murray @

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 66, No. 21, November 1, 1994

Until the past decade, inorganic MS was limited because most inorganic samples are nonvolatile and difficult to ionize. Since then, researchers have adapted new ion sources and refined old ones. Debra Colodner and Vincent Salters of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Co­ lumbia University and Douglas C. Duck­ worth of Oak Ridge National Laboratory review recent advances in producing ions from liquid and solid samples.

Editorial Headquarters A-page section 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 202-872-4570 Fax: 202-872-4574 E-mail: acx96 @

Managing Editor: Mary Warner Senior Editor: Louise Voress Associate Editor: Felicia Wach Editorial Assistant: Deborah Noble Contributing Editor: Marcia Vogel Head, Graphics and Production: Leroy L. Corcoran Division Art Director: Alan Kahan Art Director: Peggy Corrigan Designer: Michele Telschow Production Editors: Kathleen Savory, Elizabeth Wood Electronic Composition: Wanda R. Gordon

AUAUmCAL C H E M I S T R Y NOVEMBER 1, 1994 VOLUME 66 NUMBER 21 ANCHAM 66(21) 1043 A-1100 A/3553-3848 (1994) ISSN 0003-2700 Registered In U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ©Copyright 1994 by the American Chemical Society

1090 A • Meetings



1053 A It In This Issue

Conferences. · Short Course. · Call for Papers.

1058 A Β Editorial

1091 A • Focus

In the year of the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the end of World War II, chemists should be aware of how strongly the war and its aftermath shaped the present world of chemistry.

Parallel computing. By splitting calcula­ tion problems into subsets of tasks and data, parallel computing takes knotty sim­ ulation and theoretical chemistry prob­ lems from virtual impossibility to virtual reality, complete with joystick and sound effects.

1059 A β Analytical Currents

1095 A • New Products

1062 A • News

NIST researchers reach absolute zero, almost. · NIST and ANSI to develop electronic standards network. · Chroma­ tography nomenclature from IUPAC. • NSF establishes six new engineering research centers. · Nominations.

A synchrotron source X-ray detector; an electrospray LC/MS system for peptide sequencing; and a thermogravimetric ana­ lyzer that determines moisture, volatiles, ash, fixed carbon, or loss on ignition for various samples are featured. · Instru­ mentation. · Literature. · Catalogs.

1076 A S Books

1098 A • Information Express


3553 Instrument for Evaluating Phase Be­ havior of Mixtures for Supercritical Fluid Experiments Steven H. Page*, JanetF. Morrison, Rich­ ard G. Christensen, and Steven J. Choquette 3558 Stoichiometry of Latent Acidity in Buff­ ered Chloroaluminate Ionic Liquids /. C. Quarmby, R. A. Mantz, L. M. Goldenberg, andR. A. Osteryoung* 3562 Trace Metal Redistribution During Ex­ traction of Model Soils by Acetic Acid/ Sodium Acetate Tu Qiang, Shan Xiao-Quan *, Qian Jin, and Ni Zhe-Ming

Bruce Parkinson reviews a new volume that explains, rather than derives, elec­ trode kinetics, and Hee-Yong Kim looks at a recent text on MS of lipids.

continued on p. 1047 A Publications Division Director: Robert H. Marks Head, Special Publications: Anthony Durniak Head, Journals: Charles R. Bertsch Head, Publications Marketing: David Schulbaum

Advisory Board: Phyllis Brown, Bruce Chase, Joseph G. Gordon, David M. Haaland, Joel M. Harris, Franz Hillenkamp, Kiyokatsu Jinno, Dennis C. Johnson, Richard A. Keller, Peter Kissinger, Gary E. Maciel, Scott M. McLuckey, Milos V. Novotny, Geraldine Richmond, Ralph Riggin, James A. Yergey Ex Officio: Henry Blount III

Journals Dept., Columbus, Ohio Editorial Office Manager: Mary E. Scanlan Journals Editing Manager: Kathleen E. Duffy Associate Editor: Lorraine Gibb Assistant Editor: Stephanie L. Mallon

A-page Advisory Panel: Frank V. Bright, Raymond E. Clement, Therese M. Cotton, Norman J. Dovichi, Royce C. Engstrom, Mary Ellen P. McNally, John W. Olesik, J. Michael Ramsey, Robert D. Voyksner

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Analytical Chemistry (ISSN 0003-2700) is published semimonthly by the Ameri­ can Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washing­ ton, DC 20036. Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Analytical Chemistry, Member & Subscriber Services, P.O. Box 3337, Columbus, OH 43210. Canadian GST Reg. No. R127571347.



Vol. 66, No. 21, November

1, 1994