Control Experiments in Chloropicrin Manufacture. I—The Effect of

Arsenal during the summer of 1918, the method in- volved the following steps: ... To illustrate the importance of keeping the mixture cool during the ...
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T H E J O U R N A L O F I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y Vol.



I n t h e manufacture of chloropicrin a t t h e Edgewood Arsenal during t h e summer of 1918, t h e method involved t h e following steps: The preparation of t h e soluble lime salt of picric acid b y mixing picric acid a n d an excess of lime with water, t h e preparation of a sludge of water and bleaching powder, t h e mixing of these two solutio n t h e large reactors, and t h e digestion a n d ste distillation which gave chloropicrin i n t h e distillate. The production of large quantities of chloropicrin b y this method was realized, although t h e employment of t h e violently explosive picric acid necessitated t h e exercise of care and vigilance a t all times. To avoid danger and t o decrease expense, it was necessary t o conduct t h e reaction in such a way as t o produce t h e highest yield of t h e final product. The employment of calcium picrate instead of picric acid in t h e reaction was in harmony with t h e dictates of safety, since t h e lime salt is much more soluble t h a n t h e free acid (or even t h e sodium salt), and t h e difficulties-involved in working in dilute solutions or in nonhomogeneous suspensions were thereby completely avoided. I t seemed t h e part of wisdom t o prepare solutions in t h e presence of an excess of lime which served as a margin of safety in t h e operation of the process. The laboratory was requested t o investigate t h e effect of adding varying quantities of lime upon t h e yields of chloropicrin. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD

The materials employed for t h e preparation of chloropicrin were carefully analyzed, with t h e following results: L i m e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5 . 5 4 per cent CaO Picric a c i d . , . , . . , . , , , . . . 9 9 . 8 0 per cent free acid, no sulfates Bleaching powder 3 3 . 3 0 per cent available chlorine Sample 1 . .. . . . Sample 2 . . . . . , . . . . . . . 3 2 . 2 1 per cent available chlorine Sample 3 , . , . . . . , . , . , . 3 3 . 3 per cent available chlorine The best yields-were obtained when t h e bleaching powder was madefup t o a thick paste with water, and t h e solution of picric acid or calcium picrate, as t h e case might be, was added in small portions with shaking and cooling, t h e temperature being kept below 30' C. The loss of chloropicrin, was prevented b y keeping t h e flask tightly stoppered during t h e addition. For a neutral solution 3 0 0 g. of bleaching powder, 30 g. of picric acid, and 3.8; g. of lime were employed. Before, conducting t h e steam distillation, t h e flask was connected t o t h e condenser and gently heated until t h e yellow color had disappeared. Too rapid heating a t this point not only led t o lower yields of chloropicrin but also left a yellow residue, which was not decolorized upon subsequent treatment with bleaching powder, followed by steam distillation. From t h e distillate t h e chloropicrin lower layer was drawn off and weighed, the amount dissolved in t h e aqueous layer being estimated from t h e solubility curve. Ordinarily, t h e latter quantity increased t h e t



Published by permission of the Chief of the Chemical Warfare Service.




t h e yield by about I per cent. Yields are reported on t h e basis of the ratio b y weight of chloropicrin t o picric acid. To illustrate t h e importance of keeping t h e mixture cool during t h e picric acid or picrate addition, four experiments were conducted in which the picric acid was added in one step without cooling, t h e ratios obtained being 1.68, 1.68, 1.67,and 1.6j. Upon repetition of t h e experiment with cooling and stepwise addit.ion of t h e picric acid, t h e ratio was 1.75 in two experiments. I n all t h e experiments, 30 g. picric acid, 300 g. bleaching powder, and 1 2 0 0 g. water were employed. The yields obtained b y varying t h e amount of lime are shown in t h e following table: AMOUNT OF LIME

0 3 . 8 5 g . (no excess).

... , ., . . ... ,

, ,

U't. ~ of Chloropicrin _ _ Wt. of Picric Acid 1.76 1.75 1.75 . , . , . . , . , . . .. 1 . 7 6 1.80 1 71

4 . 2 4 g. (10 per cent excess). , , . . . . . , . . . . . , . . ,

5.00 g. (30 per cent excess)



1.72 1.76

1.78 1.78 1.79 1.69 1.71 1.76 1.77 1.76 1.72 1.69 1.67 1.78 1.79 1.82 1.79 1.78 1.78

c0 NCLUSI 0 N Under conditions which approximated a s closely as possible those employed in t h e chloropicrin plant a t Edgewood Arsenal, an excess of lime had no influence upon t h e yield of chloropicrin. Indirect support of this conclusion was furnished b y some experiments conducted by Rowland J. Clark, a t Edgewood, which showed t h a t upon refluxing chloropicrin with water or calcium hydroxide very little hydrolysis occurs. After refluxing for one hour with water, i t was found by estimating t h e chloride ion liberated, t h a t 0.2 I per cent of t h e chloropicrin was hydrolyzed. With calcium hydroxide solutions t h e hydrolysis which occurred in one hour was practically t h e same as with water, v i z . , 0.24 per cent. The absence of nitrites in the residue from t h e refluxing with calcium hydroxide was established b y a qualitative test. This f a c t is somewhat surprising, since a t t h e boiling point of chloropicrin brown fumes are evolved, frequently with explosive violence. CONTROL EXPERIMENTS IN CHLOROPICRIN MANUFACTURE. 11-ACTIVE CHLORINE IN THE SLUDGE FROM THE MANUFACTURE OF CHLOROPICRIN1 By H. L. Trumbull, S. G. Seaton and Howard Durham CHGMICAL LABORATORY, EDGEWOOD ARSENAL, EDGEWOOD, MARYLAND Received July 14, 1920

I n t h e manufacture of chloropicrin it was necessary t o use a fairly large excess of bleaching powder in 1

Published by permission of the Chief of the Chemical Warfare Service.
