Continental® Water Systems Corporation

ON TOMORROW. Your diligence demands excellence, so we have engineeredlaboratory water purification systems with such care that you can now take water ...
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WELL TAKE CARE OF THE WATER, YOU CONCENTRATE O N TOMORROW. Your diligence demands excellence, so we have engineered laboratory water purification systems with such care that you can now take water purity for granted.

Modulab™the Ultimate Expression in High Purity Water

Modulatf is a series of compact, complete, and adaptable water purification systems ready to provide the type of water you need: Type I, Type II, Point-of-Use Ultrafiltration, or High Purity Dl Recirculation. The Modulab™ Series will prove to be the most versatile and dependable members of your research team. Find out how Modulab™ can help you realize the future. Call toll-free 800426-3426, in Texas (512) 680-2851, Telex 76-3601. Or write, Continental* Water Systems Corporation, RO. Box 40369, San Antonio, Texas 78229, so you can concentrate on tomorrow.

Continental Water Systems Corporation

© 1987 Continental* Visiter Systems Corporation

World LeaderM liighFuriPif Water9

See us at the Pittsburgh Conference Booth Nos. 10055-10057. CIRCLE 33 ON READER SERVICE CARD