Copper Mobility in a Copper-Contaminated Sandy Soil as Affected by

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Environ. Sci. Technol. 1997, 31, 1109-1115

Copper Mobility in a Copper-Contaminated Sandy Soil as Affected by pH and Solid and Dissolved Organic Matter ERWIN J. M. TEMMINGHOFF,* SJOERD E. A. T. M. VAN DER ZEE, AND FRANS A. M. DE HAAN Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Wageningen Agricultural University, P.O. Box 8005, 6700 EC Wageningen, The Netherlands

The effects of solid, dissolved organic matter and of pH on copper mobility in a copper-contaminated sandy soil has been studied in the laboratory as well as in the field. The soil, with pH ranging from 3.8 to 5.7, had been polluted with copper in the range from 0.13 to 1.9 mmol/kg more than 1 decade ago. Copper bound by dissolved organic matter (purified humic acid) was determined by a Cu ion selective electrode (Cu-ISE) in a pH range from 4 to 8 and a free copper range from 10-4 to 10-12 mol/L. Column experiments were carried out to investigate the mobility of DOC itself and the effect of DOC on Cu mobility. Copper binding by dissolved organic matter (DOC) as well as copper binding by (soil) solid organic matter (SOC) could be described well with the non-ideal competitive adsorption (NICA) model and with the Two Species Freundlich (TSF) model. Both models could be used to predict the copper concentration at different depths in a field using the total Cu content, pH, and solid and dissolved organic matter content. At pH 3.9 about 30% of the Cu in solution was copper bound by DOC, and at pH 6.6 CuDOC comprised more than 99%. DOC mobility was very sensitive to pH and calcium concentration.

Theoretical Background Both empirical and semi-mechanistic models have been developed to describe heavy metals binding by soil and by dissolved organic matter. Recently, a semi-mechanistic NonIdeal Competitive Adsorption model (NICA) has been published that accounts for adsorption by heterogeneous surfaces such as (dissolved) organic matter (2). This model can be characterized by the following isotherm equation:

Qi ) Qi(max,1)

Both in urban and agricultural areas, soil has accumulated heavy metals. These heavy metals may adversely affect soil ecology, agricultural production or product quality, and (ground)water quality. These effects are closely related to both the biological availability and the mobility of heavy metals, which in turn are controlled by the chemical speciation. The chemical behavior of heavy metals depends on the presence of sorption sites at the solid surface of clay colloid, sesquioxides, and organic matter. Additionally, soil solution parameters such as pH and the presence of competing or complexing ions influence heavy metal adsorption. Due to changes in land use or acidification, these environmental conditions are subject to change. Hence, heavy metal behavior may also change as a function of time. In acid, sandy soil, organic matter is one of the most important solid phases that adsorb heavy metals such as Cu and Cd (1). Likewise, dissolved organic matter, mostly expressed as DOC, may significantly bind heavy metals such as copper (2, 10). Such copper-DOC complexes enhance copper mobility as well as their bioavailability (3). Because * To whom correspondence should be adressed. Fax: +31 317 48 3766; e-mail: [email protected].

 1997 American Chemical Society


(K ˜ j,1cj)nj,1 1 +




[∑ ] [∑ ] [∑ ] [∑ ] (K ˜ j,1cj)nj,1

(K ˜ i,1ci)ni,1



S0013-936X(96)00623-2 CCC: $14.00

the concentration of DOC may increase due to changes in land use, the understanding of CuDOC binding becomes even more important. Separate studies of the mobility of heavy metals and dissolved organic matter in soils has been studied extensively, but the interactions between metal bound by soil, ‘free’ heavy metal ions, and heavy metals bound by dissolved organic matter (DOC) and the influence of these interactions on heavy metal mobility in soil are not yet investigated in detail. To describe the binding of copper by organic matter, Benedetti et al. (2) proposed the bimodal NICA model. They assessed the applicability of this model for purified humic acids in batch systems for a wide range of free metal ion concentrations and pH values. Additionally, they suggested that their complicated model may be simplified to less demanding ones that are appropriate for practical situations. It is our scope to show that the information obtained for purified humic acids may be used for estimating Cu binding in real soil. We account for copper binding by both soil organic matter (denoted SOC) and dissolved organic matter (denoted DOC). Furthermore, we illustrate how the bimodal NICA model can be simplified significantly for both purified humic acid and soil without too much loss of accuracy for the present system. The applicability of the approach is shown by comparing modeling results with data from column leaching (laboratory) experiments and from observed accumulated copper as a function of depth in situ in the field.

(K ˜ j,1cj)nj,1



(K ˜ i,2ci)

(K ˜ j,2cj)nj,2





∑ j

(K ˜ j,2cj)nj,2 1 +

(K ˜ j,2cj)nj,2



where Qi and Qi,max are the adsorbed quantity and the maximum adsorption of component i (mol/kg of organic matter), K ˜ j is the median of the affinity constants (Kj) of component j, where j includes component i. The parameter n reflects the non-ideal behavior of component j, and p reflects the intrinsic heterogeneity of the dissolved organic matter. By cj, we denote the concentration of component j (mol/L). Subscript 1 is considered to be related to the ‘carboxylic’ type groups, and subscript 2 is related to the ‘phenolic’ type groups. Equation 1 has the advantages that it is valid over a wide pH range (2-10) and a free metal ion concentration range (10-210-14 mol/L) and that it can easily be extended to the multimetal binding case. In the natural environment with (mostly) low heavy metal concentration and intermediate pH levels (4 e pH e 7), the sorption by phenolic groups (site 2) is less important than by carboxylic groups (site 1). If we take only copper and proton




TABLE 1. Some Characteristic Parameters of Purified Humic Acida C (%) Cu (mg/g of humic acid) hydrophobic fractionb hydrophilic fractionb

54 0.007 97% (185 mg/L humic acid) 3% (185 mg/L humic acid)

a Total organic carbon content, copper content, hydrophobic fraction, and hydrophilic fraction. b No distinction is made between neutral, acid or base fraction.

competition into, account eq 1 becomes

QCu ) QCu,max (K ˜ CucCu)nCu

[(K ˜ CucCu)nCu + (K ˜ HcH)nH]p ‚

(K ˜ CucCu)nCu + (K ˜ HcH)nH 1 + [(K ˜ CucCu)nCu + (K ˜ HcH)nH]p


For small Cu2+ concentrations and median pH values, we may assume (4)

1 . (K ˜ HcH)nH . (K ˜ CucCu)nCu


In view of 3, eq 2 can be approximated by

QCu ) K′ (cCu)nCu(cH)mH


K′ ) QCu,max(K ˜ Cu)nCu(K ˜ H)nH(p-1)


mH ) nH(p-1)


where we defined


Equation 4 is a Two Species Freundlich equation (10). In the case of heavy metal binding by sandy soils, where organic matter is the chemically most active surface, Qi can be written as

Qi-soil ) f OMQi


where Qi-soil is the adsorbed quantity of component i by soil (mol/kg soil) and f OM is the fraction of organic matter of the soil (kg/kg).

Experimental Section Humic Acid Extraction and Purification. As a model substance for the binding studies onto organic matter, we used purified humic acid that was extracted from forest floor material taken from the Tongbersven Forest (near Oisterwijk, NL). It has been used in previous studies and is described by Van Dobben et al. (5) and Mulder et al. (6). The upper 2 cm of the podzol B horizon from the forest floor material was collected in plastic bags. Upon return to the lab, the sample was homogenized, sieved (