
They draw the outlines of parcels of land on paper, cut out the outlines, and weigh them. Star French cooks use a Mettler balance as a double.They det...
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temarkable stories about English realtors, French cooks, American astronauts and Swiss precision balances. Most of the people who weigh things in the world (among them, NASA, Geigy, Ciba, Ford, Nestlé, IBM, and Omega) have correctly understood the Mettler idea about automated gravimetric measurement. However there are people who get remarkable ideas when they have a Mettler in front of them. For example, we heard about English realtors who weigh their pieces of property on a Mettler. They draw the outlines of parcels of land on paper, cut out the outlines, and weigh them. Star French cooks use a Mettler balance as a double.They determine the 48 ingredients of a «Sauce à la mode du maître» accurately to l/100g and then let kitchen assistants cook the sauce while the maître himself uses the

time he has saved to receive his honorable guests in person. NASA does it like the French cooks, but not to make rare delicacies for the astronauts in orbit. It uses Mettler balances to be absolutely certain that not 1/1000 gram of vitamin A is missing from the astronauts space diet. Since we have been working with precision and analytical balances for 23 years and produce more balances today than all other manufacturers,in the world together, we naturally collect such stories about unusual applications. If you know of an original application, we would be delighted if you would write to us about it. If you like, you will receive in return a rather comprehensive set of documentation about the present state of gravimetric measurement technology and about our precision and analytical balances.

Mettler Princeton, New Jersey Zurich, Switzerland Giessen,West Germany Circle No. 89 on Readers' Service Card

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