W. G. Schrenk, and C. E. Mel can............ Simultaneous Determination of Tin and ... Selective Detector for Gas. Chromatography. C. D. Pearson and R...
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CONTRIBUTED ARTICLES iimiMiimuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiHiuiiDi

Counter Double Current Distribution: Effects of Vary­ ing Number of Stages. R. O. Butterfleld, c. K. Tjarks,

Evaluation of Correction Procedures Used in Electron Probe Microanalysis with Emphasis on Atomic Num­ ber Interval 13 to 33. D. R. Beaman


Determination of Traces of Lead in Air by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Georges Thilliez


Determination of Spectrometry.


by Atomic


R. A. Mostyn and A. F. Cunningham . . .


and H. J. Dutlon


Time-Resolved Phosphorimetry as a Method of Simul­ taneous Analysis of Two-Component Mixtures. P. A. Si. John and J. D. Winefordner


An Instrumental Method for Rapid Determination of Carbonate and Total Carbon in Solutions, c. E. Van Hall and V. A. Stenger

Derivation of Expressions for Calculation of Limiting Detectable Atomic Concentration in Atomic Fluores­ cence Flame Spectrometry. J. D. Winefordner, M. I. Parsons, J. M. Mansfield, and W. J. McCarthy


Transfer Coefficients and Heterogeneous Rate Con­ stants for Cadmium(ll) in Various Supporting Electro­ lytes Evaluated by Phase-Angle Measurements with an A.C. Timniek

Spectrophotometric Determination of Unsaturated Pyr­ r o l i d i n e Alkaloids. A. R. Mattocks



J. K. Frischmann and Andrew 507

Determination of Total Oxygenates in Organic M a ­ terials for Levels Down to 5 ppm by Gas Chroma­ tography. C. F. Meade, D. A. Keyworth, V. T. Brand, and J. R. Deering

Experimental Sensitivities in Neutron Activation and Gamma Spectrometry with a 1 50-kV Accelerator. Jean Perdijon




Identification of Polyurethanes by High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry, E.G. Brame, Jr., R. C. Ferguson, and G. J. Thomas, Jr

Alternating and Direct Current Polarography of Azobenzene in Indifferent Electrolyte in Dimethylformamide.

G. H. Aylward, J. L. Garnett, and J. H. Sharp . . .



Notes Complexation of Scandium(lll) with 8-Quinolinol. Petronio and W. E. Ohnesorge

J. N.

. . . . .


Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Dilute Aqueous Systems.

W. G. Jennings and H. E. Nursten


Detection Limits of Elements in the Spectra of Premixed, Oxy-Acetylene Flames. V. A. Fassel and D. W. Golightiy 466

Principles of Stationary Phase Selectivity in G a s Liquid Chromatography, s. H. Langer

Polarography of Aquodiethyltin(IV) Cation in Aqueous

Spectrophotometric Determination of Manganese (VII) by Reduction with 6-Methoxy-2-Methylthio4-Pyrimidine Carboxylic Acid. ο. κ. Chung and


M. D. Morris


C. E.Meloan

Simultaneous and Independent Potentiostatic Control of Two Indicator Electrodes. Application to Copper(ll)/Copper(l)/Copper System in 0.5M KCI at Rotating Ring-Disc Electrode. D. T. Napp, D. c Johnson, and Stanley Bruckenstein

P. J. Lingane

Aart Jurriaanse and F. L. Moore



Solvent Fractionation of G i r a r d T Derivatives of Carbonyl Compounds Using Dimethyl Sulfoxide. 485

Use of Organic Additives to Induce Selective L i q u i d Liquid Extraction of Niobium with Thenoyltrifluoroacetone.


Internal Standard Techniques for Determination of O x y g e n in Magnesium, Steel, and Titanium by Ac­ tivation Analysis. B. L. Twitty and Κ. Μ. Fritz . . . .

Critique of Chronopotentiometry as a Tool for the Study of Adsorption.


S. F. Osman and J. L. Barson


Determination of Ephedrine and Certain Related Compounds by Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry. 494


531 VOL. 39, NO. 4, APRIL 1967


3 A



General Information Advanced Ion Exchange Celluloses Microgranular Table of Properties Fibrous Table of Properties Composition Advanced Ion Exchange Celluloses Microgranular Microstructure Fibrous Microstructure Properties Particle Size and Form Capacity and Kinetics of Exchange Water Regain Column Bed Volumes Column Flow Rates Precycling Choice of Physical Form Column Separations Microgranular Fibrous Batchwise Operations

Study of Xenon—Mercury Arc as a Continuous Source for Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, C. W. Frank, W. G. Schrenk, and C. E. Meloan


Simultaneous Determination of Tin and Lead Using Cyclic Stationary Electrode Polarography. S. I. Phillips


Estimation of Molybdenum in Biological Material by Neutron Activation Analysis. H. D. Livingston and Hamilton Smith


Correspondence "Krypton Triode" as Selective Detector for Gas Chromatography. C. D. Pearson and R. S. Silas . . .


Re-Evaluation of Chronopotentiometric Data Adsorption of Riboflavin, p. j . Lingane



Recommendations for the Reporting of Thermal Analysis Data. H. G. McAdie


A i d s for A n a l y t i c a l Chemists

G a s C h r o m a t o g r a p h i c M e t h o d f o r S m a l l Amounts o f W a t e r V a p o r in A i r . D. E. Burke, G. C. Williams, and C. A. Plank


E x c h a n g e a b l e Injection Port C a r t r i d g e f o r G a s Chromatographic Determination of Volatile Substances in A q u e o u s Fluids. Gerhard Freund


R a p i d S o n i c a t i o n Technique f o r L i q u i d Scintillation Counting o f C a r b o n - 1 4 - L a b e l l e d Barium C a r bonate. J. B. Allred


N i t r o g e n A n a l y s i s o f N i t r a t e Esters b y M i c r o - D u m a s Combustion. P. Borda and L. D. Hayward


Q u a l i t a t i v e D e t e c t i o n o f Boron v i a Derivative. George Vogel


Microgranular Choice of Exchanger Type Choice of Buffer Laboratory Methods General Handling Storage Usage Exchanger Preparation Precycling Equilibration Removal of Fines Slurry Preparation and Degassing Column Separations Pouring Microgranular Series Fibrous Series Column Preparation Sample Introduction Batchwise Techniques Re-Use



Applications Ordering Information


Technical Bulletins and Catalog



A n o m a l o u s C a l i b r a t i o n Curves in G a s C h r o m a t o g r a p h y of High-Boiling Compounds. M. M. E. Metwally, C. H. Amundson and T. Richardson

55 I


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S p e c t r o p h o t o m e t r i c A s s a y o f the T r i p h e n y l m e t h y l Group. R. M. Saunders, H. P. Sehwarz, and J. C. Stewart