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applications that use the more common modes of electrophoretic separation. 386 A On the ... GC/MS: A Practical User's Guide is reviewed by Joseph Slay...
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FEATURES 3 7 8 A Advances in CE/MS. For many reasons, mass spectrometry is viewed as the most universal of all the detectors that can be coupled with capillary electrophoresis techniques. Jianmei Ding of Waters Corporation and Paul Vouros of Northeastern University describe the major developments in CE/MS over the past four years, emphasizing applications that use the more common modes of electrophoretic separation. CE interfaces with MS. Page 378 A.

386 A On the Cover. Nanoparticle Detection Technology for Chemical Analysis. The condensation nucleation process—the same phenomenon responsible for clouds and fog—has recently become the basis of several methods of chemical analysis. John A. Koropchak, Salma Sadain, Xiaohui Yang, Lars-Erik Magnusson, Man Heybroek, Michael Anisimov of Southern Illinois University; and Stanley L Kaufman of TSI survey these methods and present examples of how these approaches are currently being applied. NEWS 369 A • Analytical Currents Matching spectra. • Backscatter detection for CE. • More than low flow. • Molecular beacons put down roots. • Beaming through water droplets. • New stationary phase. • Electronic dot blot for SNPs. • Understanding chemisorbed CO. • Lions, tigers, and bears. • MIP for estrogenic compounds.

Technology for nanoparticles. Page 386 A. GRAPHICS FOR COVER DESIGN SUPPLED BY TSI, INC.

3 7 2 A • Science Just say NO. With all the various roles nitric oxide plays in biological functions, there is a need for fast and selective methods of detection. Raoul Kopelman and co-workers at the University of Michigan introduce a biosensor based on a fluorescent dye-labeled heme domain of soluble guanylate cyclase. • Shap ing up. Shape is one of the factors that influences the properties of nanoparticles. Guor-Tzo Wei, C. R. Chris Wang, and Fu-Ken Liu of Taiwan's Nattonal Chung-Cheng University investigate using size-exclusion chromatography to separate nanoparticles of differing shapes. • Rapid MIPs screening. With all the variables in synthesizing molecularly imprinted polymers, how does one pick the best conditions? Borje Sellergren and Francesca Lanza of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in Germany have developed a method for rapidly synthesizing and screening "mini" MIPs. 374 A • N e w s from ABRF '99 New biological standards considered. • Virtual electrophoresis. 375 A • N e w s from the ACS National Meeting Putting ion traps to the test. • Keep away from the surface.

C22 stationary phase. Page 371 A.

376 A • Business Net effect of bidding. 377 A • People 1999 EAS award winners. • Simon scholarships.

"This article is also available on the Web at, under "Hot Articles".

356 A

Analytical Chemistry News & Features, June 1, 1999

ANALYTICAL C H E M I S T R Y JUNE 1, 1999/VOL. 71 NO. 11 ANCHAM 355 A-420 A/2067-2254 (1999) ISSN 0003-2700

DEPARTMENTS 359 A • Editorial Molecular recognition. Chemical sensors that require strong selectivity have become an important area of research.

363 A • In A C Research 395 A • Focus Analysis at home. Home testing kits can monitor glucose, determine ovulation, or screen for HIV. However, good science is only part of what makes a kit successful. 401 A • Product Review GC/MS: Not the same old combination. A lot has changed in the past five years.

Analytical chemistry comes home. Page 395 A.

408 A • Meetings International Symposium on Chiral Discrimination. • Gordon Research Conference on Analytical Chemistry. • Waste Testing and Quality Assurance. • Conferences. • Short courses. 4 1 2 A • Books and Software Indepth scintillation analysis. Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis ys reviewed by Sheldon Landsberger of the University of Texas-Austin. • SFC for all stages. Supercritical Fluid Chromatography with Packed Columns—Techniques and Applications is reviewed dy Thomas L. Chester of Procter & Gamble. • GC/MS guide. GC/MS: A Practical User's Guide is reviewed by Joseph Slayton of the U.S. EPA • Software released. 415 A • N e w Products A UV-vis spectrophotometer is featured. • Instrumentation. • Catalog. 4 1 8 A • Information sxpress 1C

Benchtop GC/MS. Page 404 A.

AC Research Contents

2067 2253 • AC Research 2254 • Author Index

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Analytical Chemistry News & Features, June 1, 1999 357 A