Controlling Multicompartment Morphologies Using Solvent Conditions

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Controlling Multicompartment Morphologies Using Solvent Conditions and Chemical Modification Tina I. Löbling,†,‡ Olli Ikkala,‡ André H. Gröschel,*,§ and Axel H. E. Müller*,∥ †

Macromolecular Chemistry II, University of Bayreuth, D-95440 Bayreuth, Germany Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University School of Science, FIN-02150 Espoo, Finland § Physical Chemistry and Centre for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen (CENIDE), University of Duisburg-Essen, D-45127 Essen, Germany ∥ Institut für Organische Chemie, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, D-55099 Mainz, Germany ‡

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ABSTRACT: The solution self-assembly of amphiphilic diblock copolymers into spheres, cylinders, and vesicles (polymersomes) has been intensely studied over the past two decades, and their morphological behavior is well understood. Linear ABC triblock terpolymers with two insoluble blocks A/B, on the other hand, display a richer and more complex morphological spectrum that has been recently explored by synthetic block length variations. Here, we describe facile postpolymerization routes to tailor ABC triblock terpolymer solution morphologies by altering block solubility (solvent mixtures), blending with homopolymers, and block-selective chemical reactions. The feasibility of these processes is demonstrated on polystyrene-block-polybutadiene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) (SBM) that assembles to patchy spherical micelles, which can be modified to evolve into double and triple helices or patchy and striped vesicles. These results demonstrate that postpolymerization treatments give access to a broad range of morphologies from single triblock terpolymers without the need for multiple polymer syntheses.


compartment morphologies ranging from spherical and linear multicompartment micelles to nanostructured bilayers or “woodlouse” micelles14−16 and can be tuned by blending with compatible diblock copolymers,17 variation of pH,18 or counterions.19 In contrast, ABC triblock terpolymers with linear sequence and two solvophobic blocks mainly form spherical multicompartment micelles,20−23 core-segmented cylinders,24−27 and in rare cases core−shell toroids28 or singleand double-stranded core−shell helices.29,30 Beyond these experimentally verified morphologies, several simulation and theory works predict many more, sophisticated structures.31−34 We recently showed that by synthesizing linear triblock terpolymers with properly designed length ratios of the blocks a wide range of compartmentalized morphologies are obtained, i.e., cylinders, sheets, and vesicles, all equipped with a variety of patch morphologies.35 There, the two insoluble blocks A/B were nanoconfined to the core and stabilized by the coronaforming block C. Through synthetic block length variation, we screened all patch morphologies following the rules of diblock copolymer assembly in bulk. However, multiple polymer syntheses were necessary to specifically target each particle

mphiphilic diblock copolymers feature two covalently linked blocks of different polarity that in selective solvents and in dependence of the length ratio of the solvophobic and solvophilic block form spherical micelles, cylinders, or vesicles.1 Two decades ago, Eisenberg et al. were among the first to study morphological transitions from so-called “crew-cut micelles” to vesicles for polystyrene-block-poly(acrylic acid) (PS-b-PAA) diblock copolymers.2 Ever since, research efforts have been undertaken to control and manipulate block copolymer assemblies to achieve particular solution nanostructures.3 For instance, solvophobic blocks with a low glass transition temperature, Tg, have a high chain mobility, and thermodynamic equilibrium structures can be reached by direct rehydration of bulk films.1,4 By contrast, solvophobic blocks with a high Tg require plasticizing solvent/nonsolvent mixtures to enhance chain mobility within the micellar core and to prevent kinetic trapping of ill-defined intermediates.5−8 Solution blending of homo- and block copolymers is another straightforward concept to change the volume ratio of core and corona and, hence, control the morphology.9−12 To increase the structural complexity toward multicompartment micelles, several synthetic strategies have shown great versatility.13 For instance, ABC miktoarm star terpolymers consist of three incompatible blocks connected in one junction point leading to packing frustration when brought into selective solvents. This frustration results in the formation of a myriad of multi© XXXX American Chemical Society

Received: July 20, 2016 Accepted: August 22, 2016


DOI: 10.1021/acsmacrolett.6b00559 ACS Macro Lett. 2016, 5, 1044−1048


ACS Macro Letters

Figure 1. Polymorphism of patchy micelles. (a) SBM triblock terpolymer and schematics of particle shape changing with increasing solvophobic/ solvophilic ratio from patchy spheres to cylinders and vesicles. (b−d) Compartmentalized nanostructures of SBM in acetone/isopropanol 60:40 (v/ v). (b) Patchy spherical micelles of S306B151M340 (xPMMA = 0.43), (c) patchy cylinders of S510B258M260 (xPMMA = 0.25), and (d) patchy vesicles of S516B140M76. (xPMMA = 0.10). All samples are stained with OsO4 (PS: light gray; PB: dark gray; PMMA: not visible due to e-beam degradation). Scale bars are 500 nm in overview images and 100 nm in insets.

to the formation of vesicles, where spherical PB patches adopt a hexagonal pattern to allow for the corona to homogeneously shield the solvophobic core from the solvent. The composition of the acetone/isopropanol mixture has a crucial impact on the morphology and can be utilized to finetune the nanostructure. Acetone is a good solvent for the PMMA corona, a near θ-solvent for PS and a nonsolvent for PB, whereas isopropanol is a near θ-solvent for PMMA and a nonsolvent for both PS and PB.22 Previously, we have shown that the PS volume increases with increasing acetone content due to swelling.35 DLS experiments with a PMMA homopolymer of high molecular weight confirm that also the PMMA volume is affected and increases with acetone content (Figure S1). Unlike PS and PMMA, the PB phase is assumed to be unaffected by the solvent composition (χ PB,acetone and χ PB,isopropanol ≫ 0.5). 36 At acetone/isopropanol 80:20, S510B258M260 (xPMMA = 0.25) forms patchy spherical micelles (Figure 2a), while patchy cylindrical micelles are stable at acetone/isopropanol 70:30 (Figure 2b). Although the contraction of the PS phase with increasing isopropanol content should promote the formation of spherical micelles, we speculate that volume changes (contraction) of the largely expanded soluble PMMA are much more pronounced. Contracted PMMA chains that stabilize a lower total surface area promote the formation of cylinders. The formation of spherical micelles at low isopropanol contents might be favored due to a lower total interfacial tension, γ, that scales with the polymer−solvent interaction parameter, χ (γ ∼ χ1/2), and decreases from 1.35 in acetone/isopropanol 70:30 to 1.17 in acetone/isopropanol 80:20 (Figure S2). At acetone/isopropanol 60:40 the cylinder morphology is preserved; however, the spherical PB patches adapt a hexagonal dense packing motif until spherical patches overlap and form a double helix (Figure 2c). This double helical arrangement is a consequence of the reduced surface area of the cylindrical micelles originating from contraction of the PS core upon increasing the isopropanol content. This has been observed before for the transformation of cylindrical micelles to bilayer sheets in polystyrene-blockpolybutadiene-block-poly(tert-butyl methacrylate).35 Interestingly, at acetone/isopropanol 40:60 cylinders with PB triple helices emerge (Figure 2d). The formation of a triple helical patch morphology is rather unusual but has been found for SBM before in the bulk state and was calculated theoretically.37,38 Although a morphological transformation to sheets

shape and/or patch morphology, and a more facile way to induce morphological transformations would be desirable. Here we describe concepts to tune self-assemblies of solventdispersed ABC triblock terpolymers by controlling the postpolymerization conditions while keeping the composition of the block copolymer constant. We alter the solvophobic/ solvophilic balance of polystyrene-block-polybutadiene-blockpoly(methyl methacrylate) (PS-PB-PMMA, SBM) triblock terpolymers in order to modify the multicompartment morphology of patchy spheres, cylinders, sheets, and vesicles. We discuss the effects of solvent conditions, blending with homopolymer, and chemical modification on the resulting nanostructure. Similar to diblock copolymers, controlling the solvophobic/solvophilic ratio guides the formation of certain micellar nanostructures, as schematically shown for SBM in Figure 1a. To illustrate the impact of corona length on morphology, we synthesized three SBM triblock terpolymers, S306B151M340, S510B258M260, and S516B140M76 (subscripts denote degree of polymerization), with decreasing molar fractions of the PMMA corona, xPMMA = 0.43, 0.25, and 0.10 (for detailed polymer characterization see Table S1). The self-assembly pathway includes a two-step procedure (see Experimental Section).22 First, SBM is dispersed in a nonsolvent for PB, here N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAc), to form precursor micelles with a PB core and a mixed PS/PMMA corona. The final multicompartment nanostructures are obtained through solvent exchange with acetone/isopropanol mixtures. During dialysis, the PS block starts to collapse and phase-separates from the PMMA coronal chains. Aggregation via the insufficient stabilized PS patch leads to the final superstructure.22,26 Decreasing the block length of the solvophilic PMMA corona from xPMMA = 0.43 to xPMMA = 0.25 and further to xPMMA = 0.10 is accompanied by a morphological transition from patchy spherical (or multicompartment) micelles to patchy cylinders and, finally, to patchy vesicles (Figure 1b−d). The PB fraction was kept small for all SBM terpolymers so that spherical PB patches would form on top of the PS core. The PMMA coronal chains emerge from the PB patches and direct the self-assembly into the observed geometry through occupied chain volume and chain−chain repulsion. While a large corona of xPMMA = 0.43 allows stabilization of spherical, high-curvature micelles, a decrease in corona block length to xPMMA = 0.25 promotes the formation of less curved cylindrical micelles with a smaller core/corona interface. Further reduction of xPMMA = 0.10 leads 1045

DOI: 10.1021/acsmacrolett.6b00559 ACS Macro Lett. 2016, 5, 1044−1048


ACS Macro Letters

Figure 2. Solvent-induced morphological change of (a−d) S510B258M260 (xPMMA = 0.25) and (e−h) S516B140M118 (xPMMA = 0.15) in acetone/ isopropanol mixtures. (a) Patchy spherical micelles at 20%, (b) patchy cylinders at 30%, and (c) cylinders with a mixture of PB patches and PB double helices at 40% isopropanol content. (d) At 60% isopropanol content bundles of PS cylinders with PB triple helices form. The schematics in (c, d) show the PS cylinder in light gray and the PB helices in black, red, and yellow. The PMMA corona is omitted for clarity. (e) Large patchy spherical micelles at 20%, (f) patchy cylinders at 30%, (g) a mixture of patchy cylinders, patchy sheets/vesicles at 50%, and (h) patchy vesicles at 60% isopropanol content. Scale bars are 200 nm in overview images and 100 nm in insets.

Blending block co- and terpolymers with compatible homoand diblock copolymers is another tool to alter existing or create new bulk and solution morphologies.10,37,39−41 Here, SBM is blended with a PS homopolymer to increase the volume of the core-forming PS phase (for details see Experimental Section). During solvent exchange, both the PS homopolymer and the PS block of SBM collapse at similar isopropanol concentrations, which enriches the newly formed PS core with homopolymer chains. We investigated the morphological evolution of S510B258M260 by blending PS192 homopolymer with lower molecular weight as compared to the PS block of SBM. Shorter chains ensure chain mixing conditions in the “wet brush regime” and allow the homopolymer to uniformly swell the PS phase (see Figure S4).42,43 The weight fraction of the PS block, f PS, increases as a function of mixing ratio. An overview of the contribution of PS192 to the total f PS and the resulting apparent changes in PS and PB weight fractions and molar fraction of the PMMA corona are summarized in Table S2. S510B258M260 (f PS = 0.57, xPMMA = 0.25) exclusively forms cylinders in acetone/isopropanol 50:50 (v/v), where both spherical PB patches and double helices are present (Figure 3a). Blending the PS core with PS192 to reach f PS = 0.61 and xPMMA = 0.23 predominantly results in patchy cylinders with onset of sheet formation (Figure 3b). Upon volume increase of the core, dewetting of PB helices into PB patches occurs on both the sheet and cylinders. This change in the PB patch morphology counteracts a loss in conformational entropy of the

or vesicles was expected at acetone/isopropanol 40:60, cylindrical micelles instead start to bundle into larger agglomerates and sediment. However, the onset of sheet formation is evident in this sample as shown in Figure S3, but chain rearrangement to sheets might be kinetically hindered at high isopropanol contents because of the reduced plasticizing effect of acetone for the glassy PS core. In order to screen the whole morphological spectrum from patchy spherical micelles to vesicles, we analyzed the behavior of S516B140M118 (xPMMA = 0.15), where both the PMMA and the PB block lengths are shorter than in the previously discussed S510B258M260 (xPMMA = 0.25). Morphological changes may be facilitated through the shorter PMMA corona, while the shorter PB block should lead to spherical PB patches in all micellar geometries that will not interfere with structural transformations. Starting with acetone/isopropanol 80:20, we observe large patchy spherical micelles (Figure 2e). At acetone/isopropanol 70:30, the corona chains start to contract, and the decrease in corona volume as well as increase in interfacial tension promote a morphological shift toward cylindrical micelles with PB patches. At acetone/isopropanol 60:40 a mixture of patchy cylinders, sheets, and vesicles forms until exclusively patchy vesicles are observed at acetone/ isopropanol 40:60. These observations demonstrate that specific morphologies can be targeted by careful adjustment of solvent conditions that control swelling and contraction of participating blocks as well as interfacial tension. 1046

DOI: 10.1021/acsmacrolett.6b00559 ACS Macro Lett. 2016, 5, 1044−1048


ACS Macro Letters

Figure 4. Influence of postpolymerization reaction on resulting morphology. (a) Schematic of thiol−ene click reaction of hexyl mercaptan to the 1,2-PB double bonds of S516B140M118 to give S516H140M118. The morphology changes from a mixture of patchy cylinders and vesicles to (b) striped vesicles (c) in acetone/ isopropanol 60:40 (v/v). Scale bars are 500 nm in overview images and 200 nm in insets.

Figure 3. Morphological evolution through blending of the PS homopolymer. (a−d) Successive increase of the PS phase f PS = 0.57 of S510B258M260 in acetone/isopropanol 50:50 (v/v) through swelling with PS192 leads to (a) patchy cylinders without PS homopolymer, (b) a mixture of patchy cylinders and sheet at f PS = 0.61, (c) larger sheets and onset of vesicle formation at f PS = 0.65, and (d) exclusively patchy vesicles at f PS = 0.70. Scale bars are 200 nm in overview images and 100 nm in insets.

fraction of both solvophobic blocks increases from f PS+PB = 0.84 to f PS+PH = 0.87 after click reaction, while PH maintains a comparably low solubility in acetone/isopropanol. Accordingly, the morphology changes from a mixture of compartmentalized cylinders and vesicles to exclusively vesicles (Figure 4b,c). The volume ratio of solvophobic blocks decreases from VPS/VPB = 6.5 to VPS/VPH = 2.1 after modification and induces a morphological change of the PB phase from spherical patches to PH cylinders on the vesicle surface (in- and outside). Thiol− ene chemistry thus is not only a versatile tool to change the geometry of solution nanostructures but also the patch morphology due to influence on both the solvophobic/ solvophilic ratio and the volume ratio of the two solvophobic blocks. In summary, we modified the solvophobic/solvophilic balance of linear SBM triblock terpolymers through postpolymerization processes to gain control over the resulting solution nanostructure. An increase in solvophobic volume by block-selective solvent swelling, homopolymer blending, or chemical reactions allowed changing the morphology from patchy spherical micelles to cylinders and vesicles. Although we employed these methods for morphological control, they also offer opportunities to equip solution nanostructures with new functions. De/swelling of specific core segments could allow switching morphologies in situ, while compartment-selective thiol−ene click chemistry provides a toolbox to introduce contrast agents for tracking (e.g., fluorescent labels) or binding sites for selective loading.

PB chains in the case of stretching of the double helix to adapt to the larger surface area of the cylinders and drives the formation to spherical PB patches.37 At f PS = 0.65 and xPMMA = 0.21 the number and size of sheets grow, and the onset of vesicle formation is observed (Figure 3c). The increase of the PS weight fraction results in a gradual shift to patchy bilayers (sheets and vesicles), while the fraction of patchy cylindrical micelles decreases. However, through blending of the PS homopolymer the diameter of patchy cylinders increases from 50.9 ± 3.4 nm at f PS = 0.57 to 55.7 ± 3.2 nm at f PS = 0.61 and further to 71.8 ± 12.4 nm at f PS = 0.65, suggesting swelling of the PS cylinder cores before a morphological shift is observed, explaining also the dewetting phenomena of the PB double helices. At f PS = 0.70 and xPMMA = 0.14 (Figure 3d), we exclusively identify patchy vesicles with pronounced hexagonal arrangement of PB patches. Addition of the PS homopolymer now expands the apparent volume of the PS phase, thereby shifting the solvophobic/solvophilic balance toward the solvophobic site, and induces a gradual change from cylindrical to bilayer structures (i.e., sheets and vesicles). Lastly, we explore the possibility to selectively tune the PB patch morphology by chemical modification. Thiol−ene chemistry is a versatile tool to alter the chemical structure and block volume after polymerization in order to modify nanostructures.44 S516B140M118 with predominately 1,2-addition of the PB units is accessible to thiol−ene addition and was modified as schematically shown in Figure 4a (see Experimental Section). Exemplified on hexyl mercaptan, the chemical modification of S516B140M118 results in S516H140M118, where the modified PB block is now denoted as PH. The success of the modification was confirmed by SEC and 1H NMR spectroscopy (Figures S5 and S6). The combined weight


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The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acsmacrolett.6b00559. 1047

DOI: 10.1021/acsmacrolett.6b00559 ACS Macro Lett. 2016, 5, 1044−1048


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Materials, Methods, DLS experiments, calculation of volume swelling, additional TEM images, SEC traces of chemical modification, and calculations to blend experiments (PDF)


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The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors acknowledge the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for supporting this work within DFG Mu896/401. This work was carried out under the Academy of Finland’s Centre of Excellence Programme (2014-2019) and supported by ERC-2011-AdG (291364-MIMEFUN).


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