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Volume 4, Number 10, October


Editor: James J. Morgan Managing Editor: D. H. Michael Bowen Assistant Editors: Stanton S. Miller, Peter J. Piecuch Editorial Assistant: Carol E. Knapp Manager, Manuscript Reviewing: Katherine I. Biggs Assistant Editor: Norma Yess Editorial Assistant: Jo Ann Toland Director of Design: Joseph Jacobs Production Manager: Bacil Guiley Art Director: Norman W. Favin Associate Production Manager: Leroy L. Corcoran Layout and Production: Clarence L. Rakow, Geraldine D. Lucas Associate Production Manager: Charlotte C. Sayre Editorial Assistant: Angela L. Bassage Advisory Board: R. D. Cadle, D. J. O'Connor, Ulrich Merten, J. C. Morris, C. E. Moser, P. K. Mueller, E. D. Palmes, J. N. Pitts, Jr., W. J. Weber, Jr. American Chemical Society Publications 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Director of Publications: Richard L. Kenyon Director of Business Operations: Joseph H. Kuney Group Manager, Journals: John K. Crum Executive Assistant to the Director of Publications: Rodney N. Hader Circulation Director: Herbert C. Spencer Assistant to the Director of Publications: William Q. Hull Advertising Management: Century Communications Corporation For offices and advertisers, see 870 © Copyright 1970 by the American Chemical Society. ES&T ON MICROFILM: This publication is avail­ able on microfilm. For information, write to: Microfilm, Special Issues Sales, ACS, 1155 Sixteenth St.. N.W.,

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Letters Radiation limits, doing right, and a universal waste index 786 Editorial Emissions standards are inevitable


Viewpoint Punitive laws are wasteful, says U.S. Steel's Ε. Β. Speer 791 Currents Commission proposed to study pollution from energy production 793 New test procedures for exhaust emissions set for publication 793 FWQA lists four industries for effluent control studies

Highlights from 160th National ACS meeting in Chicago 801

Outlook Red tape in Clean Air Act debated vigorously in the states as Congress considers amendments 802 Ocean disposal on the rise, and U.S. still has no regulatory mechanism 805 Secondary fiber reuse likely to increase as new technology spurs reclamation efforts 807 FWQA's advanced waste treatment lab has key role in developing new technology 809 Drinking water quality, a question of minimum standards vs. recommended goals 811

793 Feature

Coast Guard to report to Congress on chemical spills hazards 793 Open burning ban among six new Oklahoma air pollution regulations 795 Georgia to require certification of treatment plant operators 795

Polychlorinated biphenyls are already widely dispersed in the biosphere, but early recognition of their dangers is encouraging, according to Carl G. Gustafson 814 Industry trends


New products


New ES&T staff member


New literature


New package plant features nutrient removal 797



Seawater shows promise as flue gas scrubbing agent 797

Meeting guide


Chicago charts progress on industrial emissions control Colorado adopts rules on grants for treatment plants

795 state 795

Firm markets system for treatment of effluents by gamma radiation 797

Professional Consulting Services directory 868

Space-borne sensor to map global CO levels 797 Entering the pollution control market is not easy, ΑΜΑ told


Industrial park offers in-house assistance on pollution problems


Japanese firm says control equipment sales to triple by 1972


U.S. firm gets rights to Israeli process for reclaiming waste water 799

Current research contents

Volume 4, Number 10, October 1970