Joel Kwok, L. R. Snyder, and J.C.. Sternberg....................... 118. Rapid Procedure for .... graphic Analysis of Molten Metals. Velmer Fassel and...
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CONTRIBUTED ARTICLES Absorption-Emission Intensity Ratio Measurements in Flame S p e c t r o p h o t o m e t r y . R. K. Skogerboe, Rosemary Todd, and G. H. Morrison

A R a p i d Determination o f Rhodium a n d Palladium Using Liquid-Liquid Extraction with Tricapryl M o n o methyl Ammonium Chloride a n d Flame Photometry. M. H. Campbell

S p a r k Source Mass Spectrographic Analysis o f Tobacco Ash. R. M. Jones, W. F. Kuhn, and Charles Varsel


Thermometric Titration Determination o f Δ Η ° , A G ° , a n d A S ° o f Dissociation o f Ephedrinium a n d Pseudoephedrinium Ions. R. J. Raff a, M. j . stem, and Louis Malspeis


Lanthanum H e x a b o r i d e as a n for Electrochemical Studies. Fletcher III


Electrode M a t e r i a l D. J. Curran and K. S.


Electrochemical Reduction o f S u p e r o x i d e Ion a n d O x i ­ dation o f H y d r o x i d e Ion in Dimethylsulfoxide. A. D. Goolsby and D. T. Sawyer



Electrochemistry o f Osmium in Sodium H y d r o x i d e Solutions. + 8 , + 6 , a n d + 4 States. J. G. Connery and R. E. Cover


Column C h r o m a t o g r a p h i c S e p a r a t i o n o f N i o b i u m , T a n t a l u m , M o l y b d e n u m , a n d Tungsten. J. S. Fritz and L. H. Dahmer


Response o f a Thermal Conductivity Microdetector in G a s e s o f Low Thermal Conductivity. R. L. Pecsok and M. L. Windsor


Ion Exchange Dissolution M e t h o d for Silicate Analysis. Kuppusami Govindaraju


Direct Current Discharge Spectral Emission-Type D e ­ tector. R. S. Braman and Alexander Dynako



Specific Interactions Affecting G a s C h r o m a t o g r a p h i c Retention for M o d i f i e d Alumina Columns. D. J. Brookman and D. T. Sawyer

Ί 06

G a s C h r o m a t o g r a p h i c Analysis o f Isomeric Diaminotoluenes. L. E. Brydia and Friso Willeboordse


Adsorptive Properties o f Terephthalic Acid in R e l a ­ tion to Its Use as a Solid Support in G a s C h r o m a ­ tography. Hiroshi Miyake, Mitsuyuki Mitooka, and Tadashi Matsumoto


Efficiency of C h r o m a t o g r a p h i c Columns Connected in Series. N o n a d d i t i v i t y o f Theoretical Plates in Chromatography. Joel Kwok, L. R. Snyder, and J. C. Sternberg


R a p i d Procedure for the Chloroacetylation of M i c r o ­ g r a m Quantities o f Phenols a n d Detection b y Elec­ tron-Capture G a s Chromatography. R. J. Argauer .


G a s C h r o m a t o g r a p h i c Microestimation o f A c e t y l ­ choline a n d R e l a t e d Compounds. D. J. Jenden, Israel Hanin, and S. I. Lamb


Experimental Evaluation o f Indeterminate Error in H e i g h t - W i d t h a n d Height O n l y Measurements o f C h r o m a t o g r a p h i c Peaks. D. L. Ball, W. E. Harris, and H.W. Habgood


Determination o f Olefinic Unsaturation b y tion. J. S. Fritz and G. E. Wood


Real-Time D a t a Acquisition, Display, a n d Subsequent Processing in High Resolution Mass Spectrometry. A. L. Burlingame, D. H. Smith, and R. W. Olsen

C o m p l e t e Analysis of Uranium—Niobium—Zirconium A l ­ loy b y X - R a y Absorption Edge Technique. J. H. Stewart, Jr., T. H. Barton, Jr., and M. R. Ferguson

Spectrophotometric Determination o f Nitric O x i d e in Dinitrogen T e t r o x i d e . C. M. Wright, A. A. Orr, and W. J. Balling

The Role o f Adduct Formation in the Extraction o f Zinc Substituted 8-Quinolinols. Fa-Chun Chou and Henry Freiser

H e a t s a n d Entropies o f Formation o f M e t a l Chelates o f C e r t a i n 8-Quinolinols, Quinoline-8-Thiols, a n d 2,4-Pentanedione. George Gutnikov and Henry Freiser .

Calculation o f Distribution Coefficients in Inorganic G e l C h r o m a t o g r a p h y . Dennis Saunders and R. L. Pecsok

M o l e c u l a r Size Analysis Using G e l Permeation Chro­ matography. J. G. Hendrickson






R a p i d Calculation o f Sensitivities, Interferences, a n d O p t i m u m Bombarding Energies in 3 H e Activation Analysis. Enzo Ricci and R. L. Hahn


Zone Refining for the S e p a r a t i o n o f Radioactive T r a c e Contaminants from O r g a n i c Compounds. Bod ο Diehn, F. S. Rowland, and A. P. Wolf


Use o f P o l a r o g r a p h y a n d Pulse-Polarography in the Determination of the Kinetic P a r a m e t e r s o f Totally Irreversible Electroreductions. K. B. Oldham and E. P. Porry



Precision S t a n d a r d i z a t i o n of Ceric Sulfate Solutions. A. J. Zielen VOL. 40, NO. 1, JANUARY 1968


139 3 A

CONTRIBUTED ARTICLES The Association of W a t e r with Various Mono- and Bifunctional Phosphine Oxides in Carbon Tetra­ chloride. J. W. O'Laughlin, J. J. Richard, J. W. Ferguson, and C. V. Bank»

Conductometric Determination of Sulfur in Beryl­ lium Oxide Ceramics Using Induction Heating and Peroxide Absorption. J. F. Chapman and 1 46

Logarithmic Distribution Coefficients of Rare Earth Compounds Fractionally Precipitated from Homo­ geneous Solution. F. H. Firiching, G. W. Alon, R. S. Bakowski, M. R. Koltz, H. N. Meggos, G. D. Melm, T. R. Paul, M. J. Smith, and J. D. White

Malcolm Thackray

Effect of Silicone Grease on Diffusion of Fluoride. D. R. Taves


1 57


Thin-Layer Chromatography of the Malto-,Oligo-, and Megalosaccharides. C. N. Huber, H. o. Scobeil, Han Tai, and E. E. Fisher

Viscosity of Liquid W a t e r from 2 5 ° to 1 5 0 ° C, Measurements in Pressurized Glass Capillary Vis­ cometer. Alexander Korosi and B. M. Fabuss



Standardization of Osmium(VIII) Solutions by Potentiometric Titration with Chromium(ll) Sulfate. Louis Meites and R. E. Cover


Study of Cerium(IV)-Thallium(l) Reaction and Anal­ ysis of Thallium(l) Mixtures by Kinetic Differences. G. H. Schenk and W. E. Bazzelle

1 62

Mechanism of the Determination of Phosphorus with a Flame Ionization Detector. F. M. Page and D. E. Wooley


Acidic Denitrosation and iodometric Determination of N-NitroSO Compounds. and S. I. Miller

Joseph Gal, E. R. Stedroniky, 1 68

Simultaneous Determination of Iron-55 and Stable Iron by Liquid Scintillation Counting. F. j . Cosolito, Norman Cohen, and H. G. Petrow


Determination of Oxygen-Zirconium Ratio in O x y g e n Deficient Zirconia. Chase, and W. M. Henry

R. E. Heffelflnger, C. T. Lifsey, D. L. 171

Calorimetric Determination of log Κ, Δ Η ° , and AS° from Thermometric Titration Data. Extension of the Entropy Titration Method to Intermediate pK Ranges (4 < p K < 1 0 ) . and R. M. Izatt

Rapid Gas Chromatographic Separation of Hydro­ carbons over 2 0 0 ° C below Their Boiling Points Using W a t e r as Liquid Phase. B. L. Karger and Arleigh Hartkopf

J. J. Christensen, 0. P. Wrathall, 1 75

Amperometric Determination of Sulfur in Plutonium Sulfide and Plutonium—Uranium Sulfide Ceramic Fuels.

An Automatic Group Separation System for the Simultaneous Determination of a Great Number of Elements in Biological Material. Recovery and Reproducibility Studies. and Ove Landstrom

Η. Β. Evans and Shiro Mori

The Recoil Technique and Its Possible Use in Acti­ vation Analysis. R. L. Hahn

and Takao Toryu


1 87

G. G. Guilbault, Paul Brignac, Jr., and 1 90


Preparation of Very Pure Hexafluorobenzene ( > 9 9 . 9 9 % ) by Directional Freezing. F. D. Evans, Michael Bogan, and Rubin Battino . . . .

Advantage of a Multidiameter Separation Column in Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Organics. J.Q.Walker



Gas Chromatographic Determination of Diethylene Glycol in Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate). L. H.



Separation of Alkali Metals from Alkaline Earths and Other Elements b y Cation Exchange G i r o - ' matography in Nitric Acid. F.w. E. Strelow, J. H. J. Coetzee, and C. R. Van Zyl

1 96

W. J. de Wet and G. B. Behrens ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY

Spectrophotometric Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide in Aqueous Media with 1,2-Di-(4PyridyDEthylene. T. R. Hauser and M. A. Koiar. . .



Use of Deuterium-Labeled Trimethylsilyl Deriva­ tives in Mass Spectrometry. J. A. McCloskey, R. N.

A Highly Sensitive Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Rare Earths and Nickel.



Very Lightly Loaded Textured Glass Beads as Sup­ port for Gas-Liquid Partition Chromatography. H. L. MacDonell

Homovanillic Acid as a Fluorometric Substrate for Oxidative Enzymes. Analytical Applications of the Peroxidase, Glucose Oxidase, and Xanthine

4 A


Knul Samsahl, P. O. Wester,

Quantitative Determination of Rare Earths in Yttrium O x i d e by Spectrophotoluminescence. Lyuji Ozawa

O x i d a s e Systems. Mary Zimmer



Stillwell, and A. M. Lawson


THREE Good Reasons Buchler is the First Name in Flash Evaporators

CONTRIBUTED ARTICLES A Differential Interference Refractometer. Thorndike and A. P. Marion

Ε. Μ. 236

Quantitative Gas Chromatographic Determination of Free Adipic Acid. D. E. Gross and H. B. Tinker. .


Consecutive Titrimetric Determination of Boron and Nitrogen in Amineboranes. H. c. Kelly


A Technique for Increasing the Solvent Properties in Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry. H. A. Szymanski, J. J. Antkowiak, and L. A. Bauman, Jr. .


Coulometric Titration of Polonium at the Microgram Level. R. C. Props»


Universal Models for batch or Continuous Opera­ tion. Heavy Duty Performance. From $237.00 Correspondence

m Portable Model with Dewar Condenser. Performs evapora­ tion of heat sensitive materials at room temperature. Continu­ ous feed. $236.70


Continuous Ultrasonic Nebulization and Spectrographic Analysis of Molten Metals. Velmer Fassel and George Dickinson


The Effect of Static Magnetic Field on Polarography. Shizuo Fujiwara, Hiroki Haraguchi, and Yoshio Umezawa


Aids for Analytical Chemists Application of Differential Thermal Analysis to Thin Layer Chromatography, R. v. Mangraviie .

Portable Model with Spiral Condenser. Eliminates need for separate cooling arrange­ ment. Temperature con­ trolled water bath. $344.50

To evaporate aqueous solutions, high boiling point solvents, strong acids, alkalis and radio­ active materials without contaminating back-drip. Distillation occurs only within glass and teflon, preventing contamination. Balanced design permits smooth rotation without drag and larger output with­ out loss of material. Continuous feed of solution or inert gas. No O-rings or washers necessary. Also available with temperature-controlled water bath. Easy convertibility from one model to another. Send for Bulletin AC-FE-1000B.




Colorimetric Method for Determination Glycols. K. C. Leibman and Eisa Ortiz



Ultrasonic Sprayer for Atomic Emission and A b ­ sorption Spectrochemistry. C D . West



A Chemically Selective Polarographic Detector for Gas Chromatography. R. P. Van Duyne and D. A. Aikens 254 Method for Accurate Measurement of Small Tem­ perature Differences. N. E. Vanderborgh and W. Dale Spall 256 Improved Method for Preparative Layer Chroma­ tography. M. H. Stutz, W. D. Ludemann, and Samuel Sass


A Simple Method for Determining the Volume of Closed Containers. C. A. Seitz and D. E. Emerson .


A Microcalorimeter Especially Suited for the Study of Small Quantities of Materials. W. J. Evans, E. J. McCourtney, and W. B. Carney



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