COORS PORCELAIN COMPANY - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 17, 2012 - COORS PORCELAIN COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1962, 34 (12), pp 118A–118A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60192a821. Publication Date: November 1962...
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NEW PRODUCTS Light Scattering Photometer

GALV-O-METER makes easy work of precise measurement

This instrument is designed for the measurement of microscattering, mi­ crofluorescence, and microlumines­ cence, and allows absolute measure­ ments of turbidity, dissymmetry, and depolarization. It features sensitivity for light scattering measurements down to 12 micro-micro (ΙΟ 1 2 ) lu­ mens of blue light or 0.01 micro-micro (10~12) watt of radiation. Applica­ tions include: molecular weight de­ terminations of polymers and proteins in solution, denaturation measurements of proteins, fluorescence depolarization measurements, and many other microphotometric measurements. Various precision glass cells and ac­ cessories for measurements at reduced or elevated temperatures are available. Phoenix Precision Instrument Co., 3803-05 N. Fifth St., Philadelphia 40, Pa. 411





The Coleman Galv-O-Meter is a precision measuring in­ strument built around a taut-suspension g a l v a n o m ­ eter and a slide-wire poten­ tiometer. Already of proven value in r o u t i n e flame p h o t o m e t r y and trace fluorimetry, it now is e m e r g i n g as an important research tool. Its characteristics make crit­ ical analytical conditions

easy to establish as easy to

and just duplicate.

They are: GALVANOMETER SENSITIVITY — 1 micro-ampere full scale. POTENTIOMETER ACCURACYbetter than 0.5%. The instrument's versatility is limited only by its user's ingenuity. Here are but a few of its major laboratory applications: • indicating galvanometer • precision potentiometer • indicator in bridge circuits • millivolt meter • linear voltmeter • microammeter • photometer readout Capitalize on this versatility to m a k e y o u r o w n work easier. Write

for Bulletin AB-261

COLEMAN I N S T R U M E N T S , INC. MAYWOOD, ILLINOIS Circle Ne. 142 on Readers' Service Card 118 A


This cold cathode magnetron ioniza­ tion gage is calibrated to measure vacuums as low as ΙΟ - 1 2 mm. of mercury. Operation and control is accomplished by an electron flow through crossed magnetic and electric fields, rather than by means of a gridanode configuration used on conven­ tional triode-type ionization gages. Geophysics Corp. of America, Bed­ ford, Mass. 412 Research NMR Λ 100-megacycle nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer system for structural analysis of organic com­ pounds and research into chemical kinetics is available. This instrument relies on the high resolution possible with strong magnetic fields for the analysis of very small amounts of com­ plex organic chemicals and uses liquid or dissolved samples. It is said to be especially useful in the pharmaceutical field for the determination of the struc­ ture of complex naturally occurring drugs, and for the identification of the products which result from the action of the body on various drugs. Model HR-100. Varian Associates, Palo Alto 36, Calif. 413

Now you can get the hard, tough, strong properties of alumina ceramic in a jar mill. The Coors Jar Mill is made of high strength aluminum oxide for longer wear, minimum contamination. Unique Isostatic forming pro­ vides complete homogeneity—uniform wear, greater strength. A new, positive, integral closure is provided, eliminating separate seal­ ing devices. Except for a marking label area, outside is glazed in colors for easy identifi­ cation. Jars are available with a round inte­ rior or with formed lifter bars for more tumbling action. Capacities are—W> and % gallon, both sizes having the same diameter of 8Ve", thus giving both jar mills the same peripheral speed, with identical grinding time and results for either capacity. Coors Jar Mills are immediately available through your laboratory supply dealer. A packaged charge of Coors high a l u m i n a g r i n d i n g balls may also be ordered. Write for bulletin. INSIST THAT YOUR LABORATORY PORCELAIN WARE CARRY T H I S MARK OF DEPENDABILITY


Circle No. 42 on Readers' Service Card