NEWS sored by ASTM Committee E-2 on Emission Spectroscopy.
The key references given should make this possible in all cases. The book is well produced and free from blemishes. There are many figures and illustrations or diagrams of equip ment, and a number of useful tables of data are included. The topics covered range from sulfhydryl groups and phenols through antibiotics, several vitamins, numerous steroids, choline, sugars, nucleic acid, and several en zymes to serum lipoproteins. Although classical techniques are not neglected, modern methods, especially chromatog raphy, are emphasized. Subsequent volumes may be expected to extend the discussion to many more fields of interest.
Identification and Qualitative Chemi cal Analysis of Minerals. Orsino C. Smith. 2nd ed. ix + 385 pages. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 250 Fourth Ave., New York 3, Ν. Υ., 1953. $7.50. Reviewed by RALEIGH GILCHRIST, National Bureau of Stand ards, Washington 25, D. C. The subject matter of the book is presented in eight chapters, instead of in seven as previously, and covers the physical properties of minerals in gen eral, history and uses of blowpiping, blowpipe reactions, ultraviolet light and fluorochemistry, mineral chemistry, tables of chemical reactions, qualita tive chemical tests, and mineral identi fication tables. Thirty-eight figures and twenty-eight colored plates are in cluded, as well as a general index and a mineral index. This second edition is essentially the same as the first, except that a con densed account of the blowpipe and blowpiping has been added, and a num ber of tests not given in the earlier edi tion have been included, as well as Geiger-counter methods for locating
Symposium on Fluorescent X-Ray Spectrographic Analysis. 72 pages. Amer ican Society for Testing Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia 3, Pa., 1954. $1.75. Seven papers presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of the American So ciety for Testing Materials, held in At lantic City, N. J., June 1953, in the Symposium on Fluorescent X-Ray Spectrographic Analysis, are included in the volume. The symposium was spon
radioactive minerals and standard meth ods of analysis of uranium and other radioactive elements. No changes in the mineral identification tables have been made at this time, although it is realized that modern methods of deter mining the composition and structure of minerals indicate that a number of sub stances still classified as distinct miner als are really variations of other miner als. A feature of the book, as in the first edition, is the reproduction in color of 300 minerals, 120 blowpipe reactions, and a number of fluorescent minerals. The value of the book lies in the com pact assembly of the physical proper ties and chemical tests necessary in identifying some 2000 minerals. Sulfur, α Bibliography of Analytical Methods. A. W. Scholl and R. L. Young. 324 pages. A. W. Scholl, 669 South Terrace, Huntington 5, W. Va., 1954. $10 paper bound. This book contains 3400 references to the analytical chemistry of sulfur, arranged alphabetically by first author, title, reference, and the abstract refer ence. An index of secondary authors and patents is also included.
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