M. Chambers..................... 1881. A Simple Methodfor the Determination of Hydro- gen in the Presence of Oxygen and/or Nitrogen. Uriel Sokolov and...
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CONTRIBUTED ARTICLES Scientific Communications

Carbon Skeleton Chromatography Using Hot-Wire Thermal-Conductivity Detection. Morton Beroza and

Use of Electronic Computers in Searching O u t Nutri­ tional Interrelationships. W. H . JAMES . . . .

Bracket Method for Molecular Weight Determina­ tion of Pyrolysis Products Using Gas Chromatog­ raphy with a Gas Density Detector. J. S. PARSONS

Rafael Sarmienlo

Study of Solid Support and Partition Liquid Interac­ tions in Gas Chromatographic Separation of Ethanol-Methanol Mixtures. E. D. Smith, J. L. 1849

Johnson, and J. M. Oalhouf


Studies of the Liquid Phase Mass-Transfer Term in

Detection of Traces of Polynuclear Aromatics in Hy­ drocarbons by Gas Chromatography. H . J. DAWSON, JR

1 744


G a s Chromatography.

J. K. Barr and D. T. Sawyer


1 753


Determination of Residual Monomers in Latex by Gas Chromatography. J. P. Buettner

R a p i d Color Test for M e r c a p t a n O d o r a n t in Lique­ fied Petroleum Gas. P. V. PEURIFOY, M . J. O ' N E A L , J R . , AND ISAAC DVORETZKY

1 759


Formation Constants of Nickel(ll) and Zinc(ll) Com­ plexes of Dithizone and Related Compounds. K. S.

Application of an Analog Computer in Analytical Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Separa­ tions.

L. B. Wilkinson, C. W. Norman, and


Math, Quintus Fernando, and Henry Freiser

1 762


An Investigation of the Dissociation Phenomena of Quinoline-8-Selenol in W a t e r and Aqueous Dioxane.

J. L. Sudmeier, and C. N. Reilley

1 698

Sulfate M e d i a .

1 707

Quantitative Determination of Hydrogen and Fluorine in Organic Compounds by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry, p. j . Paulsen and W. D. Cooke

Van Loon and F. E. Beamish


A Study of the Cerium(IV)—Oxalate Reaction in Acidic

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Protonation of Some Polyaminocarboxylate Compounds Con­ taining Asymmetric Carbon Atoms. J. L. Sudmeier and C. N. Reilley


Ion Exchange Separation of Microgram Quantities of Osmium from Large Amounts of Base Metals. J. C.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Protonation of Polyamine and Aminocarboxylate Compounds in AqueOUS Solution.

Eiichi Sekido, Quintus Fernando, and Henry Freiser

Y. A. El-Tantawy and G. A. Rechnitz


1 774

Separation, Identification, and Spectra of the Anionic Chromium(lll)—Thiocyanate Complexes. Sheldon Kaufman and L. S. Keyes


Determination of Hydrogen in Niobium.

1 ΎΤ7

R. J. Walter

and H. G. Offner

Determination of Active Hydrogen Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry.

by Nuclear P. J. Paulsen

and W. D. Cooke

Chronopotentiometry and Chronoamperometry with Unshielded Planar Electrodes, p. j . Lingane . . .

1 779

172 1

Cold Combustion for the Quantitative Determination of Amalgable Metals in the Presence of Their Oxides in Treated Ores. M. G. Habashy


Determination of Traces of Alkaline Earths in Alkali Halides by Spectrophotometric Titration in the Ultraviolet.


E. P. Parry and G. W. Dollman


Characterization of Selected Heavy-Metal Salts as Adsorbents for Gas Chromatography. A. G. Altenau and L. B. Rogers


Formation of Lead Chloride Fluoride at Lower pH Values for Gravimetric Purposes. R. A. Bournique and L. H. Dahmer

Piezoelectric Sorption Detector,

w. H. King, Jr

Electron Drift-Velocity Detector for Gas matography. V. N. Smith and J. F. Fidiam


1735 Rapid Chemical Analysis of Refractory Chrome Ores and Chrome-Bearing Refractories C S. Richards

Chro­ 1 739

and E. C. Boyman

1 790 VOL. 36, NO. 9, AUGUST 1964

3 A



Separation o f Lead b y Anion Korkisch and Franz Feik


Johann 1 793

Solvent Extraction of Platinum a n d Palladium with Derivatives of Dithiocarbamic Acid. J. T. Pyle and W. D. Jacobs

Indirect Spectrophotometric Determination monia. J. H. Howell and D. F. Boltz

Ion Exchange Separation of Acetamide from Am­ monium Acetate and Its Determination. Perry King and J. R. Simmler


Determination of Fluorine in Fluorine-Oxygen Mix­ tures. Samuel Kaye and J. E. Koency

1 838

Factors Influencing Spectrofluorometry of Phenothiazine Drugs. T. J. Mellinger and C. E. Keeler

1 840

of A m ­ 1 799

Ultraviolet Spectrometric Determination of Mixtures of Arylsulfonic Acids. J. M. Arends, Hans Cerfontain, I. S. Herschberg, A. J. Prinsen and A. C. M. Wanders. . . .

A Reversible Internal Indicator for Sodium Titrations. A. A. Schilt and J. W. Sutherland

1 796

Spectrophotometric Determination of p-Chloroacetanilide in Phenacetin-Acid Hydrolysis Method. W. B. Crummett, J. Simek, and V. A. Stenger 1834

1 802

Nitrate 1 805 Correspondence

Tabulation f o r Deriving Procedural Rate Constants from Dynamic Thermograms. J. A. Magnuson. . . . 1 8 0 7

Determination of Acetic Acid in Blood a n d O t h e r Tissues b y Vacuum Distillation a n d G a s Liquid Chromatography. David lester 1810

Reduction of Aromatic Disulfides with Triphenylphosphine. R. E. Humphrey and J. M. Hawkins 1812

Determination of M i c r o g r a m Quantities of Chloride in High Purity Titanium b y X - R a y Spectrochemical Analysis. J. S. Rudolph and R. J. Nadalin 1815

A p p r o x i m a t e Degrees of Polymerization of Cellulose Esters from Intrinsic Viscosities. L B. Genung . . . . 1 8 1 7

Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Fluoride in O r g a n i c Compounds Following Combustion in O x y h y d r o g e n Flame—Quartz Combustion Tube. D. E. Willis and W. T. Cave 1821

A R a p i d M e t h o d for the Determination o f Micro Amounts of Sulfur in Selenium. Laszlo Acs and Silvio Barabas 1825

Analysis of Bound Styrene—Butadiene Content o f C o ­ polymers b y Infrared Absorbance Ratio M e t h o d . A. S. Wexler

Determination of C a r b o n in Sodium b y Isotope Dilu­ tion Mass Spectrometry. K. Y. Eng, R. A. Meyer, and C. D. Bingham 4 A


Spectrophotometric Determination of Silicon in Ethyl and Polyethyl Silicates by the Molybdovanadate Method. R. B. Lew and Walter Oyung . . 1 8 5 7

Determination of Iron(lll) by (Ethylenedinitrilo)tetraacetic Acid Replacement Titrimetry Follow­ ing Selective Separation by Column Extraction. 5. S. Yamamura


Column Extraction-Spectrophotometric Determina­ tion of Iron. M. A. Wade and S. S. Yamamura . . .


Coulometric Titration of Total Antimony and Antimony(lll) in Glasses, w. M. Wise and J. P. Williams.


Thin Layer Chromatography of Vitamin A and Re­ lated Compounds. T. N. R. Varma, Thavil Panalaks, and T. K. Murray

1 804

Spectrophotometric Determination of Hydrogen Content in H e a v y W a t e r . Gilbert Gordon and Hideo Yamatera


Spectrophotometric Determination of Cerium wiih Thenoyltrifluoroacetone after Cupferron-Chloroform Extraction. Hiroshi Onishi and Yukio Toita .

1 867

X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometric Analysis of the IronOll), Cobalt(ll), NickeKll), and Copper(ll) Che­ lates of 8-Quinolinol. Κ. Ε. Dougherty, R. J. Robinson, and J. I. Mueller

1 869

1 829

1 832


WHAT! ...

Spectrophotometry Determination of Rhenium with Alpha-Pyridildioxime. Fred Trusell and R. J. Thompson

another new catalog?...

1 8Z0

Spectrophotometric Determination of Glycyrrhizic Acid in Licorice Extract, R. H. Cundiff 1871

Voltammetric Determination o f Permanganate at the Gold Electrode, c. o. Huber

1 873

Spectrophotometric Determination of Urea-For­ maldehyde with Anthrone. R. G. Weslenhouse . .


Extraction of lron(l II) from Concentrated Phosphoric Acid.

Norton Haberman

1 870

Compositional Analysis o f N-Component Systems by the X-Ray Absorption Method. Robert Lefker

• ^ Λ Λ » * ^ Λ / JEW

1 877

Determination of Oxygen in Gallium Arsenide by Neutron Activation Analysis. An Exchange o f Comments.

W. G. Leonhardt ond R. F. Bailey . . . .


Quantitative Analysis o f Low-Boiling Phenols b y Capillary Column Separation o f Trimethylsilyl Ethers.

R. W. Freedman and G. O. Charlier

1 880

Adsorption of Cobalt(lll) Trisethylenediamine at Mercury Electrodes. H. A. Laitinen and L. M. Chambers


ι? !!


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A Simple Method for the Determination of Hydro­ gen in the Presence of Oxygen and/or Nitrogen Uriel Sokolov and Gabriel Stein

Fluorocarbons. Young

KEM METAL KEWAUNEE MFG. CO. • ADRIAN, MICH. Circle No. 119 on Readers' Service Card

J. C. Mailen, T. M. Reed III, and J. A. 1883

Aids for the Analyst R. M. Chrenko

Pneumatic Dewpoint Meter,


1 882

Thiourea as Substrate for Gas Chromatography of

Infrared Microcell.

6 A



w. s. Pappas

Intrascintillation Vial Reaction Tube. Edward Geller, and Arthur fuwiler

. . .

1 885

G. G. Slater, 1888