Environmental Science & Technology ® Copyright 1989 by the American Chemical Society Editor: William H. Glaze Associate Editor: John H. Seinfeld Associate Editor: Philip C. Singer ADVISORY BOARD Roger Atkinson, Joan M. Daisey, Fritz H. Frimmel, Nicholas E. Gallopoulos, George R. Helz, Ronald A Hites, James Leckie, Donald Mackay, Ralph Mitchell, Walter J. Weber, Jr., Alexander J.B. Zehnder, Richard G. Zepp WASHINGTON EDITORIAL STAFF Managing Editor: Stanton S. Miller Associate Editor: Julian Josephson MANUSCRIPT REVIEWING Manager: Monica Creamer Associate Editors: Yvonne D. Curry, Diane Scott Assistant Editor: Marie C. Wiggins MANUSCRIPT EDITING Journals Editing Manager: Mary E. Scanlan Assistant Editor: Lorraine Gibb Director, Operational Support: C. Michael Phillippe GRAPHICS AND PRODUCTION Production Manager: Leroy L. Corcoran Art Director: Alan Kahan Designer: Peggy Corrigan Production Editor: Jennie Reinhardt PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Director: Robert H. Marks Head, Special Publications Department: Randall E. Wedin Head, Journals Department: Charles R. Bertsch Head, Research and Development Department: Lorrin R. Garson ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT Centcom, Ltd. For officers and advertisers, see page 524. p
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CONTENTS Volume 23, Number 5, May 1989
508 International transport of hazardous waste. Albert E. Fry examines reasons hazardous waste is being shipped around the world. 510 Global hazardous transfers. Harvey Yakowitz discusses the transport of hazardous wastes across international frontiers. 496 Subsurface transport of contaminants. Mobile colloids in the subsurface environment may alter the transport of contaminants. John F. McCarthy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN and John M. Zachara, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, WA. 503 Introduction to a series of articles on remedial action technologies. The cleaning up of hazardous waste sites.
DEPARTMENTS 491 Editorial 492 Letters 493 Currents 512 Environmental index 514 Books 516 Products 520 Classified 524 Consulting services directory
Remediation of groundwater contamination—the second article of a five-part series on remedial action technologies
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The American Chemical Society assumes no responsibility for statements and opinions advanced by contributors to the publication. Views expressed in editorials are those of the author and do not necessarily represent an official position of the society.
511 Environmental awards. ES&T's Julian Josephson lists the winners of the 1989 Graduate Student Awards in Environmental Chemistry.
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504 Field screening of hazardous waste sites. The first of a five-part series on remedial action technologies. Wayne Chudyk, Tufts University, Medford, MA.
REGULATORY FOCUS 513 Needed: An enforcement threshold. Alvin L. Aim suggests that Congress and EPA need to reach a consensus on how many Superfund sites may be cleaned up, at what cost, and over what time period.
525 Relationship between subsurface biodégradation rates and microbial density. Gary T. Hickman* and John T. Novak Biodégradation kinetics of methanol, phenol, and ieri-butyl alcohol in soils are studied, and rates are regressed against measures of microbial density. ESTHAG 23(5)489-618 (1989) ISSN 0013 936X Cover: (and p. 504, third photo) Mark B. Thompson. Waste site is investigated by Paul Jones and Gary Moore. Credits: p. 494, Henry Wilson, Inc.; p. 495, Du Pont; p. 496, Robert Soulé; p. 504 (first photo), Lester Brown; p. 509, Donald Gates
Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 23, No. 5, 1989