Contributed Articles
Titrimetric Determination of Nitrate with Diphenylthallium(lll) Sulfate. J. S. DiGregorio and M. D. Morris
Second Harmonic Alternating Current Polarography. Experimental Observations with a System Involving a Very Rapid Chemical Reaction Following Charge Transfer. T. G. McCord and D. E. Smith
Quantitative Analysis for the Isotopes of Hydrogen— H2, HDF HT, Ds, DT, and T2—by Gas Chromatography. Claude Genty and Roger Schott
Specular Reflectance in Thin-Layer Electrochemistry. P. T. Kissinger and C. N. Reilley
Use of Hexafluoroacetone and Fluorine Nuclear Mag netic Resonance to Characterize Alcohols and Other Active Hydrogen Compounds. G. R. Leader Moments Analysis for the Discernment of Overlapping Chromatographic Peaks. Eli Grushka, M. N. Myers, and J. C. Giddings Determination of Ultramicro Quantities of Manganese by Catalytic Oxidation of Alizarin S by Hydrogen Per oxide. T. J. Janjic, G. A. Milovanovic, and M. B. Celap Conductometric Titration of Weak Acids in Dimethyl Sulfoxide Using Dimsylsodium Reagent. L. K. Hitler, Jr. Determination of Carbonyl Compounds by 2-Diphenylacetyl-l,3-lndandione-l-Hydrazone. D. J. Pietrzyk and E. P. Chan lron(lll)-(ll) Couple in Acetonitrile. Oxidation of Thiocyanate by Iron (III). Byron Kratochvil and Rob ert Long Spectropolarimetric Determination of the 3d Transi tion Metals Utilizing a Sterospecific Ligand. R. J. Palma, Sr., P. E. Reinbold, and Κ. Η. Pearson
Notes Quantitative Determination of Nitrogen in Iron by Spark Source Mass Spectrometry. Georges Vidal, Pierre Galmard, and Pierre Lanusse
Spectrophotometric Determination of Glycine with 2,4,6-Trichloro-s-Triazine. Shuichi Suzuki, Yutaka Hachimori, and Uichi Yaoeda
Determination of Carbon in Thin Films on Steel Sur faces. W. R. Lee and L. L. Lewis
Use of Chromatographic Extraction for Double-Base Propellant Analysis. G. K. Landram, A. A. Wickham, and R. J. DuBois
Determination of Aluminum by Potentiometric Titra tion with Fluoride. E. W. Baumann
Quinhydrone Electrode Drift. M. J. Goodfriend, Jr. 30
Kinetics of Ligand Exchange Reaction of Ethylenediaminetetraacetate Ion with Ethylenediaminetetraacetatonickel(ll). J. D. Carr and C. N. Reilley
A Miniature Digital Computer for Reaction Rate Analy sis. R. A. Parker, H. L. Pardue, and B. G. Willis
George Dahlgren and m
Determination of Vanadium in Natural Waters by Neu tron Activation Analysis. K. D. Linstedt and Paul Kruger
Design, Construction, and Use of a Laser Fragmenta tion Source for Gas Chromatography. B. T. Guran, R. J. O'Brien, and D. H. Anderson
Electrochemical-Enzymatic Analysis of Blood Glucose and Lactate. D. L. Williams, A. R. Do/g, Jr., and Alexander Korosi
Trace Determination of Uranium in Biological Material by Fission Track Counting. B. S. Carpenter and C. H. Cheek
Radiochemical Determination of Sulfur-35 in Large Samples of Vegetation. C. P. Willis, D. G. Olson, and C. W. Sill
Short-Time, Spatially-Resolved Radiation Processes in High-Voltage Spark Discharge. R. D. Sacks and J. P. Walters
Second Harmonic Alternating Current Polarography. Some Experimental Observations with the Zinc, IonZinc Amalgam System in Chloride Media. T. G. McCord and D. E. Smith
Atomic Absorption Interferences of Tin. P. O. Juliano and W. W. Harrison
Fluoride Electrode as a Reference in the Determina tion of Nitrate Ion. S. E. Manahan
5-Dimethylaminonaphthalene-l-Sulfonic Acid (DANS Acid) as Standard for Quantum Yield of Fluorescence. C. M. Himel and R. T. Mayer
Vapor-Programmed Preparative Thin-Layer Chroma tography, a Technique with Improved Resolving Power. R. A. de Zeeuw and Jaap Wiisbeek
Contributed Articles
TLC Kits
Sample Streaker
Solvent Extraction and Gas Chromatography of the Rare Earth Mixed-Ligand Complexes of Hexafluoroacetone and Tri-n-Butylphosphate. W. C. Butts and C. V. Banks
Objective Method of Data Reduction for Particle Size Analysis by Cumulative Sedimentation Method. G. B. Smith and G. V. Downing, Jr.
Complete Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Homo· and Copolymers of Polyamide Resins. Sa da ο Mori, Motohisa Furusawa, and Tsugio Takeuchi
Aids for Analytical Chemists
TLC Applicator
Graph for Attaining Maximum Separation in Unidimensional Multiple Chromatography. Gilbert Gold stein
A Simple Method for Determination of Fission Gases Trapped in Irradiated Fuel Forms. D. W. Sheibley
Coulometric Determination of Inorganic Halide Im purities in Polystyrene after Dissolution in 2-Butanone. W. R. Carroll
Developing Tank
Spray Reagents
Storage Cabinets
. . . are on pages 31 to 3 8 . . .
Copyright 1969
by the American Chemical Society
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