Contributed Articles

Ruthenium, Palladium, and Rhodium in Uranium Al loys. ... C. Plato and A. R. Glasgow,. Jr. 330. A Radioisotope X-Ray Fluorescence ... S. K. Freeman an...
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Contributed Articles

Differential Kinetic Analysis of Alkaline-Earth Ions Using Stopped-Flow Spectrophotometry. J. B. Pausch and D. W. Margerum Differential Kinetic Analysis of the Metallic Elements. D. W. Margerum, J. B. Pausch, G. A. Nyssen, and G. F. Smith An Automated Fast Reaction-Rate System for Quan­ titative Phosphate Determinations in the Millisecond Range. A. C. Javier, S. R. Crouch, and H. V. Malmstadt Determination of Ethanolamides in Mixtures by Dif­ ferential Saponification Rates. F. H. Lohman and T. F. Mulligan Determination of Nonionic Surfactants by Atomic Ab­ sorption Spectrophotometry. J. C. Sheridan, E. P. K. Lau, and Β. Ζ. Senkowski Determination by Atomic Absorption of Molybdenum, Ruthenium, Palladium, and Rhodium in Uranium Al­ loys. J. M. Scarborough







Determination of Oxygen-to-Uranium Ratios in Hypoand Hyperstoichiometric Uranium Dioxide and Tung­ sten-Uranium Dioxide. E. A. Schaefer and J. 0. Hibbits


Theory of Cyclic Voltammetry for a Dimerization Re­ action Initiated Electrochemically. M. L. Olmstead, R. G. Hamilton, and R. S. Nicholson


Precipitation Titrations with Electrochemically Gen­ erated Lanthanum Ion: Potentiometric Titration of Fluoride and Turbidimetric Titration of Oxalate. D. J. Curran and K. S. Fletcher III Potentiometric Determination of Carbon Dioxide Par­ tial Pressure and pH in Ultramicro Volumes of Bio­ logical Fluids. J. C. Pita Stereochemistry of the Electrolytic Reductive Cou­ pling of Benzaldehyde. V. J. Puglisi, G. L. Clapper, and D. H. Evans Standards for a Practical Scale of pD in Heavy Water. M. Paabo and R. G. Bates Polarographic Measurement of Relative Strengths of Bronsted Acids in Pyridine. Dispersion and Solva­ tion Effects in Acid-Base Equilibria. Analysis of Bronsted Acid Mixtures. Keiichi Tsuji and P. J. Elving



Determination of Water in Nitrogen Tetroxide: Gas Chromatographic Method for Total Hydrogen Con­ tent. R. F. Muraca, E. Willis, C. H. Martin, and C. A. Crutchfield


Analysis of Tea Flavanols by Gas Chromatography of Their Trimethylsilyl Derivatives. A. R. Pierce, H. N. Graham, S. Glassner, H. Madlin, and J. G. Gonzalez


General Considerations Concerning Atmospheric Aerosol Monitoring with the Hydrogen Flame ioniza­ tion Detector. R. W. Ohline, E. Thall, and P. H. Oey


Gas Chromatographic Characterization by Equivalent Degree of Polymerization and Incremental Equivalent Chain Length Constants: Application to Polyethyl­ ene Glycol) and Ethylene Glycol Derivatives. T. K. Miwa


identification of Aromatic Ketones in Cigarette Smoke Condensate. J. H. Bell, S. Ireland, and A. W. Spears


Nitrogen and Oxygen Compound Types in Petroleum: Total Analysis of a 400-700 °F Distillate from a Cali­ fornia Crude Oil. L. R. Snyder


An Objective Computer-Oriented Method for the Cal­ culation of Stability Constants from the Formation Function. L. P. Varga


Differential Scanning Calorimetry as a General Method for Determining the Purity and Heat of Fu­ sion of High-Purity Organic Chemicals: Applica­ tion to 95 Compounds. C. Plato and A. R. Glasgow, Jr.


A Radioisotope X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer with a High-Resolution Semiconductor Detector: An­ alytical Sensitivity for Elements in Low Atomic Num­ ber Matrices. S. Yamamoto


Rapid Extraction and Direct Spectrophotometric De­ termination of Copper with Thiothenoyltrifluoroacetone. V. M. Shinde and S. M. Khopkar


Spectrophotometric Determination of Copper in Al­ kali Metals and Hydroxides with 4,4'-Dihydroxy-2,2'Biquinoline. A. A. Schilt and W. C. Hoyle




Notes 286

Determination of Water by Direct Injection Enthalpimetry. C. A. Reynolds and M. J. Harris VOL. 4 1 , NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1969

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Contributed Articles

Detection of Volatile Components in Solids and Thin Films by Gas Chromatography of Evolved Gases. G. A. Dorsey, Jr. A Study of the Influence of Silicone Grease on Spectrophotometric Methods for the Determination of Fluoride. Jan Tusl



Quantitative Electrodeposition of Actinides from Dimethyl Sulfoxide for Use in Analytical Alpha Spectrometry. T. H. Hand/ey and J. H. Cooper


Correction. Generalized Numerical Method for Stationary Electrode Polarography: Application to Reactions Involving Second-Order Homogeneous Chemical Complications. G. L. Booman and D. T. Pence




Identification of Surface Functional Groups on Active Carbon by Infrared Internal Reflection Spectrometry. J. S. Mattson, H. B. Mark, Jr., and W. J. Weber, Jr.


Determination of Phosphate in Water with Tungsten185. R. B. Hahn and T. M. Schmitt


Correspondence Evidence for Coupling in Chromatographic Columns. M. F. Edwards

Spectrophotometric Determination of Primary Aromatic Amines with 9-Chloroacridine. J. T. Stewart, T. D. Shaw, and A. B. Ray


Identification of Alkyl Aryl Sulfides in Wesson, Texas, Crude Oil. R. L. Hopkins, R. F. Kendall, C. J. Thompson, and H. J. Coleman


Aids for Analytical Chemists


Gamma Pulse Height Analysis of Plutonium-238 in Solid Wastes. E. A. Mershad, M. L. Curtis, J. Y. Jarv/'s, and W. R. Amos


Application of Interrupted-Elution to Combustion Radio Gas Chromatography. Fulvio Cacace and Giorgio Perez


Perfluoroalkyl-s-Triazines as Mass Calibration Standards for Mass Spectrometry. R. H. Wallick, G. L. Peele, and J. B. Hines


Determination of Oxygen in Refractory Oxides. MacDougall, M. E. Smith, and G. R. Waterbury


A System for Continuously Monitoring Hydrogen Chloride Concentration in Gaseous Mixtures Using a Chloride Ion-Selective Electrode. T. G. Lee


Determination of Dissolved Oxygen in Hydrocarbon Solvents Using Gas-Liquid Chromatography with Electron Capture Detection. P. T. Ford


A Method of Background Correction for Direct Reading Optical Emission Spectroscopic Trace Analysis Using Offset Exit Slits. J. A. Leys


Small Sample Handling in Laser Raman Spectrometry. S. K. Freeman and D. 0. Landon


Fluorometric Determination of Pesticides. Guilbault and M. H. Sadar

G. G.

C. S.

Magnesium Spinel Interferences in Air-Acetylene vs. Nitrous Oxide-Acetylene Flames in Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. W. W. Harrison and W. H. Wadlin


Chromium Boride as an Electrochemical Générant for Titrations with Chromium(VI). K. S. Fletcher III


Determination of Silicon in Siloxane Polymers and Silicone-Containing Samples Employing Alkali Fusion Decomposition Methods. J. H. Wetters and R. C.

4A .



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Author Index Amos, W. R.


Bates, R. G. Bell, J. H.

283 310

Cacace, F. Clapper, G. L. Coleman, H. J. Cooper, J. H. Crouch, S. R. Crutchfield, C. A. Curran, D. J. Curtis, M. L.

368 279 362 381 239 295 267 384

Dorsey, G. Α., Jr.


Edwards, M. F. Elving, P. J. Evans, D. H.

383 286 279

Fletcher, K. S., Ill 267, 377 Ford, P. T. 393 Freeman, S. K. 398

Malmstadt, H. V. Margerum, D. W. Mark, H. B., Jr. Martin, C. H. Mattson, J. S. Mershad, E. A. Miwa, T. K. Mulligan, T. F. Muraca, R. F.

239 226, 233 355 295 355 384 307 243 295

Nicholson, R. S. Nyssen, G. A.

260 233

Oey, P. H. Ohline, R. W. Olmstead, M. L.

302 302 260

Paabo, M. Pausch, J. B. Peele, G. L. Perez, G. Pierce, A. R. Pita, J. C. Plato, C. Puglisi, V. J.

283 226, 233 388 368 298 273 330 279

Ray, A. B. Reynolds, C. A.

360 348

Sadar, M. H. Scarborough, J. M. Schaefer, E. A. Schilt, A. A. Schmitt, T. M. Senkowski, Β. Ζ. Shaw, T. D. Sheridan, J. C. Shinde, V. M. Smith, G. F. Smith, M. E. Smith, R. C. Snyder, L. R. Spears, A. W. Stewart, J. T.

366 250 254 344 359 247 360 247 342 233 372 379 314 310 360

384 239

Thall, E. Thompson, C. J. Tsuji, K. Tusl, J.

302 362 286 352

Kendall, R. F. Khopkar, S. M.

362 342

Varga, L. P.


Landon, D. O. Lau, E. P. K. Lee, T. G. Leys, J. A. Lohman, F. H.

398 247 391 396 243

Wadlin, W. H. Wallick, R. H. Waterbury, G. R. Weber, W.J., Jr. Wetters, J. H. Willis, E.

374 388 372 355 379 295

MacDougall, C. S. Madlin, H.

372 298

Yamamoto, S.


Glasgow, A. R., Jr. Glassner, S. Gonzalez, J. G. Graham, Η. Ν. Guilbault, G. G.

330 298 298 298 366

Hahn, R. B. Hamilton, R. G. Handiey, T. H. Harris, M. J. Harrison, W. W. Hibbits, J. 0. Hines, J. B. Hopkins, R. L. Hoyle, W. C.

359 260 381 348 374 254 388 362 344

Ireland, S.


Jarvis, J. Y. Javier, A. C.




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