Cooling Water Problems in the New York Metropolitan Area - Industrial

Cooling Water Problems in the New York Metropolitan Area. Sidney Sussman. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1952, 44 (8), pp 1740–1744. DOI: 10.1021/ie50512a018...
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water pipes, as well a8 to proteot hoi \vntri. taiiki. 13’ailing thir, deaeration of waters a t the source offers some hope and proinise, Intentional oxygenation of caold, soft waters, which are the mosl, corrosive type, may also prove useful in special cases. Lime a,nd sodium carbonate additions, in s c i ~ ) r dwith Langelier’s developnieiit, continue to be a ueeful approach to corrosion control. Cat.hodic protection should find many economic applications in controlling corrosion of waterworks equipment, and will probably be applied more generally during the next 5 to 10 years. Improvement of corrosion protectjive paints and organic coat,ings, both from standpoint of performance and price, should be :twomplished in the near. future, and will help further to reduce tlie expense and burden 0 1 iiietal deterioration. Of metals avail:~ble to resist attack markiiig :in iniprovement o v e ~t,liose n o i v used, titanium offers the most promise. Wheri the pi,ic:e : ~ p proaches that of the stainless strels, it will find use in \vro\ighl, ant1 cast form and as a clad caoatiiig o v ~ steel. r

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