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Contribution of ligand field stabilization energies to the observed

Contribution of ligand field stabilization energies to the observed variations with ligand of cobalt(II)-cobalt(III) and iron(II)-iron(III) oxidation ...
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V d . 7, No. 4 , April 1968 TABLE I LINE-BROADENING DATAFOR l7OH2IN 103/1,deg-1

T’zp M , sec X

A’, gauss

a t pH 5.75, 1.49 X 106 M pH 6.38, 1.18 x lo6, with activation energies of 6.7, 7.5, and 7.5 i 1 kcal/mole, respectively. Our calculations show that, over the temperature range used, the composition of the solutions with respect to ammine species remains essentially constant so that no large errors are introduced in the activation energies, The activation energy for exchange of water with Ni(H20)e2+ is 12.2 kcal/mole. One could attempt to include higher species as contributing to the observed rates. We do not feel that the precision of the data warrants this, and the approximate agreement of the data with the simpler assumptions suggests that contributions froni higher species are not large enough to require consideration a t this time. It will be of interest as improvement in precision and sensitivity can be made to investigate further the higher ammine species. Perhaps i t should be pointed out a t this stage that independent exchange paths may exist which are not directly connected with measured substitution rates. Our earlier work2 has given some hint that such may be the case. One cannot say from the present results whether 1 or 5 (or some other number) water molecules are labilized so that the statistical factor is unknown. Comparison of our results with the treatment given by Margerum, assuming 5 equivalent water molecules per nickel atom t o be consistent with his values, suggests that the labilizing effect of ammonia may be similar to that for ethylenediamine which seem? not unreasonable. It would be of interest t o have measurements on substitution rates in the monoammine species to see if the results can be compared directly with the waterexchange rate. We plan to continue our studies on water exchange in various complexes of en and EDTA, for example, t o provide more direct comparisons. are then calculated to be:


Ni(II)-NHa SYSTEM sec-I; a t pH 6.08, 1.13 X lo6; and a t l o b

Wa, gauss

(A) pH 5.75,~total [Nil 3.47 0.31 0.38 3.46 0.45 3.38 3.35 0.44 3.23 0.55 3.22 0.68 0.78 3.20 3.13 1.15


0.114 M , [NHaN03] = 2.0 M 20.0 0.23 16.5 0.23 0.23 14.0 14.4 0.23 10.8 0.20 9.24 0.1s 8.06 0.18 5.46 0.19

total [Nil ( B ) pH f1.08,~ 3.70 0.20 3.62 0.33 0.54 3.53 0.45 3.51 0.88 3.37 1.14 3.30 1.48 3.20


0.199 M ,[ N H A N O ~=] 2.0 M 55.6 0.32 33.7 0.22 20.6 0.22 0.22 24.5 0.22 12.5 9.62 0.22 7.41 0.25

( C ) pH 6.37,”total [Nil = 0.116 M , [NHaN03] = 2.1 M 15.9 0.21 3.51 0.40 0.23 0.62 10.4 3.40 0.20 0.78 8.20 3.30 0.19 0.99 6.43 3.20 5.29 0.20 3.11 1.21 ( D ) pH 6.39,dtotal [Nil = 0.201 M, [NH~NOI]= 2.0 M 0.28 0.55 20.0 3.56 0.25 0.79 14.0 3.44 9.20 0.22 3.34 1.20 a 79.3% Ni(HzO)eZf, 19.4y0 Ni(Hz0)6NH32+, 1.3y0 Ni(H20)4(NH3)z2+,and higher species. 62.7y0 N i ( H ~ 0 ) 6 ~ 32.4% +, Ni(HzO)sNH32+,4.9% Ni(H~0)4(NH3)2~+, and higher species. c 41.7% N i ( H ~ 0 ) 6 ~44.Oy0 +, Ni(HzO)sNH32+,14.3y0 Ni(HzO)4(NHs)22+, and higher species. 41.7% N i ( H ~ 0 ) 6 ~44.0% +, Ni(Hz0)5NH3z+, 14.3% Ni(H20)4(NH8)z2+,and higher species.

the values measured by Swift and Connick a t lower pH (ca. 1). At 25” and 1 M Ni(HzO)gNH32f the rates for exchange of water with the monoammine species

Correspondence The Contributions of Ligand Field Stabilization Energies to the Observed Variations with Ligand of Cobalt(I1)-Cobalt(II1) and Iron(1I)-Iron(II1) Oxidation Potentials

and the utility of crystal field theory as an interpretive aid in the explanation of observed variations in thermodynamic properties of transition metal ions is well established. George and McClure’, considered the observed variations in the standard oxidation potentials, E”,,, Sir: of aqueous M(I1)-M(II1) couples and found that AGO - AHOLF (where AH’LF is the difference in crystal The effects of inner orbital splittings on the thermofield stabilization energies calculated from spectroscopic dynamic properties of transition metal compounds has been the subject of several excellent review a r t i ~ l e s , l - ~ data) for the reaction (1) P. George and D. S. McClure, Pi‘ogv. Inovg. Chem., 1, 381 (1959). (2) D. A. Buckingham and A. M. Sargeson in “Chelating Agents and Metal Chelates,” F. P. Dwyer and D. P. Mellor, Ed., Academic Press Inc., New York, N. Y., 1964, pp 237-282. (3) D. S. McClure in “Some Aspects of Crystal Field Theory,” T. M. Dunn, D. S . McClure, and R. G.Pearson, Ed., Harper and Row Publishers, New York,-N.-Y.,.1965, pp 77-95.

correlated fairly well with the third ionization potential of M(g). In making this correlation George

Inorganic Chemistry

838 CORRESPONDENCE and McClure assumed that AS" for reaction 1 is independent of the nature of M. George and McClure (and later Buckingham and Sargeson2)also considered the problem of the variation with ligand of Go,, for a given transition metal ion. The approach used involved setting up a thermodynamic cycle involving the ionization of the gaseous M(I1) ion, the gaseous complexation reactions of M(I1) and M ( I I I ) , the dissolution of the gaseous complex ions, and lastly, to close the cycle, the oxidation of the M(I1) complex to the M(II1) complex in solution. This approach, although fundamentally sound, is complicated by the fact that the resulting terms to be evaluated are frequently not available experimentally or are not known with sufficient accuracy to provide a clear-cut test of the importance of ligand field stabilization energies in determining the observed variations in E",, values. These difficulties can be largely circumvented by changing somewhat the approach to the problem. I n essence we ask the following question: given, say, that the Fe(OH2)62+-Fe(OH2)63+ couple, in water at 25", has I",, = -0.77 V and the Fe(CN)64--Fe(CN),33- couple at the same conditions has E",, = -0.37 V, what contribution do ligand field stabilization energies make to this difference? Consider the reaction M(OHz)6'+

+ M L G ~ M(OHz)s3+f MLsrn-' =

( 2)

for which



- %Eo

= -23.06(Eoaq

- eo^) kcal


Further AGO = AH"

- TAS"


and AS" = [.q0(3+) - s0(2+)] - [S"(W)-

S O ( m- l)]


AH" = [AHf"(3+) - AHro(2+)] - [AHr"(m) AH~"(vz- l)]



In general AS" (given by eq 5) can be rather large (as much as 80 gibbs) for a reaction of this type and cannot be assumed to be even approximately constant. This is partly a consequence of the fact that the reaction in question may involve ions of quite different charge type (e.g., 2+,3+ and 4-,3-) for which the partial molar entropy differences (eq 5 ) would be expected to be quite different. I n addition, even when dealing with two metal ion couples of the same charge type but involving ions of widely different sizes (e.g., Fe(OH2)02+g3f and Fe(~hen)~2+,3+) a large AS" for the reaction can result. This effect is due to the fact that for very large complexes in which the transition metal ions are far removed and screened off from the solvent the entropy difference so(m) - 3"(m - 1) tends to be small (0 5 gibbs) presumably because the solvent

in such cases cannot discriminate between a + 2 and a +3 charge on the On the other hand, it is at least a workable hypothesis (subject to direct experimental test using thermochemical data) that the magnitude of AH" for a reaction like (2) involving electron transfer from M(I1) to hI(II1) in two different ligand environments5 will be governed primarily by differences in ligand field stabilization energies. Our hypothesis then is that for a reaction of type ( 2 ) AH"



( F A V o