Convenient use of applicators for PTLC

applicators bring ahout in loading the samples is the most welcome aspect. 7 Resent address: Dspartmsnt ol Chemlsby, Unlvenlty of Nonh Texas. Denton...
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Convenlent Use ol Applicators for PTLC Preparative TLC is a common method for separation of chemical components on a smallscale. However, the loading of the material onto the PTLC plates using the various modifications of capillaries is often a cumbersome and timeconsuming process. For routine work, I have found that commerciallyavailable cotton-tipped wooden applicators provide a suitable alternative for this purpose. With little practice, the mixture to be resolved can be loaded onto the PTLC plates in an uniform manner within a few seconds. I have effected numerous separations using these applicators, and the ease these applicators bring ahout in loading the samples is the most welcome aspect. 7

Resent address: Dspartmsnt ol Chemlsby, Unlvenlty of Nonh Texas. Denton. TX 76203.

R a p Sharma' Unlverslty 01 Delhl Delhl-110007, lndla


Journal of Chemical Education