Continuing Series - ACS Publications

Jan 28, 1973 - phia, Pa. 19103 (add 5% shipping charges for countries other than ... changed in status since the 1973 edi- tion. Among the new standar...
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X-Ray Energy Spectrometry. 160 pages. Kevex Corp., 898 Mahler Road, Burlingame, Calif. 94101. 1974. $8.45 (includes postage and handling)

This manual describes the principles, techniques, and available instrumentation and contains hundreds of graphs, tables, and illustrations. Kodak Plates and Films for Scientific Photography. Publication No. P-315. 84 pages. Eastman Kodak Co., Department 454, Rochester, N.Y. 14650. 1974. $2.50

This data book contains information about photographic properties of a selection of Kodak plates and films for some unusual scientific and technical photo applications. The book is also available from photographic dealers.

Interlaboratory Cooperative Study of the Precision and Accuracy of the Measurement o f . . . Content in the Atmosphere . . . Nitrogen Dioxide (using ASTM method D1607). DS 55. Publication Code No. 05-055000-17. 81 pages. 1974. Paperbound. $5.00 . . . Sulfur Dioxide (using ASTM method D2914). D S 5 5 - S 1 . Publication Code No. 05-055010-17. 82 pages. 1974. Paperbound. $5.00 . . . Total Sulfation (using ASTM method D2010). DS 55-S2. Publication Code No. 05-055020-17. 48 pages. 1974. Paperbound. $5.00 . . . Particulate Matter (using ASTM method D1704). DS 55-S3. Publication Code No. 05-055030-17. 65 pages. 1974. Paperbound. $5.00 . . . Dust Fall (using ASTM method D1739). DS55-S4. Publication Code No. 05-055040-17. 48 pages. 1974. Paperbound. $5.00

Analytical Chemistry of Silicon. L. V. Myshlyaeva and V. V. Krasnoshchekov. Translated by J. Schmorak. viii + 228 pages. Halstead Press, 605 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1974. $30

The five reports listed above present the results obtained from an experimental study of the accuracy and precision of the measurement of atmospheric contamination determined by each of the ASTM methods. The experimental work was performed by eight cooperating laboratories on three locations: Los Angeles, Calif.; Bloomington, Ind.; and New York, N.Y. Each report presents a summary of results, the experimental program in detail, the statistical analysis of the measurement, conclusions, and references.

This volume is an attempt at a systematic presentation of the published data on the chemistry of silicon. It generally follows the organization of the previous volumes in the series "Analytical Chemistry of the Elements."

The 1974 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 12: Chemical Analysis of Metals; Sampling and Analysis of Metal Bearing Ores. Publication Code No. 01-012074-24. 840 pages. 1974. $26.25

Continuing Series

Mossbauer Effect Methodology, Vol 8. Irwin J . Gruverman and Carl W. Seidel, Eds. xii + 281 pages. Plenum Publishing Corp., 227 West 17th St., New York, N.Y. 10011. 1973. $22.50

Sixteen papers were selected for the eighth symposium on Mossbauer effect methodology held in New York City on January 28, 1973, and are presented in full in this volume.

ASTM Publications The following are available from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 (add 5% shipping charges for countries other than U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico)

Part 12 contains 81 standards of which 6% are new, revised, or changed in status since the 1973 edition. Among the new standards are chemical analysis of copper-base alloys and tests for Al, and Ca and Mg in iron ores by AA.

The 1974 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 28: Paint—Pigments, Resins, and Polymers. Publication Code No. 01-028074-14. 562 pages. 1974. $17.50

This book contains 140 standards of which 24% are new, revised, or changed in status. Among the new standards are a recommended practice for qualitative identification of polymers in emulsion, chemical analysis of phthalocyanine blue and green pigments, and analysis of white zinc pigments. The 1974 Annual Book of Standards, Part 29: Paint—Fatty Oils and Acids, Solvents, Miscellaneous; Aromatic Hydrocarbons; Naval Stores. Publication Code No. 01-029074-14. 828 pages. 1974. $25.50

This volume contains 240 standards of which 12% are new, revised, or changed in status. One of the new standards is a test for aromatics in mineral spirits by GC. Parts 27-29 of the "Annual Book" contain all of the ASTM standards on paint and related products. Manual of Industrial Corrosion Standards and Control. Special Technical Publication 534. Publication Code No. 04-534000-27. 312 pages. 1974. $16.75

This book is a working source book of procedures, equipment, and standards currently being used to solve industrial testing and control problems. The aim is to combine a brief discussion of fundamental principles with descriptions of techniques and methods as well as the types of problems to which these are applied. Nondestructive Rapid Identification of Metals and Alloys by Spot Test. Special Technical Publication 550. Publication Code No. 04-550000-24. 56 pages. 1974. Paperbound. $4.00

The contents of this publication include test techniques and precautions, charts, identification of metals and alloys, and procedures for determining pure metals and the metals in alloys.

The 1974 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 27: Paint—Test for Formulated Products and Applied Coatings. Publication Code No. 0 1 027074-14. 846 pages. 1974. $26.25

Manual on the Use of Thermocouples in Temperature Measurement. Special Technical Publication 470A. Publication Code No. 04-470010-40. 262 pages. 1974. $17.50

Part 27 contains 196 standards of which 34% are new, revised, or changed in status. Two of the new standards included are recommended practices for direct injection of solvent-base paints into a gas chromatograph and for vacuum distillation of solvents from solvent-base paints.

The contents of this manual include principles, circuits, standard E M F tables, stability and compatibility data, and installation techniques. Although the manual is intended to be comprehensive, an extensive bibliography is given to further aid the user.