Contents - American Chemical Society

Environmental Management Science grants awarded. 599 A ... Software. Easy structure drawing. ChemWindow. Professional, a program for orawing chem-...
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REPORT 600 A ON THE COVER. Nonlinear spectroscopy Nonlinear techniques such as multiphoton spectroscopy, CARS, DFWM, SHG, and DFG offer advantages in resolution and selectivity over conventional methods. John C. Wright and co-workers at the University of Wisconsin explore the principles underlying nonlinear spectroscopy and describe representative analytical applications.

REPORT 609 A Characterizing ancient bacteria Amber-entombed pieces of ancient life provide a window on the past and may provide novel chemical structures that could have therapeutic value. Raul Cano of California Polytechnical State University describes how organisms removed from amber are classified by their morphological and biochemical characteristics.

572 A

Analytical Chemistry News & Features, October 1, 1996


1, 1996

ANCHAM 68(19) 571 A-636 A/3305-3524 (1996) ISSN 0003-2700 Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ©Copyright 1996 by the American Chemical Society

NEWS 593 A Analytical Currents

Adhesion-based AF M measurements correlate with chemical reaction. • Analytical alphabet soup analyzes hemoglobin from a single cell. • GC-rfGDMS for elemental speciation studies. • The nose knows. • A close look at metal film formation. • An FT-IR alternative to the Pap smear. • PMNSOM of rhodamine 110. • New strategy for assigning MS protein fragments. • Measuring ascorbic acid kinetics. • Getting more information from MALDITOFMS. • Crank up the pH. • There s an AOTF in my atomic spectrometer! • Characterizing spicy tumor inhibitors. 598 A Government

Delaney Clause finally overturned. • Drinking-water bill eases monitoring. • Environmental Management Science grants awarded. 599 A

Business Agreement to develop robotic lab. • Electronic lab book consortium expands.

DEPARTMENTS 575 A In AC Research 586 A Editorial Information

589 A Editorial

625 A Product Review

Basic and applied environmental analytical chemistry. It needs to be more widely appreciated that the activities of basic researchers and the effectiveness of their interfaces to the users of analytical applications are key ingredients of environmental analytical chemistry.

Measuring the masses. The universal response of the quartz crystal microbalance is a double-edged sword that expands and limits the applications. We review recent innovations and differences in instrument design.

590 A Letters to the Editor 612 A Focus

Switzerland's Laboratory for the Environment Analytical chemistry plays a major role at the Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology.

630 A New Products

A packed-column supercritical fluid chromatograph, a submerged gel electrophoresis system, and an MS detector for LC are featured. • Instrumentation. • Literature. • Catalogs. 634 A Information Express 1C AC Research Contents

616 A • Software

Easy structure drawing. ChemWindow Professional, a program for orawing chem- 3 3 0 5 - 3 5 2 3 AC Research ical structures, is reviewed by Ray Clement of the Ontario Ministry for the Envi3524 ronment. • Software released. Author Index

618 A Books

A sensitive but underused technique. Laser-Enhanced Ionization Spectrometry is reviewed by Jean-Michel Mermet of the University of Lyon (France). • Analyzing the past. Archeological Chemistry is reviewed by Michael D. Glascock of the University of Missouri. • Books received. 620 A Meetings

EAS returns to NJ. The 35th Annual Eastern Analytical Symposium will be held at the Garden State Convention Center in Somerset, NJ, Nov. 17-22. • Conferences.

Analytical Chemistry News & Features, October 1, 1996 573 A