Coping with spills of silicone fluids - Environmental Science

Coping with spills of silicone fluids. Terry S. Cox, and D. N. Ingebrigtson. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1976, 10 (6), pp 598–601. DOI: 10.1021/es60117...
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count for t h e higher tropospheric concentration values and t h e increases reported for carbon tetrachloride between 1971 and 1975 from Lovelock’s results. Other hypothetical processes involving reactions of chlorin with organic materials in water also would be unlikely t o cause such rapid increases. It also is difficult to conceive of a natural source which would not make a significant contribution in t h e early 1970’s but would contribute significantly a few years later. I t appears urgent to determine the accuracy of t h e available ambient air analytical results for carbon tetrachloride in the 100-ppt range so as t o resolve whether or not natural sources of carbon tetrachloride are required t o account for the global background of carbon tetrachloride.

Literature Cited (1) Cox, R. A., Derwent, R. F., Eggleton, A. E. J., Lovelock, J. E., “Photochemical Oxidation of Halocarbons in the Troposphere quoted in Council for Environmental Quality”-Federal Council on Sciences Technology Report on Inadvertent Modification of the Stratosphere (IMOS), Chapter I11 Stratospheric Effects, pp 111-7, 1975. (2) Lovelock, J. E., Maggs, R. J., Wade, R. J., Nature, 247, 194-6 (1974). (3) Wilkness, P. E., Lamontague, R. A., Larson, R. E., Swimmerton, J. W., Dickson, C. R., Thompson, T., ibid., 245,45-7 (1973).

(4) “Fluorocarbons-Impact

on Health and Environment”, Hearings before the Subcommittee on Public Health and Environment of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives Ninety-third Congress, Report on Investigations by J. E. Lovelock, pp 455-63, Serial No. 93-110, December l l and 12, 1974. (5) Hanst, P. L., Spiller, L. L., Spence, J. W., Watts, D. M., Miller, M., “Infrared Measurement of Halogenated Hydrocarbons and Other Atmospheric Trace Gases”, J . Air Pollut. Control Assoc., 25, 1220-26 (1975). (6) Grimsrud, E. P., Rasmussen, R. A,, A t m . Enuiron., 9, 1014-17 (1975). (7) U S . Tariff Commission Reports, 1922 through 1974. (8) Kirk-Othmer, “Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology”, Second Edition, Vol. 5, pp 128-39, Interscience Publishers, New York, N.Y., 1964. (9) Sheen, J. R., Chem. Eng., 57,361-4 (1950). (10) McCarthy, R., “Fluorocarbons in the Environment”, presented at Am. Geophys. Union Meeting, San Francisco, Calif. 1974. (11) “Preliminary Economic Impact Assessment of Possible Regulatory Action to Control Atmospheric Emissions of Chlorofluorocarbon and Chlorocarbon”, A. D. Little, Inc., Cambridge, Mass., EPA Contract 68-02-1349,Task 8, prepared for Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, N.C. (12) McCarthy, J. A., “High Volume Industrial Organics Estimated Emission Factors for 98 Industrial Chemicals”, EPA Memorandum Report, May 1975. Received for review Sept 19, 1975. Accepted January 5,1976.

Coping with Spills of Silicone Fluids Terry S. Cox and D. N. Ingebrigtson” Dow Corning Corp., Midland, Mich. 48640 Laboratory simulations were made of roadway spills using polydimethylsiloxane fluids of 1-to 100 000-centistoke (cS) viscosity. Sliding friction of rubber on concrete and asphalt wet with fluid has been measured and used as a model of road traction. Various cleanup procedures have been evaluated; the effectiveness of each method was judged both visually and by the degree of recovery of dry traction. Water spills have been simulated in the laboratory, and cleanup procedures using oil containment and recovery devices are found to be applicable.

Because polydimethylsiloxane fluids are being shipped and used more and more widely, it seems inevitable that eventually some quantity will be spilled or accidentally imposed on roads or streams. In the event of a road spill, the first concern is whether the slipperiness of the spilled fluid presents a significant hazard. Another concern is how to clean u p spills on roads or waterways. Still a third deals with the effect of t h e fluid on the environment. The object of this investigation was to develop ways of coping with massive spills of silicone fluids. I n this report we focus primarily on the more widely used intermediate viscosity grades of fluid (50-10 000 cS) which t o some extent resemble mineral oil in consistency and physical properties, and are more likely to present a cleanup problem than the extremely low- or high-viscosity polymers. Toxicity of t h e fluid need not be of particular concern; the polydimethylsiloxanes are relatively inert chemically and among the least toxic materials as regards skin contact or ingestion ( I , 2). Laboratory experiments with several environmental species have indicated a low degree of hazard for t h e species studied ( 3 ) .It is, however, important not t o confuse this class of siloxanes with organosilicon monomers that may have different toxicological properties and chemical reactivity. 598

Environmental Science & Technology

Only the lower viscosity grades (less than 5 cS) of t h e fluids are volatile enough to cause a potential flammability problem (Table I), although almost any silicone fluid will burn under proper circumstances. (COz or foam extinguishers are recommended.)

Experimental Spills were simulated in the laboratory to determine optimum cleanup procedures. For study of water spills, a shallow polyethylene basin (75 X 110 X 10 cm) was filled with t a p water. A polydimethylsiloxane fluid (200 ml, to form a film -0.2 mm thick) was then applied. The silicone, which has a density less than t h a t of water, first spread rapidly in an extremely thin surface film until constrained by the basin. T h e

Table 1. Typical Physical Properties of Polydimethylsiloxane Fluids ( 4 , 5) Flash Doint. open cup,

Speclfic gravity 25 “C

Boillng point,

37 135

0.818 0.920

150 @ 760 120 @








>200 6


300 >315 >315 >315

0.968 0.972 0.972 0.973

Vibcorlty at 25 “C cs

1.o 5.0





0.5 0.5 350 1 000 10 000


Vapor pressure at 25 ‘C, m m Hg


8 > I






Figure 2. Removal time for polydimethylsiloxane fluids on pavement as a function of fluid viscosity, using different removal techniques

A high-pressure stream of water is effective in displacing fluids of all viscosity grades from concrete and asphalt. Streams a t 1800 psi were forceful enough t o remove 100 000 cS of polydimethylsiloxane fluid completely from concrete. Water streams of less force, such as those available from municipal fire-fighting equipment, are not so efficient but are useful in removing fluids of lower viscosity. Containment and disposal of the displaced fluid are problems that still remain, however, and unless these problems can be overcome, water flushing cannot be recommended. Spills on Soil. A 5-gal spill of 100-cS polydimethylsiloxane fluid on 1 m' of sandy soil has been monitored for two years.

A more complete report on studies of the movement and interaction of polydimethylsiloxane fluids with soils will be published elsewhere. Conclusions Polydimethylsiloxane fluids in spill situations behave much the same as motor or mineral oil of comparable viscosity. The same cleanup procedures are applicable. Literature Cited

O W , alter I P # l l

(1) Rowe, V. K., Spencer, H. C., Bass, S. L., J . I n d H l g . Towicol, 30 (6). 332-52 (1948). (2) Hobbs, E. J., Fancher, 0. E., Calandra, J. C., Tox A p p i Pharm , 21, 4,5-54 (1972). ( 3 ) Hobbs, E. J., Keplinger, M. L., Calandra, d. C., Enciron. Res., 10

(in press). Noll, W., “Chemistry and Technology of Silicones”. p p 251,458, .4cademic Press, New York, N.Y. (1968). (.i) Dow Corning Corp., Ruli. 22-053 (Nov. 1972). (6) Shell Oil Co.. One Shell Plaza, P.O. Box 2463. Houston, Tex. 77001 (1972). ( 7 ) Parker Systems. Inc., P.O. Box 165%.Norfolk. Va. 23501. (8)Wyandotte Chemical Co. of Canada, Ltd., 41 Metropolitan Road, Scarborough, Ont. (9)Smith, A. L.. Ed.. “Analysis of Silicones”, p 352. CViley, New York, N.Y.(1974). (101 Lewicke, C. K., Enciron. Technoi., 7 ( 5 ) ,398 (1973). (11) Noll, W,, Sucker, C.. Fortschrittsber. Koiioide Poiym., 5 5 , 131 ( 19711. ( 1 2 ) Hull. No. 1103. Oil Mop, Inc., 1101 Edwards Ave.. S e w Orleans, La. 70123 (1972). (13) .Johnson. R. F., Manjrekar. T. G., Halligan. J. E.. EnL>iron.Sci. Trchnoi.. 7 ( 5 ) , 439 (1973).

Figure 3. Depth profile of 100-cS polydimethylsiloxane on soil as a function of time after spill


Results show a gradual downward migration to a depth of 50 cm during this time period (Figure 3). No significant lateral movement of the fluid was found. Vegetation within the spill area is sparse. Laboratory experiments with columns of soil showed that migration rates are dependent in a complex way on the kind of soil (sand, clay, or loam), its moisture content, and the amount of watering. In general, dry soils seem to have a greater absorptive capacity and hold silicone fluids more tenaciously than wet soils. The soil thus appears to act as its own absorbent, and if the presence of fluid is objectionable, the soil can be removed to a landfill area and replaced with fresh soil.

Rewired for recieic. Noi>emher14, 1974. Accepted Januar? 19, 1976.

CORRESPONDENCE SIR: Dr. Holland and I were much disappointed to see the publication of the article “Determination of Nitrate in Water Samples Using a Portable Polarographic Instrument”, E n vironmental Science and Technology, 9,1075 (1975), without reference to our own earlier paper. Since this paper was received November 6, 1954 and our paper, “Development of a Portable Polarograph for Determination of Aldehydes in Automotive Exhaust and Production Plant Samples”, ibid., 9,127 (1975), was received on April 18, 1974, and accepted on October 21, 1974, it is extremely difficult to understand why you did not call our paper to the attention of the authors of the nitrate paper. By way of explanation, you should understand that the phrase “peak-seeking circuit” has different meanings in the respective papers. In our paper we are referring to the capture, during each scan, of the maximum current flow value as a potential. In contrast, Young et al. are smoothing out the output of the dropping mercury electrode. Please note t h a t our paper makes reference to our patent application. That application has since issued as U.S. Patent No. 3 922 205. Since the authors of the nitrate paper were not alerted by your office and no attempt made to cross reference our papers, we fear your readers have been misled into believing they are free to build and use a portable polarograph with our peak-seeking circuit. However, the commercial model is being supplied to the trade by a licensee of The Dow Chemical Co. James D. McLean

SIR: The paper “Development of a Portable Polarograph for Determination of Aldehydes in Automotive Exhaust and Production Plant Samples” appeared after our paper was submitted and while it was in review. Our failure to insert a reference to the above paper in our revision is an oversight for which we apologize. The emphasis of our paper should not be taken as the instrument (which is pretty standard OA circuitry), but as the demonstration of the utility of the ZrOC12 catalytic method coupled with background compensation for the determination of nitrate in complex samples. The clear message of both papers would seem to be that with the widespread availability of inexpensive, lightweight, and reliable circuits, the polarographic methods for a number of species of environmental interest should be re-examined.

Robert H. Philp, Jr University of South Carolina Columbia, S.C. 29208

Analytical Laboratories 5 7 4 Building The Dow Chemical Co. Midland, Mich. 48640

Volume IO, Number 6, June 1976 601