Controlled Styrene Monolayer Capping of Silicon Nanocrystals by

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Controlled Styrene Monolayer Capping of Silicon Nanocrystals by Room Temperature Hydrosilylation Yixuan Yu and Brian A. Korgel* Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas Materials Institute, and Center for Nano- and Molecular Science and Technology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712-1062, United States ABSTRACT: Undecanoic acid facilitates attachment of styrene to hydride-terminated Si nanocrystals at room temperature, avoiding polymerization of styrene, yielding freestanding styrene-terminated Si nanocrystals. The nanocrystals have diamond cubic crystal structure, with photophysical properties similar to typical alkene-capped Si nanocrystals, such as bright photoluminescence with relatively long radiative lifetimes. We propose a reaction mechanism for room temperature styrene addition in which the resonance form of undecanoic acid coordinates to surface Si−H and facilitates H− attack at terminal CC of styrene.

assembled on the surface of bulk Si23,24 and should work as a capping ligandif homogeneous polymerization can be avoided. Our group discovered recently that a nonradical, room temperature hydrosilylation of Si nanocrystals is possible, and we apply it here to control styrene capping ligand addition without styrene polymerization. This method involves the activation of Si−H bonds by carboxylic acid or ester functional groups.25 Specifically, styrene adds to hydride-terminated Si nanocrystals at room temperature in the presence of undecanoic acid as a catalyst. This approach enables heterogeneous addition of styrene to the Si nanocrystal surfaces without the competing homogeneous polymerization of styrene that occurs in thermally promoted and UV-promoted hydrosilylation reactions.

INTRODUCTION Silicon (Si) nanocrystals exhibit bright, size-tunable photoluminescence1−4 and electroluminescence.5−8 The color of the emission can range from much of the visible to near-infrared spectrum, and hence Si nanocrystals have been explored in applications including fluorescent contrast agents for bioimaging and emitters in light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to name a few.5−10 To prevent oxidation and stabilize the optical properties of Si nanocrystals, the surface must be passivated.1−4 One of the most common and effective approaches for this is to create organic ligand capping layers by alkene addition via hydrosilylation.1−4,11−13 Hydrosilylation typically involves radicals, created using either a radical initiator, catalyst, heat, or UV light.14,15 For some capping ligands, these approaches induce intermolecular side-reactions that make controlled monolayer surface passivation impossible. This is the case with styrene: it rapidly polymerizes in the presence of radicals, especially at the elevated temperatures typically used for thermally promoted alkene addition to Si nanocrystals.16 This leads to homogeneous polymerization and the formation of polystyrene.17 Rather than freely dispersed styrene-terminated Si nanocrystals, a polymer composite material is obtained. Aromatic capping ligands such as styrene might enhance charge transport between Si nanocrystals in assemblies,18,19 as required in applications such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs)5−8 or photovoltaic (PV) devices,20,21 but significant intervening polymer is a problem. In the case of adsorbed chromophores designed for charge transfer, an aromatic linker might be useful, but the intervening linker molecules need to be short and provide controlled surface coverage22they cannot polymerize during functionalization. As a capping molecule, styrene is also commercially available and widely used in industry. It has been © 2015 American Chemical Society


Materials and Supplies. FOx-16 was purchased from Dow Corning. Undecanoic acid (97%) and styrene (>99%) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Ethanol, toluene, chloroform, and hydrochloric acid (HCl, 37.5%) were obtained from Fisher Scientific. Hydrofluoric acid (HF, 48%) was obtained from EMD Chemicals. Nanocrystal Synthesis. FOx-16 (20 mL) is evaporated under vacuum for 6 h to yield hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ). The HSQ is heated at 1100 °C under forming gas (93% nitrogen and 7% hydrogen) for 1 h to yield a brown material that is ground to a powder with an agate mortar and pestle and placed onto a wrist-action shaker with 30 g of 3 mm diameter borosilicate glass beads for 9 h. 300 mg of the powder is combined with 10 mL of HF (48%) and 1 mL of HCl (37%) in the dark. After 4 h, the etched nanocrystal product is Received: April 9, 2015 Revised: May 25, 2015 Published: May 26, 2015 6532

DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b01291 Langmuir 2015, 31, 6532−6537


Langmuir collected by centrifugation and rinsed once with DI water, twice with ethanol, and once with chloroform.1 The nanocrystals were isolated from chloroform by centrifugation and redispersed in toluene (3 mL), along with 2 mL each of styrene, undecanoic acid, and ethanol. The mixture was transferred to a 20 mL vial, purged with nitrogen gas for 30 min, and then sealed with a rubber septum as shown in Figure 1. The styrene-passivated nanocrystal product was obtained after 5−7 days of incubation.

Nligand per nanocrystal =

4 3 πR̅ ρSi (1 − Siwt %)/Siwt % × 6.02 × 1023/Mligand 3


using the average Si core radius R̅ , determined by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). In eq 1, ρSi is the density of Si, Siwt % is weight percentage of Si in the Si nanocrystal determined by TGA, and Mligand is the molecular weight of the ligand. Photoluminescence (PL) and photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectra were acquired on a Varian Cary Eclipse fluorescence spectrophotometer with a 10 mm path length quartz cuvette. Ultraviolet−visible (UV−vis) absorbance spectroscopy was performed on a Varian Cary 50 Bio UV−vis spectrophotometer. PL quantum yields were estimated using Rhodamine 101 in anhydrous ethanol as a standard. Time-resolved PL derived from time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) was performed on a Fluorolog-3 spectrophotometer (Horiba Jobin Yvon) using a Hamamatsu H10330-45 detector. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was performed using a Rigaku R-Axis Spider diffractometer with an image plate detector and a graphite monochromator using Cu Kα radiation (λ = 0.154 18 nm). The instrument was controlled by Rapid/XRD diffractometer control software (version 2.3.8, Rigaku Americas Corp.) Nanocrystals were placed onto a nylon loop, and mineral oil was applied to secure the sample as necessary. Two-dimensional diffraction data were collected for 20 min while rotating the sample stage at 10° min−1. 2D diffraction data were radially integrated with 2DP Spider software (version 1.0, Rigaku Americas Corp.). SAXS data were obtained from Si nanocrystals dispersed in toluene using the D1 beamline of the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) with monochromatic X-ray wavelength of 1.154 nm. A fiber coupled CCD camera with a total of 1024 × 1024 pixels was used to acquire the SAXS pattern image, which was integrated with Fit2D software (version: 12_077_i686_WXP). SAXS data are reported with the solvent background subtracted. The nanocrystal size was determined by assuming noninteracting solid spheres of mean radius R̅ , and standard deviation σ, with a Gaussian size distribution N(R):

Figure 1. Experimental setup used to produce styrene-capped Si nanocrystals. Toluene (3 mL) was added to the nanocrystal dispersion and then centrifuged to settle unpassivated nanocrystals. The supernatant was collected, and then the nanocrystals were precipitated for purification using a combination of toluene and ethanol as a solvent/antisolvent combination. The purified nanocrystals were redispersed in toluene and stored until further use. The thermal hydrosilylation of Si nanocrystals with styrene was carried out by dispersing 10 mg of hydride-terminated Si nanocrystals in 6 mL of styrene in a three-neck flask. The dispersion was degassed through three freeze−pump−thaw cycles and heated to 140 °C under nitrogen gas flow. The heating mantle was removed immediately after the turbid dispersion became transparent to minimize styrene polymerization as much as possible. The nanocrystals were separated from unreacted styrene by precipitation with toluene and ethanol as a solvent/antisolvent pair. Control experiments were also carried out at room temperature using various solvent mixtures. Hydride-terminated Si nanocrystals were dispersed in (1) toluene/ethanol/styrene (no undecanoic acid added), (2) toluene/ethanol/undecanoic acid (no styrene added), (3) ethanol, (4) styrene, (5) undecanoic acid, and (6) toluene. No Si nanocrystal passivation was observed in any of these reactions. Materials Characterization. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was performed on a FEI Tecnai Biotwin TEM operated at 80 kV accelerating voltage. Nanocrystals were drop-cast onto 200 mesh carbon-coated copper grids for imaging (Electron Microscopy Science). Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATRFTIR) spectroscopy was performed using a Thermo Mattson Infinity Gold FTIR spectrometer with a Spectra-Tech Thermal ARK attenuated total reflectance module. The instrument was purged with nitrogen gas for more than 30 min to get rid of the signal from CO2. A background measurement was taken before loading the sample into the ARK attenuated total reflectance module. Then, nanocrystals dispersed in toluene were drop-cast onto the crystal plate of the ARK module and dried under N2 flow. Measurements were made by acquiring 256 scans at a resolution of 4 cm−1. All reported spectra have been background subtracted. Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) was performed using a Mettler Toledo TGA-1. About 1 mg of Si nanocrystals was added to a 70 microliter alumina crucible (Mettler Toledo) with sample heating from 40 to 800 °C at a rate of 20 °C/min. After reaching 800 °C, the sample was held for 30 min under 50 mL/min air flow. The ligand coverage is calculated by assuming that the nanocrystals have a spherical shape:

I(q) ∝


N (R )P(qR )R6 dR


N (R ) = 1/2πδ exp[− (R − R̅ )2 /2σ 2]


The shape factor P(qR) is

P(qR ) = 9[(sin(qR ) − qR cos(qR ))/(qR )3 ]2


The scattering vector is q = (4π/λ) sin(θ/2), where λ is the X-ray wavelength and θ is the scattering angle.1 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was performed using a Kratos Axis Ultra X-ray photoelectron spectrometer with monochromatic Al Kα X-rays (hν = 1486.5 eV) at 150 W (10 mA and 15 kV). The instrument work function was calibrated to give a binding energy (BE) of 368.3 eV for the Ag 3d5/2 line for metallic silver. Spectra were charge-corrected according to the BE of the carbon 1s (graphite-like carbon) of 284.5 eV. Samples were prepared on 7 × 7 mm2 glass slides coated with indium tin oxide (ITO) secured to the experimental tray using double-sided Cu tape. High-resolution spectra for the Si 2p spectral region were collected with 20 eV pass energy at 0.1 eV intervals and 2000 ms integration time. Casa XPS analysis software (Version 2.3.16 PR 1.6) was used for background correction and peak deconvolution.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Hydride-terminated Si nanocrystals were first synthesized by HSQ decomposition and HF etching as first described by Hessel and Veinot,26 with some modification.25 If the hydrideterminated Si nanocrystals are mixed with styrene and heated to 140 °C under nitrogen, a yellow gel of polystyrene-embedded 6533

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Figure 2. (a) PL (red solid curve, λex = 290 nm) and absorbance (black dash curve) spectra of styrene-terminated Si nanocrystals dispersed in toluene. The inset in (a) shows a photograph of styrene-passivated Si nanocrystals dispersed in original mixed solution under (left) ambient light and (right) 365 nm UV light. (b) PL (red solid curve, λex = 290 nm) and absorbance (black dash curve) spectra of polystyrene-embedded Si nanocrystals dispersed in toluene. The inset in (b) shows a photograph of gel-like polystyrene-embedded Si nanocrystals under (left) ambient light and (right) 365 nm UV light. Time-correlated single photon counting PL decay spectrum of (c) free-standing styrene-terminated Si nanorystals and (d) polystyrene-embedded Si nanocrystals with λdet = 615 nm and λex = 371 nm (red circles) and triexponential decay fitting (black lines). (e) and (f) show SAXS data of styrene-terminated Si nanocrystals dispersed in toluene: the data are plotted as red circles, and the black line represents the best fit of eqs 2−4 to the data. The data in (f) are the same data as plotted in (e), but in the form of a Porod plot. These two representations of the same data provide an effective way to determine as accurately as possible the size distribution of the nanocrystals. (g) and (h) show TEM images of styrene-capped nanocrystals. (g) shows Si nanocrystals that were capped at room temperature to achieve styrene monolayer passivation. (h) shows Si nanocrystals heated in the presence of styrene at 140 °Cthese nanocrystals are embedded in thick polymer, and the nanocrystal/polymer film is only distinguished from the background substrate by finding a hole in the sample, such as the one in the center of this image.

Si nanocrystals is obtained, similar to what has recently been reported by Veinot and co-workers.17 To achieve styrene monolayer passivation without significant styrene polymerization, the hydrosilylation reaction must be carried out at room temperature. In order to induce styrene addition to the Si nanocrystals at these low temperatures, undecanoic acid is added. The styrene-passivated Si nanocrystals disperse in toluene and exhibit bright orange PL with a quantum yield of 12%. Figure 2a shows a typical PL spectrum of the styreneterminated Si nanocrystals and a photograph of a dispersion under room light and a UV lamp in the inset. The nanocrystals form optically clear dispersions. Figure 2g shows a TEM image of the nanocrystals passivated at room temperature. Again, the nanocrystals appear to be uniformly dispersed on the substrate, consistent with good capping ligand coverage. SAXS data were consistent with the size observed by TEM. The SAXS data of dispersions of styrene-passivated nanocrystals in Figure 2e,f give an average particle diameter of 2.2 ± 0.66 nm. A gel forms when the Si nanocrystals are heated in the presence of styrene at 140 °C. This gel is polystyrene generated

by thermally promoted self-polymerization. Figure 2b shows a photograph of the gel. It is not possible to observe individual nanocrystals embedded in the polystyrene by TEM, as shown in Figure 2h. The gel is luminescent, with optical properties similar to the styrene monolayer-passivated nanocrystals. PL emission spectra are shown in Figure 2b. The PL quantum yield is 12%similar to the monolayer-capped nanocrystalsand the PL emission peak occurs at nearly the same wavelength, just red-shifted by approximately 20 nm. The slight difference in PL peak emission occurs because the room temperature hydrosilylation is more efficient for smaller Si nanocrystals,25 which leads to a small decrease in average nanocrystal size obtained after passivation. When the nanocrystals are heated with styrene at 140 °C, all of the nanocrystals in the sample end up embedded in polystyrene. This is the reason for the slight difference in PL emission peak wavelength for the two samples. Time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) PL decay measurements were also performed for the Si nanocrystals passivated with styrene at room temperature and at 140 °C. The TCSPC data are shown in Figures 2c and 2d using 6534

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Langmuir detection and excitation wavelengths of 615 and 371 nm, respectively. The data fit a triexponential decay: Iemission = I0(A1e−t / τ1 + A 2 e−t / τ2 + A3e−t / τ3)


The fitting parameters for PL decay data of styrene-passivated Si nanocrystals are A1 = 0.19, τ1 = 0.46 μs, A2 = 0.25, τ2 = 4.4 μs, A3 = 0.56, and τ3 = 30.5 μs, corresponding to an average lifetime (τ = A1τ1 + A2τ2 + A3τ3) of 18.3 μs. The fitting parameters for polystyrene-embedded sample are A1 = 0.19, τ1 = 0.56 μs, A2 = 0.25, τ2 = 6.0 μs, A3 = 0.56, and τ3 = 32.0 μs, corresponding to an average lifetime (τ = A1τ1 + A2τ2 + A3τ3) of 19.5 μs. The average lifetime for polystyrene-embedded Si nanocrystals is slightly longer than styrene-passivated ones, consistent with a slightly larger average size.27 These lifetimes are similar to those of typical alkene-passivated Si nanocrystals.22,27 The styrene monolayer and the room temperature acidassisted hydrosilylation reaction do not appear to give rise to any significant differences in photophysical properties of the Si nanocrystals. The extent of surface oxidation of the styrene-passivated nanocrystals was determined by XPS. Figure 3 shows XPS Si 2P

Figure 4. (a) TGA carried out in air for Si nanocrystals after high temperature (140 °C) passivation with styrene (i.e., “polystyreneembedded”) (black curve), room temperature undecanoic acid-aided styrene passivation (blue curve), and 1-octene-terminated (red curve). The mass percentage of Si in the nanocrystals samples are 1.1%, 30%, and 31%, respectively. (b) XRD of styrene-terminated Si nanocrystals (black) compared to the standard diffraction pattern (red) for diamond cubic Si (PDF # 027-1402, a = b = c = 5.430 88 Å).

relatively inert in air, which is typical of alkene-passivated Si nanocrystals.25 The nanocrystals heated with styrene at 140 °C exhibit slightly more surface oxidation than the nanocrystals passivated at room temperature. The presence of dodecanoic acid during the room temperature passivation process does not lead to any additional surface oxidation. The relative amount of organic in the Si nanocrystals passivated with styrene at room temperature and at 140 °C was determined by TGA, as shown in Figure 4a. The mass loss is due to the loss of organic in the sample during heating. The measurements were performed in air, so the mass percentage of Si in the sample was calculated assuming that all of the initial Si is converted to SiO2 during heating. The polystyreneembedded Si nanocrystals (i.e., those passivated at 140 °C) had only 1.1 wt % Si in the sample. Nanocrystals capped with styrene at room temperature and, as a comparison, Si nanocrystals passivated with octene contained 30 and 31 wt % of Si, respectively. The number of styrene molecules relative to Si nanocrystals in the samples was approximately 6800 styrene molecules in the sample embedded in polystyrene compared to 173 styrene molecules per nanocrystal in styrenepassivated sample. Based on the weight fraction of Si in the nanocrystals passivated with 1-octene (C8H16), there are 156 octene molecules per nanocrystal, close to the value of freestanding styrene sample. XRD of the styrene-capped Si nanocrystals matched diamond cubic Si (Figure 4b). Figure 5 shows attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectra for styrene, hydride-terminated Si nanocrystals, polystyrene-embedded Si nanocrystals, and styrene-terminated Si nanocrystals. The styrene spectra show

Figure 3. XPS Si 2P spectra of (a) styrene-passivated Si nanocrystals and (b) polystyrene-embedded Si nanocrystals clearly show more surface oxidation for polystyrene-embedded nanocrystals, which is a result of the heating-induced oxidation.

spectra for the styrene monolayer-passivated Si nanocrystals and the polystyrene-embedded Si nanocrystals. The spectra are deconvoluted to obtain the relative contributions of zerovalent Si (Si03/2 (99.3 eV), Si01/2 (99.8 eV)), Si−C bonded species (Si−C (101.9 eV)), and various oxidized Si species: Si1+ (100.4 eV), Si2+ (101.5 eV), Si3+ (102.6 eV), and Si4+ (103.7 eV). Zerovalent Si and Si−C bonded species are observed in both samples. Figure 4b shows an XRD pattern obtained from the nanocrystals capped with a styrene monolayer. The prominent diffraction peaks confirm that the nanocrystals are crystalline, with diamond cubic Si crystal structure. The XPS data indicate that there are some Si1+ and Si3+ species on the surface of the nanocrystals in both styrene-passivated samples; however, there is no detectable Si4+ species in either. We did not test the longterm stability to oxidation, but each sample had been exposed to air for a couple of days, indicating that the nanocrystals are 6535

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Figure 6. (a) Mechanistic illustration for the room temperature attachment of styrene to hydride-terminated Si nanocrystal, in which undecanoic acid is shown with its resonance form to emphasize the regions of electrostatic interaction.25 (b) Illustration of a styreneterminated Si nanocrystal.

Figure 5. ATR-FTIR spectra of styrene (black curve), hydrideterminated Si nanocrystals (red curve), polystyrene-embedded Si nanocrystals (blue curve), and free-standing styrene-terminated Si nanocrystals (green curve).

aromatic C−H stretching at 3010−3080 cm−1, C−H out-ofplane bending overtone peaks of styrene at 1750−2000 cm−1, aromatic CC stretching at 1590 cm−1, and stretching vibration of terminal CC at 1628 cm−1. The H-terminated Si nanocrystals show Si−H stretching at ∼2100 cm−1, Si−O stretching at ∼1100 cm−1, and Si−H deformation at 900 cm−1, confirming the Si−H surface on Si nanocrystal.28 Polystyreneembedded Si nanocrystal only shows signals corresponding to polystyrene (i.e., C−H stretching in the aromatic ring and −CH2−, aromatic CC stretching, and aromatic overtone), and styrene monomer (stretching vibration of terminal CC at 1628 cm−1) because Si makes up such a small fraction of the total sample (0.5 vol % calculated from the mass percentage by TGA). On the other hand, the styrene-capped nanocrystals clearly show Si−O stretching due to the oxidation of surface Si that cannot bind to styrene because of steric repulsion of capping ligands. The stretching signal of terminal CC disappeared, indicating that there was no free styrene in the sample. Si nanocrystals are not passivated with styrene at room temperature without the addition of undecanoic acid. Furthermore, undecanoic acid itself does not passivate Si nanocrystals at room temperature.25 The room temperature styrene hydrosilylation appears to proceed by the same reaction mechanism that we recently reported for bifunctional alkenes in which carboxylic acid group can promote the reaction between surface Si−H and terminal vinyl group of alkenes.25 In this case, undecanoic acid activates the H-terminated Si surface to styrene addition to the Si surface, as illustrated in Figure 6a. Undecanoic acid has a resonance form in which the oxygen atom next to the carbonyl group donates electron density to the carbonyl oxygen, which can then coordinate to the oxophilic Si surface. The coordination increases the hydridic character of Si−H to enhance the nucleophilicity of Si−H enough to facilitate H− attack at the electropositive carbon of terminal CC of styrene. Room temperature hydrosilylation of hydride-terminated Si nanocrystal with styrene differs from thermal hyrosilylation in two ways: (1) In room temperature hydrosilylation, coordination of carbonyl oxygen to surface silicon and H− attacking at terminal CC must occur repeatedly to complete surface

passivation; temperature is also much lower than that of thermal hydrosilylation, leading to a slow reaction rate; thermal hydrosilylation is a radical reaction which quickly propagates across the Si surface once a radical is initiated on nanocrystal. (2) Room temperature greatly reduces the radical concentration and can yield styrene-terminated Si nanocrystals (Figure 6b); thermal hydrosilylation involves radicals, leading to polystyrene-embedded Si nanocrystals. Room temperature addition of styrene to Si nanocrystals does have its limitations: this method is efficient for 2−3 nm silicon nanocrystal but works poorly for larger nanocrystals. This is because this chemistry requires that surface Si−H bond, undecanoic acid, and styrene cooperate simultaneously, thus requiring a significant surface curvature. Room temperature hydrosilylation of bifunctional alkenes like ethyl 10-undecenoate shows highest passivation efficiency for smallest Si nanocrystals (2−3 nm diameter) but is still efficient for 4−10 nm nanocrystals.25 In the case of styrene, which has a bulky nature, the passivation only occurs for nanocrystals with diameters of 3 nm or so and less.


Photoluminescent styrene-terminated Si nanocrystals were synthesized by acid-promoted room temperature hydrosilylation. The nanocrystals exhibit diamond cubic Si crystal structure. Controlled surface passivation of Si nanocrystals with styrene at elevated temperature is not possible because of rapid self-initiated thermal polymerization of styrene. To speed the hydrosilylation reaction relative to solution polymerization of styrene, undecanoic acid is added as a promoter that induces hydrosilylation of the Si surface with styrene at room temperature. Under these conditions, the mass percentage of inorganic Si core in free-standing styrene-terminated Si nanocrystal is much higher than that in polystyrene-embedded Si nanocrystal. The ligand packing density of the Si nanocrystals passivated with styrene at room temperature is similar to the nanocrystals passivated with 1-octene at elevated temperature and exhibit similar photophysical properties. 6536

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Corresponding Author

*Tel +1-512-471-5633; Fax +1-512-471-7060; e-mail korgel@ (B.A.K.). Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.



We thank Colin Hessel and Matthew Panthani for insightful discussions. Financial support of this research was provided by the Robert A. Welch Foundation (Grant F-1464) and the National Science Foundation (Grant CHE-1308813).

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DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b01291 Langmuir 2015, 31, 6532−6537