contributed articles - American Chemical Society

Smoke. R. J. Philippe, Henry Moore, R. G. Honeycutt, and J. M. Ruth........................859. Spectrophotometric Determination of Ammonia as Ruba- z...
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C O N T R I B U T E D ARTICLES Scientific Communications

Use of a Mass Spectrometer as a Detector and Analyzer for Effluent Emerging from High Tempera­ ture Gas Liquid Chromatography Columns. Ragnar Ryhage 759

Separation a n d Analysis of Methylated Phenols as Their Trifluoroacetate Ester Derivatives. A. T . SHULGIN


Effect of Pressure Gradient on Chromatographic Column Efficiency. J. C. STERNBERG

Reactions of Ethers with Acetyl Chloride and the Iden­ tification of Products by Gas Chromatography. 921

T i m e Dependence of A. C. Polarographic Currents. H . L. H U N G AND D . E. SMITH


Effect of M e t a l Ions on Nuclear Hyperfine Coupling Constants in E P R Spectra. TOYOKICHI KITAGAWA, THOMAS L A Y L O F F AND R. N . ADAMS

Characterization and Routine Determination of Nonbasic Nitrogen Types in Cracked Gas Oils by Linear Elution Adsorption Chromatography. L. R. Snyder

Routine Determination of Aromatic Hydrocarbon Types in Catalytically Cracked Gas Oils by Linear A d ­ sorption Chromatography. L.R.Snyder 774



O H Stretching Vibration of Pyromellitic Dianh y d r i d e - H y d r o x y n a p h t h a l e n e Complexes. H . H . .








and Β. Ε. Buell

Dissolution of Calcium Tungstate with an A c i d Hydrogen Peroxide Mixture. R . H . C U R R Y AND J. R. C A R T E R

Paul Waszeciak and H. G. Nadeau


Titration of Primary


W. R. Post and C. A. Reynolds


Spectrometer Cells for Single and Multiple Internal Reflection Studies in Ultraviolet, Visible, Near In­ f r a r e d , and Infrared Spectral Regions. W. N. Hansen and J. A. Norton

Theory of Stationary Electrode Polarography. Single Scan and Cyclic Methods Applied to Reversible, Irreversible, and Kinetic Systems. R. S. Nicholson and Irving Shain

Emission Spectrometry Determination of Beryllium in Oilfield Waters Using Plasma Arc. A. G. Collins 706

New Electrodes for Chronopotentiometry in Thin Layers of Solution.

A. T. Hubbard and F. C. Anson



and C. A . Pearson


Determination of Calcium, Magnesium, Copper, and Zinc in Red Blood Cells by Emission Spectrometry. L. S. Valberg, J. M. Holt, and John Szivek

Differential Electrolytic Potentiometry Determination of Nanogram Quantities of Halides at Extreme Dilution by Constant Current Coulometry. Edmund Bishop and R. G. Dhaneshwar


Absolute Differential Electrolytic Potentiometry as Index of Poising Capacity. Edmund Bishop and G. D. Short 730


Spectrophotometric Determination of Traces of Per­ oxides in Organic Solvents. D. K. Banerjee and C. C. Budke 792 Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination of Calcium and Magnesium with Chlorophosphonazo III.

J. W. Ferguson, J. J. Richard, J. W. O'Laughlin, and C. V.

Banks Potentiometric Titration of Free Acid and Uranium in Uranium(VI) Solutions with Alkali. Kenji Motojima and Kimie Izawa



Spectrophotometric Determination of Total Nitrogen Dioxide and Nitrogen Tetroxide in Air. s. W. Comer and A. V. Jensen

An Automatic Potentiometric Method f o r the Determin­ ation of the Absolute Activity of Glucose Oxidase. H. L. Pardue, R. K. Simon, and H. V. Malmstadt



J. S. Fritz and Β. Β. Garralda


Role of Column Pressure Drop in Gas Chromatographic Resolution.

J. C. Giddings


Equilibrium Considerations at Finite Solute Concentra­ tions in Gas Liquid Chromatography. R. s. Henly, Arthur Rose, and R. F. Sweeny


Theoretical Prediction o f the Stationary Phase Con­ tribution to the Plate Height in Chromatography. S. M. Gordon, G. J. Krige, and Victor Pretorius


J. V. Mortimer and P. L. Gent . . . .

P. E. Dunagin, Jr., and J. A. Olson

. . . .


Systematic Neutron Activation Technique for the Determination of Trace Metals in Petroleum. U. P. Colombo, Giuseppe Sironi, G. B. Fasolo, and Renzo Malvano .


Direct Nondestructive Method for the Determination of Californium-252. Application of Prompt Gamma Rays from Spontaneous Fission. F. L. Moore and J. S. Eldridge 808 Combined Radiochemical—Neutron Activation Analysis Method for the Determination of Sulfur and Phosphorus in High Purity Paper and Beer. A. G. 811


Simultaneous Determination of Mercury and Arsenic in Biological a n d Organic Materials b y Activation

Gas Liquid Chromatography o f Retinol (Vitamin A) Derivatives.

Yoshio Hirano and Teiichi Tamura


The Use of Organo-Clays as Gas Chromatographic S t a t i o n a r y Phases.

Spectrophotometric Microdetermination of Lebaycid, 0 ; 0-Dimethyl-0-(4-methylthio)-M-tolyl)phosphorothioate.

Potentiometric Titration o f Metal Ions Using a Silver




Bernt Sjostrand

814 VOL. 36, NO. 4, APRIL 1964

3 A

CONTRIBUTED ARTICLES Determination of Metallic Platinum in Alumina Catalysts by X-Ray Diffraction.

Determination of Molybdenum and Sulfur in Solid Lub­ ricants. I. L. Kalnin

PlatinumR. A. Van

Nordslrand, A . J . Lincoln, a n d A . Carnevale

Emission Spectrographic Determination of Lead in Powder Samples with Spark Excitation. D. c. Hargis and G. W. Smith Intensity Ratio Technique for X-Ray Spectrometric Analysis of Binary Samples. Particular Application to Determination of Niobium and Tin on Nb 3 SnCoated Metal Ribbon. E. p. Berlin

Automatic Osmometer for Determination of Number Average Molecular Weights of Polymers. F. B. Rolfson and Hans Coll

Determination of Hexahydro-l,3,5-trinitro-S-triazine in Admixture with Octahydro-l,3,5,7-tetranitro-Stetrazine by Nonaqueous Titration in Mixtures, s. K. Sinha, R. M . Kulkarni, a n d K. R. K. Rao



Direct Determination o f Inhibitors in Polymers b y Lumi­ nescence Techniques. H. V. Drushel and A. L. Sommers . 8 3 6 Determination of Higher Alkoxyl Groups b y Direct Chemical Reaction a n d Nonaqueous Titration. Sarah Ehrlich-Rogozinski and Abraham Patchornik . . . . .



X - R a y Fluorescence Determination o f C o b a l t , Zinc, a n d Iron in O r g a n i c Matrices. S. A. Bartkiewicz and E. A. Hammatl 833


Corrections for Background in Spectrophotometry Using Difference-in-Absorbance Values. Application to Vitamin A. j . B. Wilkie


Anion Exchange Separation of Calcium and Strontium. J. S. Fritz, Hirohiko Waki, and Β. Β. Garralda


Monitoring Countercurrent Distribution with a Record­ ing Refractometer. R. O. Butterfleld and H. J. Dutton . .


Principles of Absolute Interferometry and Densimetry. v. τ. Piiion



Chemical Shifts of M e t h y l Protons in Polymethylnaphthalenes. F. F. Yew, R. J. Kurland, and B. J. Mair . . . . 8 4 3

A Spectrophotometric McNutl

Titrimetric Determination o f Zinc with mono-1,1 O-phenanthroline—Ferrate(ll). and A. V. Nowak

A Study of Base-Catalyzed and Salt-Catalyzed Acetylation of Hydroxyl Groups. G. H. Schenk, Patricia

TetracyanoA. A. Schil» 845

Test for Xanthopterin.

W. S. 912

Wines, and Carolyn Mo|zis

Potentiometric Determination D. H. McColl and T. A. O'Donnell


9 Ί 4

Orthophosphate. 848

S e p a r a t i o n o f Uranium, Thorium, a n d the Rare Earth Elements b y Anion Exchange. Johann Korkisch and Guslaf Arrhenius 850 Determination of Butyllithium in Hydrocarbons by Thermometric Titration with Butanol. W. L. Everson .


Conductometric Determination of Carbon Using Car­ bonate-Saturated Barium Hydroxide Absorbent. E. J . Violante


789, 8 7 1 , 895

Correspondence Absorptivities for Infrared Determination Peroxyacyl Nitrates. E.R.Stephens

of 928

Use of Glass Reference Electrode in Potentio­ metric Titration of Halides with Silver Nitrate in LiNOs-KNOs Eutectic Melt. H.T.Tien


Determination of Trimethylolpropane in Polyesters and Polyurethane Foams. R. E. Wittendorfer . . . .



Some Hydrocarbons of the Gas Phase of Cigarette Smoke.

R. J. Philippe, Henry Moore, R. G . Honeycutt, and J .



Spectrophotometry Determination of Ammonia as Rubazoic Acid with Bispyrazolone Reagent. Lidmila Prochazkova

A Fire Assay for Osmium in Sulfide Concentrates,



Application of Potentiostatic Current Integration to the Study of the Adsorption of Cobalt(lll)(Ethylenedinitrilo(tetraacetate) on Mercury Elec­ trodes. F. C. Anson


Determination of Aldehydes in the Presence of Acids, Acetals, and Ketones, Using a Silver Oxide-ferf-Butylamine Complex. J. A. Mayes,

j . C.

Identification of the Pyrolyzates of Substituted Bar­ bituric Acids by Gas Chromatography. D. F. Nelson and P. L. Kirk

Some Zone-Refining Calculations on Phenanthrene-Anthracene System. E. T. Nelson, M. S. Brooks, a n d A . F. A r m i n g t o n


V a n Loon a n d F. E. Beamish

E. J . Kuchar, and Sidney Siggia

Correlation between Apparent pH and Acid or Base Concentration in the ASTM Medium. Orest Popovych .


Estimation of Pyridine Nucleotides in a Crude Tissue Extract by Color Reaction of Nucleotide Ribose with Orcinol and Ferric Chloride. Anima Devi and Uma Srivasfava

Jungreis, and Vardina Lipetz


Determination of Microgram Amounts propyl Alcohol in Aqueous Solutions.

Precise 882





of IsoMarianna

Mantel and Michael Anbar

Specific Spot Detection of Chlorine in Inorganic and Nonvolatile Organic Compounds. Fritz Feigl, Erwin

4 A






R. s.


Determination of Phenylacetic Acid in Penicillin Fermentation Media by Means of Gas Chro­ matography. A. O. Niedermayer






in the




Spectrophotometry Microdetermination of Nitrate with Chromotropic Acid Reagent. J. J. Batten . . .


Polarographic Determination o f o-Phenylenedia m i n e in the Presence o f O t h e r Isomeric Pheylenediamines. H. B. Mark, Jr


P a p e r C h r o m a t o g r a p h y o f the 2 , 4 - D i n i t r o p h e n y l hydrazones of Alk-1-en-3-ones. D. A. Forss and William Stark


Instrumental Reduction o f B a c k g r o u n d S i g n a l o f Fuel-Rich O x y a c e t y l e n e Flames Used in A t o m i c Absorption Spectrometry. J. D. Winefordner and Claude Veillon


S p e c t r o p h o t o m e t r y D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f V a n a d i u m in E t h y l e n e - P r o p y l e n e R u b b e r Solutions w i t h 2 , 3 ' Diaminobenzidine. A. J. Smith


The D e a d - S t o p T i t r a t i o n o f Thallium. and Herschel Frye


R. B. William»

by Alfred W. Francis, consultant to Socony Mobil Oil Co.

This volume, written by an authority on hydrocarbon chemistry and liquid-liquid phase relations, lists over 6000 critical solution temperatures (the minimum temperature for mixing of two substances in all proportions as liquids). Also included are about 800 aniline point observations; methods for determining CST; guides to using CST data and to estimating the CST for untested systems. Among uses of CST are: screening possible extraction solvents for selectivity; approximating liquid solubility at any temperature below the CST; characterizing hydrocarbons; analysis of mixtures, especially where water is one component, and providing an insight into molecular structure. CONTENTS Introduction and six Figures.. .Tables: Critical Solution Temperatures . . . Aniline and Furfural Points . . . Lower Critical Solution Temperatures . . . Mutual Miscibility of Liquids (tabulations of numerical CST data from charts in five published compilations).. .Bibliography. 246 pages.

Cloth bound.

Price: $5.00

Order from: Special Issues Sales, American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth Street, N. W., Washington 6, D. C.

6 A


H i g h e r Recoveries o f C a r b o n y l C o m p o u n d s in Flash Exchange G a s C h r o m a t o g r a p h y of 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazones. j . w . Rails


T h e o r y o f Diffusion Limited C h a r g e - T r a n s f e r Processes in E l e c t r o a n a l y t i c a l Techniques. A p p l i c a t i o n t o S t a t i o n a r y E l e c t r o d e , Linear V o l t a g e Scan Voltammetry. R. P. Buck


A N e w Technique f o r the P r e p a r a t i o n o f C o a t e d G l a s s - B e a d Column f o r G a s C h r o m a t o g r a p h y . Ihor Lysyj and P. R. Newton


Factors A f f e c t i n g the D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f H y d r o x y p r o l i n e . Jeannette Blomfleld and J. F. Farrar


A i d s for the A n a l y s t I m p r o v e d C a l o m e l Reference Electrode f o r N o n a q u e o u s T i t r a t i o n o f H a l o g e n A c i d Salts o f O r g a n i c Bases. J. R. Deily and Leon Dann


D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f A r g o n in the Presence o f O x y g e n a n d O t h e r Atmospheric Gases b y Adsorption Chromatography. Kenneth Abel


A n i m p r o v e d G a s - T i g h t M i c r o Cross-Section I o n i z a t i o n Detector. Kenneth Abel


Densitometer f o r Q u a n t i t a t i o n o f the S t a i n e d Prot e i n Fractions S e p a r a t e d E l e c t r o p h o r e t i c a l l y o n A c r y l a m i d e G e l S l a b . T. G. Ferris, R. E. Easterling, and R. E. Budd


D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f N i t r o g e n in Inorganic N i t r a t e s b y t h e Dumas M e t h o d . D. F. Ketchum


A C o n v e n i e n t Cell Design f o r Studies E m p l o y i n g S h i e l d e d S o l i d Electrodes. H. B. Mark, Jr


A u t o m a t i c M a s s Scanner f o r a T i m e - o f - F l i g h t M a s s Spectrometer. M. V. McDowell, R. S. Olfky, and F. E. Saolfeld


I m p r o v e d Technique f o r the D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f C 1 4 a n d H 3 b y C o m b u s t i o n . H. P. Baden