Hamilton Smith. . . . 190. Drop Size of Aerosols in Flame ... Solvent Extraction with Quaternary Ammonium Hal- ides. A. M. Wilson, Lillian Churchill, ...
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C O N T R I B U T E D ARTICLES Scientific C o m m u n i c a t i o n s

Use of M a n g a n e s e ( l l l ) f o r the Spectrophotometric Determination of F e r r o c y a n i d e , Tin(ll), a n d Iron(ll). W. U. Malik and Mohammed Ajmal

Correlation of Microwave A b s o r p t i o n a n d Moisture in Polymers.


Mass Spectra of A m i n o Acids U s i n g a Radio-Fre­ q u e n c y Spark Source. FISCHER


W. 294

Spectrophotometric Determination o f Boron Using Barium Chloranilate. R. D. Srivastava, P. R. Van Buren, and Hyman Gesser 209

Spectrophotometric Determination o f Nickel with 1 , 2 , 3 - C y c l o h e x a n e t r i o n e Trioxime. w . J. Frierson and Nina Marable

A R a p i d M e t h o d for the Direct Determination of Ele­ mental O x y g e n b y Activation with Fast N e u ­ trons. D. J. Veal and C. F. Cook

1 78

Determination o f O x y g e n b y Activation Analysis with Fast Neutrons Using a Low-Cost P o r t a b l e N e u t r o n G e n e r a t o r . E. L. Steele and W. W. Meinke


Nitrogen-13 Neutrons.

in H y d r o c a r b o n s I r r a d i a t e d J. T. Gilmoro and D. E. Hull



Voltammetric Determination of M e t a l s in Low Concen­ trations. W. W. Ullmann, B. H. Pfeil, J. D. Porter, and W. W. Sanderson 213

P o l a r o g r a p h i c Reduction of 1 , 2 , 4 - B e n z o t h i a d i a z i n e - l , 1 -Dioxides a n d R e l a t e d Compounds. A. I. Cohen, B. T. Keeler, N. H. Coy, and H. L. Yale


S q u a r e W a v e P o l a r o g r a p h Amperometric Titrations of Indium with EDTA. R. E. Hamm and C. T. Furse . . .


Analysis o f Cesium a n d Rubidium Salts a n d M e t a l s . M.C. FarquharandJ. A. Hill


N e w Indicator f o r Volumetric Determination of C o p ­ p e r . Virginia Wills, O. F. Stambaugh, and Z. G. Proctor . .


The Determination o f M o n o e t h a n o l a m i n e a n d Ammonia in Air. D. D.Williams and R. R.Miller


Spectrophotometric Determination o f t r a t e in Propellants. George Norwitz



Estimation o f M a n g a n e s e in Biological M a t e r i a l b y Neutron Activation Analysis. Hamilton Smith. . . .

Drop Size o f Aerosols in Flame J. A. Dean and W. J. Carnes






Determination o f H y d r o x y l N u m b e r o f P o l y o x y a l k y l ene Ethers b y A c i d - C a t a l y z e d A c e t y l a t i o n . R. S. Stetzler and C. F. Smullin

Spectrophotometric Determination o f Glycine in G l y ­ cine Potassium Trioxalatochromium(lll). H. C. Perrin and G. H. Spaulding

Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric Determination of Ben­ zoic Acid in Refined Phthalic A n h y d r i d e . Raita Murnieks and C. E. Gonter

The Spectrophotometric Determination of A b i e t i c - T y p e DienOIC Rosin Acids. R. L. Stephens and R. V. Lawrence.

Spectrophotometric Determination o f Furfural in the Presence o f Sulfur D i o x i d e . J. F. Harris and L. L. Zoch .

Solvent Extraction with Q u a t e r n a r y Ammonium H a l ides. A. M. Wilson, Lillian Churchill, Kenneth Kiluk, and Paul Hovsepian


1 94

1 96

1 97

Inorganic N i ­

A p p l i c a t i o n o f C a r r i e r Distillation to the Spectro­ g r a p h s Determination o f T r a m p Elements in Cast Irons a n d Low Alloy Steels, j . γ. Eiienburg . . . .


Effect o f Rate o f N i t r o g e n Adsorption a n d Desorption on the A u t o m a t e d Determination o f Pore Size Distributions. E. v . Ballou


Identification of M e r c a p t a n s a n d Disulfides b y X - R a y Diffraction o f Their Respective 2 , 4 - D i n i t r o p h e n y l Thioethers. Robert Rittner, George Tilley, Albert Mayer, Jr., and Sidney Siggia





VOL. 34, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1962


3 A

CONTRIBUTED ARTICLES Precision in X-Ray Spectrochemical Analysis. FixedTime VS. Fixed-Count. L. S. Birks and D. M. Brown . .

Radiochemical Analysis of 240

Infrared Microspectrophotometry Using ReflectingType 6X Beam Condensing Optics in Reference a n d S a m p l e Beams.

Mario Sparagana and W. B. Mason

Direct Titration of Phenols by Bromination.


Structural Group Analysis of

Determination Oils.

Polyphenyls. 280

Radiochemical Determination of Yttrium and Promethium. A Precipitation Technique. M. E. Pruitt, R. R. Rickard, and E. I. Wyatt


c. o. Huber

and J. M. Gilbert

M i n e r a l Oils. E. Hanson



F. F. Felber, Jr., and R. C. Koch

High Sulfur

Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Detection of Gas Chromatograph Effluent. Wilbur Kaye





Clarence Karr, Jr., R. T. Wendland, and W. 249




Nicholas Feldman


Gamma Ray Absorptiometer for Determination of Uranium in Aqueous and Organic Solvent

Automated End Point for the Determination of Labile Organic-Bound Iodine.


Bennie Zak and E. S. Baginski .


Simultaneous Determination of Tin and Indium Using Anodic Stripping Voltammetry. R. D. DeMars . . .


Application of Stripping Analysis to the Trace Determination of Tin. S. L. Phillips and Irving Shain . . .



S. J. Broderick


Purification of Pyridine for Nonaqueous Titrations. W. M. Banick, Jr


Spot Test Detection and Spectrophotometric Determination of Nitrite with p-Phenylazoaniline. Eugene Sawicki, T. W. Stanley, and W. C. Elbert

Polarography of Tin(lV)-Pyrogallol Complexes. Bard





A. J. 266 Inaccuracy of Dumas Nitrogen Determinations of C e r t a i n 1,2,4-Triazoles.

Polarographic Chloride.

Behavior of

E. J. Browne and J. B. Polya


Indium in Presence of

E. D. Moorhead and W. M. MacNevin

. . .


Aids for the A n a l y s t Separation of Isopropyl Alcohol from Aliphatic Sulfides and Thiols by Gas Chromatography, v. j . Farmgia and C. L. Jarreau


High-Precision Refill Pipet.

Liquid-Liquid Partition Chromatography of Steroids. Systematic Approach Relating Column to Paper Chromatography Using the RM Function. Peter Kabasakalian and J. M. Talmage




Microdetermination of Silver Using Ion Exchange Concentration. N. s. McNutt and R. H. Maier . . . .

4 A


. . . . .




Automatic .



Versatility of Dynamic Sorption Method for Routine Measurements on Solids. K. V. Wise and E. H. Lee .



Beilstein Flame Method of Detection of Organohalogen Compounds Emerging from a Gas 276

Gas Chromatographic Identification of Major Constituents of Bubbles in Glass. F. R. Bryan and J. C. Neerman


H. V. Malmstadt and H. L. Pardue .



F. A. Gunther, R. C. Blinn, and D. E.


Use of Sample Rotators for Fluorescence Analysis of Light Elements in Cement Raw Mix. A. A. Tabikh