Continuing Series - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

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Books Continuing Series Advances in Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, Vol. 4. R.J.H. Clark and R. E. Hester, Eds. xv + 353 pages. Heyden & Son Inc., 247 South 41st St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. 1978. $44

Volume 4 contains, as do the previous volumes of the series, critical review articles on both fundamental and applied aspects of infrared and Raman spectroscopy. The titles of six chapters and their respective contributors are: vibrational spectroscopy of free radicals, R. E. Hester; measurement of optical constants in the infrared by attenuated total reflection, Bruce Crawford, Jr., Thomas G. Goplen, and Douglas Swanson; infrared emission spectroscopy, P. V. Huong; band shapes and molecular dynamics in liquids, J.H.R. Clarke; low-frequency vibrations of molecules with biological interest, Gerard Vergoten, Guy Fleury, and Yves Moschetto; Raman optical activity, L. D. Barron. Each review typically begins with a brief introduction followed by a discussion of the developments in the field both in theoretical and experimental aspects. The literature is surveyed through 1976. The Chemistry of Nonaqueous Solvents, Vol. 5A. J. J. Lagowski, Ed. xvii 4- 297 pages. Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10003. 1978. $31

Originating in 1965, this series attempts to analyze the chemistry of nonaqueous solvents from two points: the theoretical aspect and solvent consideration. Volume 5A discusses the theoretical aspects of nonaqueous solution with independent consideration to solvent. The six chapters contributed by 11 authors are: solvation and complex formation in protic and aprotic solvents, solvent basicity, nonaqueous solvents in organic electroanalytical chemistry, ion-selective electrodes in nonaqueous solvents, pyridine as a nonaqueous solvent, and anhydrous hydrazine and water-hydrazine mixtures. Each chapter contains an introduction, a lengthy discussion, and a literature list. The Chemistry of Nonaqueous Solvents, Vol. 5B. J. J. Lagowski, Ed. xvi + 360 pages. Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10003. 1978. $36.50

Volume 5B completes the series on the chemistry of nonaqueous solvents. The text analyzes the subject of nonaqueous solvents by considering individual solvent tyDes. Nine authors

contributed five chapters: trifluoracetic acid, halosulfuric acids, the interhalogens, inorganic halides and oxyhalides as solvents, and molten salts as nonaqueous solvents. Volume 5B is identical to volume 5A in organization and style.

phia, Pa. 19103. (USA, Canada, and Mexico add 3% shipping charges. Other countries add 5%.)

Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy, Vol. 6c. E. F. Mooney, Ed. xiii + 658 pages. Academic Press Inc. (London) Ltd., 2 4 - 2 8 Oval Road, London NWI 7DX, England. 1977. £33.50/$65.50

This book gives the present state of knowledge in the use of the following surface techniques: Auger electron spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectric spectroscopy, ion scattering spectroscopy, and surface ionization mass spectrometry. Equal attention is given to the theoretical and experimental studies of quantitation. The contents of the book is divided into two sections—quantitative analysis using electron spectroscopic methods and quantitative analysis using ion induced methods—containing 12 experimental papers with discussions following some. There are as many as 29 authors covering materials such as alloys, semiconductors, glass, and commonly encountered specimens involving surface analysis.

This book is a collection of NMR spectroscopy data on the organo-metal carbonyl compounds organized in tables numbered I-XIII according to the transition metal atom. Subdivisions for ligands into the hapto order and for the number of carbonyl groups attached to the metal are also provided. For those compounds that have two or more carbon-bonded ligands of differing hapto order, a subgroup Mixed Ligands is given. Each table contains the formula, compound, solvent, a (ppm), coupling constant in Hz, and any necessary remarks. A complete reference list is at the end of the text. Advances In Chromatography, Vol. 16. J. Calvin Giddings, et al. xvi + 290 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1978. $28.75

Volume 16 of the "Advances in Chromatography" series presents eight review articles written by nine contributors in the field of chromatography. Chapter titles are: analysis of benzo(a)pyrene metabolism by highpressure liquid chromatography, highperformance liquid chromatography of the steroid hormones, numerical taxonomy in chromatography, chromatography of oligosaccharides and related compounds on ion-exchange resins, applications and theory of finite concentration frontal chromatography, the liquid-chromatographic resolution of enantiomers, the use of high-pressure liquid chromatography in research on purine nucleoside analogs, and the determination of di- and polyamines by high-pressure liquid and gas chromatography. Each chapter contains a brief introduction and a summary or conclusion section. The extensive literature references provided at the end of each chapter include some as recent as 1977. The book is a good quality offset copy of typewritten text.

ASTM Publications The following is available from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadel-


Quantitative Surface Analysis of Materials. Special Technical Publication 643. N. S. Mclntyre, Ed. 217 pages. 1978. $21.50

U.S. Government Publications Order copies of the following PREPAID at the price shown by SD Cat. No. from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. 20402. Foreign remittances must be in U.S. exchange and include an additional 25% of the publication price to cover mailing costs Calibration and Related Measurement Services of the National Bureau of Standards. 1978. $3.00. SD Cat. No.: 003-003-01916-0. NTIS No.: NBS-SP250

The revised catalog gives descriptions of all NBS calibration services and includes the new Measurement Assurance Programs. Entries include type of instrument, test methods used, references to applicable industry standards, and a bibliography of technical references. The catalog is updated every six months with an appendix containing current prices and changes in service. Catalog of NBS Standard Reference Materials. $1.50. SD Cat. No.: 003003-10445-1. NTIS No.: NBS-SP-260

A companion volume to SP 250 Calibration and Related Measurement Services of the National Bureau of Standards is the SP 260. Approximately 1000 standard reference materials are listed.