Contributed Articles ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 44, NO. 12

Conversational Mass Spectral Retrieval System and Its. Use as an Aid in Structure Determination. ... Reduction of a Matrix Effect in Spark Source Mass...
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Contributed Articles Ratio Matching—A Statistical Aid for Discovering Generic Relationships Among Samples. O.U.Anders 1930 Computer Controlled Stopped-Flow Studies—Application to Simultaneous Kinetic Analyses. Donald Sanderson, J. A. Bittikofer, and H. L. Pardue 1934 EQUIL—A General Computational Method for the Calculation of Solution Equilibria. Ting-Po I and G. H. Nancollas 1940 Conversational Mass Spectral Retrieval System and Its Use as an Aid in Structure Determination. S. R. Heller 1951 Computer Acquisition and Analysis of Gas Chromatographic Data. R. A. Landowne, R. W. Morosani, R. A. Herrmann, R. M. King, Jr., and H. G. Schmus 1961 Spectroelectrochemical Studies of Metal Deposition and Stripping and of Specific Adsorption on Mercury-Platinum Optically Transparent Electrodes. W. R. Heineman and Theodore Kuwana 1972 Simultaneous Electrochemical and Photometric Monitoring of Intermediates Generated by Flash Photolysis. J. I. H. Patterson and S. P. Perone 1978 Feasibility and Applications of Programmed Speed Control at Rotating Ring-Disk Electrodes. Barry Miller, M. I. Bellavance, and Stanley Bruckenstein 1983

Reduction of a Matrix Effect in Spark Source Mass Spectrometry Using a Solution Doping Technique. R. J. Guidoboni and C. A. Evans, Jr. 2027 Kinetic Behavior of Enzymes Immobilized in Artificial Membranes. W. J. Blaedel, T. R. Kissel, and R.C. Boguslaski 2030 Equilibrium and Kinetic Simultaneous Determination of Sulfonephthalein Dye Mixtures by the Method of Proportional Equations. G. L. Ellis and H.A. Mottola 2037 Determination of Silver in Precipitation Down to 1 0 _ u M Concentrations by Ion Exchange and Neutron Activation Analysis. J. A. Warburton and L. G. Young 2043 Fluorigenic Labeling of N-Methyl- and N,N-Dimethylcarbamates with 4-Chloro-7-Nitrobenzo-2,l,3-Oxadiazole. J. F. Lawrence and R. W. Frei 2046 Production and Analysis of Special High-Purity Acids Purified by Sub-Boiling Distillation. E. C. Kuehner, Robert Alvarez, P.J. Paulsen, and T . J . Murphy 2050 Quantitative Treatment of the Distribution Coefficient for Coprecipitation of Metal Oxalates. Megumu Munakata, Shigeki Toyomasu, and Tsunenobu Shigematsu 2057

Ring-Disk Electrode Study of the Reduction of Bismuth on Platinum. S. H.Cadle and Stanley Bruckenstein 1993

Thermal Decomposition of Aliphatic Monoamino-Monocarboxylic Acids. P. G. Simmonds, E. E. Medley, M. A. Ratcliff,Jr.,andG. P. Shulman 2060

Comparison of Internal Mixing and Vacuum Deposition Procedures for Calibrating ESCA Spectra. W. E. Swartz, Jr., P. H. Watts, Jr., J. C. Watts, J. W. Brasch, and E. R. Lippi ncott 2001

Sensitive Method for Measurement of Atmospheric Hydrogen Sulfide. D. F. S. Natusch, H. B. Klonis, H. D. Axelrod, R. J. Teck, and J. P. Lodge, Jr. 2067

Photoelectron Spectra of Phosphorus Halides, Alkyl Phosphites, and Phosphates, Organo-Phosphorus Pesticides and Related Compounds. D. Betteridge, M. Thompson, A. D. Baker, and N. R. Kemp 2005

Improved Gas Chromatographic Method for the Determination of Sulfur Compounds at the PPB Level in Air. Fabrizio Bruner, Arnaldo Liberti, Massimiliano Possanzini, and IvoAllegrini 2070

Microwave Spectroscopy Analysis of the Distribution of Deuterium in Propene-Di Obtained from Catalyzed Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Reactions. L. H. Scharpen, R. F. Rauskolb, andC. A. Tolman 2010 Curcumin Method for Spectrophotometric Determination of Boron Extracted from Radiofrequency Ashed Animal Tissues Using 2-Ethyl-l,3-Hexanediol. J. W. Mair, Jr., and H. G. Day 2015

Notes Use of the Microwave-Excited Emissive Detector for Gas Chromatography for the Quantitative Measurement of Inter-Element Ratios. R. M. Dagnall, T. S. West, and Paul Whitehead 2074

Maximization of Sensitivities in Tantalum Ribbon Flameless Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. J. Y. Hwang, C. J. Mokeler, and P. A. Ullucci 2018

Determination of Amide, Urea, and Nitrite Compounds Using Alkali-Fusion Reaction GasChromatography. S. P. Frankoski and Sidney Siggia 2078

Automated Infrared Analyses of Ethylene/Propylene Copolymers. E. G. Brame, Jr., J. E. Barry, and F. J. Toy, Jr. 2022

Separation of Barium-140 and Lanthanum-140 by Isotopic Exchange Using Impregnated Paper Chromatography. M. L. Borke and N.Y.Liang 2080


Contributed Articles Calculation of Retention Volumes in Gradient Elution Adsorption Chromatography. Milan P o p l , Vladimir Dolansky, a n d J i r f M o s t e c k y 2082

Ultratrace Level Detection of Mercury by an X-Ray Excited Optical Fluorescence Technique. A. P. D'Silva a n d V. A. Fassel 2115

A T h e r m a l Analysis-Mass Spectrometric Technique for Identifying Trace Impurities in Gas Samples. Rudolf Schubert

Aids for Analytical Chemists


Application of a Complex-Valued Nonlinear Discriminant Function to Low-Resolution Mass Spectra. J. B. Justice, Jr., D. N. Anderson, R. L. Isenhour, and J. C. Marshall 2087

Spectropolarimetric Titrations of the Lanthanide Metals with D-(—)-7rans-l,2-Cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic Acid. K. H. Pearson, J. R. Baker, and P. E. Reinbold 2090

Determination of Traces of Phosphorus by a Radiomolybdenum Method. J. E. Kenney and M. P. Menon


Spectrophotometric R.S.Roy


Estimation of Ester Hydrolysis.

Gelatin as a Matrix for a Mercury Reference Material. D. H. Anderson, J. J. Murphy, and W. W. White 2099

Effective Temperature in Stopped-Flow Measurements— A Potential Source of Error with Certain Instruments. P. K. Chattopadhyay and J. F. Coetzee 2117

Simple Inexpensive Flowmeter for Use with Fluorine and Other Corrosive Gases. A. B. Waugh and P. W.Wilson 2118

Coulometric Calibration of a Thermal Conductivity Detector for Oxygen and Nitrogen. W. G. Williams and D. E. Carritt 2119

Correction. Improved Tissue Solubilization for Atomic Absorption. A. J. Jackson, L. W. Michael, and H. J. Schumacher 2081

Correction. Simple Equation for Linearization of Data in Differential Scanning Calorimetric Purity Determinations. D. L. Sondack

Infrared Spectrophotometric Determination of Small Amounts of Lactic and Pyruvic Acid. Alfredo Riva and Mario Bisognani 2101 © Copyright 1972

Spectrophotometric Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration of Non-Ionic Surfactants. R. C. Kapoor, PuranChand, and V. P. Aggarwala 2107

Chemical Enrichment and Exclusion with Ion Exchange Membranes. W. J. Blaedel and T. R. Kissel 2109

Quantitative Conversion of Cyclamate to N,N-Dichlorocyclohexylamine, and Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric Assay of Cyclamate in Food. Dolan Hoo and Chu-Chuan Hu 2111

Correspondence A Simplified Separation of Strontium, Radium, and Lead from Environmental Media by Precipitation Followed by Fractional Elution. L. P. Gregory 2113


MANUSCRIPT REQUIREMENTS published in December 1971 issue, page 2039, outlines scope and copy requirements to be observed in preparing manuscripts for consideration. Manuscript (4 copies) should be submitted to ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036. The American Chemical Society assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by contributors to its publications. Views expressed in the editorials are those of the editors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the American Chemical Society. 1972 Subscription Rates

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Spectrophotometric Determination of Uranium(IV) with Potassium Iron(lll) Cyanide. K. H. Gayer and H. T. Lifshitz 2104

by the American Chemical Society


Interference by Copper(ll) in Determination of Molybdenum(VI) Using Toluene-3,4-Dithiol. P. J. Milham, Anne Maksvytis, and Balys Barkus 2102

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