Regular, acid washed, acid and alcoholic base ... grid of the second stage, the ar rangement is called a direct- ... connected between the grid and th...
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from the positive side of the power supply to its negative side) to the grid of the second stage, the ar­ rangement is called a direct-coupled (or d-c) amplifier. If the coupling resistor is replaced by a capacitor, the circuit is t h a t of a resistancecapacitance coupled amplifier (the resistance referred to in the desig­ nation is p a r t of the voltage divider network ; it is the dropping resistor connected between the grid and the cathode, or ground). If the plate load resistor in the first stage is replaced by an inductor, and the first-stage plate is coupled to the second-stage grid through a capaci­ tor, the circuit is t h a t of an im­ pedance-coupled amplifier. If the plate load of the first stage is a transformer primary winding, and the grid and cathode of the second stage arc connected across the sec­ ondary winding of this transformer, any variations occurring in the plate potential of the first stage are transmitted to the grid of the second stage through transformer-coupling. If a d.c. signal is to be directly amplified in a multistage circuit, one must use a direct-coupled am­ plifier. If the input signal is a . c , any one of the four types of ampli­ fier m a y be used. The choice is made on the basis of the frequency or range of frequencies of the input signal, and the degree of amplifica­ tion sought. The RC-coupled am­ plifier requires a fairly low applied voltage for appreciable gain, and loses its amplification both at low and at high frequencies. I t gives uniform frequency response in the ΑΓ range; it is characterized by minimum distortion of the signal, but only low amplification per stage. Impedance-coupling results in higher gain in the high frequency range, b u t the degree of amplifica­ tion is not uniform with frequency. Transformer-coupling can give high gains, but the frequency response is poor, and the size and weight of the amplifier tend to be larger t h a n for the other types. Classification scheme G, based upon the design principle embodied in the over-all circuit, is in many respects the most useful and in­ formative from the point of view of the chemist. The significance of the various terms employed in this