Copper Selective Polymeric Extractant Synthesized by Ring-Opening

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Cite This: Inorg. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Copper Selective Polymeric Extractant Synthesized by Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization Robert Fimognari,† Leander M. Cinninger,† Vincent M. Lynch,† Bradley J. Holliday,‡ and Jonathan Sessler* †

Department of Chemistry, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712-1224, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Novel polymers bearing pendant picolinic acid functionalities have been synthesized by ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) for applications in separations-based purification protocols. These polymers and their corresponding monomer were shown to be selective for Cu2+ over a variety of other divalent metal cations as inferred from pH dependent studies carried out under both liquid− liquid and solid−liquid extraction conditions. The polymer system of this study also showed high selectivity for Cu2+ over Ni2+ in mock protocols that could be relevant to the purification of Cu radioisotopes. Separation factors as high as 290 were achieved for extractions from solutions containing a 100-fold excess of Ni2+ relative to Cu2+.

INTRODUCTION The production and processing of Cu is vital to a wide variety of consumer goods and industries. Therefore, the demand for efficient processes to extract Cu selectively from its ores and waste streams is of immense importance. Traditionally, mined Cu was purified via pyrometallurgy. Unfortunately, the attendant processes require harsh handling conditions, generate large amounts of waste, and produce significant quantities of slag byproduct, which may contain up to 1.5% Cu.1,2 This slag must be treated via pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical processes several times, not only to maximize Cu recovery, but also to meet environmental standards. In addition, waste from electrowinning refinement and metal surface treatment industries contains significant amounts of Cu, which must be separated from other heavy metals to achieve sufficient purity for further use.3,4 Alternative hydrometallurgical processes, such as solvent extraction, have been explored for Cu purification. In this context, extractants containing carboxylic acid, phosphoric acid, and hydroxyoxime moieties have shown commercial applications in the separation and recycling of Cu from a wide range of other metals (Figure 1).5,6

To improve the working conditions for solvent extraction, these ligands are often immobilized on a solid support, which allows the extraction to be performed with only one liquid phase.7 Polymeric supports and materials have been utilized in the recognition and separation of metal ions, and the incorporation of certain extractant molecules into polymeric resins has been shown to permit the selective binding and extraction of divalent metal ions.8,9 Examples of such materials include molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs), which have allowed the selective preconcentration of a range of organic substrates and metal ions.10−12 Unfortunately, the choice of monomer and cross-linker is critical and typically must be optimized for each substrate. Moreover, the molecularly imprinting template must be stripped from the polymer after fabrication. This can lead to a breakdown in the polymeric structure and affect adversely its ability to recognize and bind analytes of interest.13 The introduction of pendant functional groups onto polymer backbones has also been explored as an approach to obtain polymers that target analytes selectivity.14 One means of obtaining such systems involves the use of radical-initiated polymerization methods (e.g., production of poly(methyl methacrylates)). These strategies are attractive due to the general ease of monomer synthesis and broad functional group tolerance.15,16 However, the polymers produced are often irregular with broad dispersities. They can also require significant optimization (monomer and initiator choice, solvent, use of a metal catalyst, temperature) in order to achieve a more living character.17 Ring-opening metathesis polymerization

Figure 1. Extractants and functionalities that are selective for Cu(II) cations over other metal ions: (a) Versatic Acid 10, (b) D2EHPA, and (c) representative hydroxyoxime from the LIX family of extractants. © XXXX American Chemical Society

Received: October 14, 2017


DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b02639 Inorg. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Inorganic Chemistry

Figure 2. (a) Picolinic acid extractant selective for Cu2+ at low pH. (b) Proposed monomer for use in preparing a Cu2+ selective ROMP-derived polymer.

Scheme 1. Synthesis of Picolinic Acid Extractant 4 with Polymerizable Norbornyl Moiety Attacheda


Inset: polymerization of 3 by Grubbs catalyst. Reagents and conditions: (i) 1,6-hexanediamine, AcOH, reflux, 3 h; (ii) dimethylpyridine-2,5dicarboxylate, cat. AcOH, toluene, reflux, 6 h; (iii) LiOH, 9:1 v/v H2O:THF, rt, 2 h; (iv) Grubbs second/third generation catalyst, CH2Cl2, rt, overnight.

ions when a picolinic acid was used as the extractant (Figure 2a).24 The observed selectivity was attributed to the stability of the 2:1 metal complex formed between the ligand and Cu2+, as well as the inherent preference for the Cu2+ cation displayed by carboxylate anions, as the corresponding ester has not shown any extraction ability. Picolinic acid is a functional handle that should be readily amenable for use in ROMP-based approaches to creating supported extractants (Figure 2b).

(ROMP) is another polymerization technique that is attractive in the context of producing materials suitable for extraction. ROMP is not prone to chain transfer or termination events, which allows for highly controllable, living polymerizations.18 The catalysts used for ROMP also have high functional group tolerance. Finally, the requisite monomers can often be synthesized readily by combining a recognition group with a norbornyl moiety to generate precursors that undergo the actual polymerization.19 To date, several polymers bearing pendant chelating moieties bound to the polymer have been synthesized utilizing ROMP and have been used to achieve selective metal ion binding.20,21 However, systems appropriate for selective Cu(II) extraction remain to be prepared. Holliday and co-workers previously reported polymers synthesized by ROMP that could be used to separate actinides from simulated spent nuclear fuel waste.22 These systems were prepared by conjugating a selective ligand to the polymer backbone. Building off this prior success, we sought an easily functionalized moiety that is capable of complexing metal ions in reversible fashion. In this context, controlling metal complexation by pH appeared attractive; in principle, it could allow the affinities to be tuned with high precision. To achieve the desired pH dependence, we elected to explore carboxylic acids as the cation chelating group, in part because carboxylate anions display a preference for Cu2+ over other divalent transition metal cations.23 For instance, work by Tasaki and coworkers served to confirm that Cu2+ could be extracted in a pH dependent fashion in competition over other transition metal


Materials. 1,6-Diaminohexane was purchased from Acros Organics. Dimethylpyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate and lithium hydroxide were purchased from Alfa Aesar. Grubbs second and third generation catalysts, metal chloride salts, and nitric acid (>69%) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Ammonium chloride was purchased from BDH chemicals. All reaction solvents were purchased from Fisher Scientific. Deuterated solvents were purchased from Cambridge Isotope Laboratories (>99% D). Falcon Conical Centrifuge Tubes were purchased from Fisher Scientific. ICP-OES standards were purchased from Ricca Chemical Company. All chemicals were used as received without further purification. Monomer and Polymer Preparation. The synthesis of a norbornyl-functionalized picolinic acid 4 suitable for preparing a ROMP-based polymer is outlined in Scheme 1. Starting from the known norbornyl anhydride 1, the primary amine 2 was prepared in 89% yield via condensation with 1,6-diaminohexane in acetic acid.25 Intermediate 2 was then condensed with dimethylpyridine-2,6dicarboxylate using catalytic acid to give the amide-ester 3 in 91% yield. Base hydrolysis of this compound using lithium hydroxide followed by acidic aqueous workup gave the free acid 4 in 89% yield. B

DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b02639 Inorg. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Inorganic Chemistry

Figure 3. X-ray crystal structures of metal complexes of 4 with (a) 4-Cu, (b) 4-Ni, (c) 4-Zn, (d) 4-Pb. The conjugated norbornyl moieties have been omitted for clarity. Polymer samples were prepared by stirring either 3 or 4 dissolved in methylene chloride or dimethylformamide (0.2 M) with a solution of either the Grubbs second or the Grubbs third generation catalyst (0.02 M) and adjusting the ratio of monomer:catalyst to control the chain length as desired. After stirring overnight under an inert atmosphere, the polymerization was terminated by adding excess (2−3 mL) ethyl vinyl ether and stirring for 30 min. The solvent was removed in vacuo, and the crude residue redissolved in a minimal quantity of methylene chloride or dimethylformamide. The resulting solution was rapidly added to either excess methanol or diethyl ether to precipitate the polymer, a process that was repeated at least three more times. Polymers were found to be pure as inferred from NMR spectroscopic analysis after 3−4 precipitations (Supporting Information, Figure S1), and were characterized by diffusion-ordered spectroscopy (DOSY). Polymers of 3 (poly-3) were subject to saponification under conditions analogous to those used to prepare 4 from 3, yielding poly-4. The hydrolysis reaction was monitored by 1H NMR spectroscopy, and stopped when >99% conversion to the carboxylate was seen. Workup under acidic aqueous conditions yielded poly-4, bearing carboxylic acid substituents (Supporting Information, Figure S2). X-ray Crystal Structures. Metal complexes of 4 and divalent transition metals were synthesized from the appropriate divalent metal chloride salt in the presence of sodium hydroxide in a mixture of ethanol and water. Briefly, after stirring (30 min), solutions were filtered and allowed to stand at room temperature. After several days, crystals suitable for X-ray diffraction were obtained in the case of Cu2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, and Pb2+. The resulting structures are shown in Figure 3. Extraction Studies. Extractions were performed using a Fisher Scientific Multi-Purpose Tube Rotator, set to 40 rpm. Extractions were performed in Falcon Conical Centrifuge Tubes, and all studies were performed over a 24 h period unless otherwise stated. Aqueous solutions were analyzed using a Varian 720 ES Inductively-Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrophotometer (ICP-OES) after extraction, and percent extraction of each metal ion was determined from the mass balance of the initial solution of metal ions before extraction. Liquid−liquid extractions were performed using water and toluene, with the aqueous phase containing the divalent cation in question (as the corresponding chloride salt) at an initial concentration of 1 mM along with 1 M NH4Cl. The concentration of 4 in toluene was adjusted to 3.3 equiv of the total metal ion concentration, unless otherwise stated. Solid−liquid extractions with poly-4 were performed using aqueous solutions that were initially 1 mM in the divalent metal chloride salt and 1 M in NH4Cl. The amount of polymer was adjusted such that approximately 3.3 equiv of extractant on the polymer backbone were present relative to the total metal ion concentration. Selectivity studies were performed using 5 equiv of each metal ion (at 1 mM each) in relation to the total amount

of extractant moieties on the polymer. After extraction, the polymer was separated from the aqueous phase, washed with excess water, and dried in vacuo. The polymer was then digested in concentrated nitric acid and analyzed by ICP-OES to determine the metal speciation.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Polymer Characterization. Initial attempts to polymerize 4 in methylene chloride with Grubbs second generation catalyst resulted in poor control over the molecular weight. Initially it was suspected that the pendant carboxylic acid moieties present in 4 limited the solubility of growing chains in the nonpolar solvent, methylene chloride, impeding further propagation. Changing the solvent to dimethylformamide gave a homogeneous polymerization mixture, but still provided poor control over the molecular weight. We hypothesized that this may have been due to slow initiation by the catalyst. Therefore, the third generation Grubbs catalyst, which is known to promote faster initiation, was used.26 Polymerization attempts with this catalyst gave polymers with good control over the molecular weight, but only up to ca. n = 50 repeat units. Due to the highly polar pendant carboxylic acid groups present in 4, we hypothesized that the resulting polymer became more amphiphilic as the chain length increased. Such changes in polarity could give rise to undesired chain transfer/termination events, as the growing end of the polymer becomes increasingly more secluded from the solution as the molecular weight increases. To circumvent this putative problem, precursor 3 was polymerized and the methyl ester hydrolyzed to give poly-4. Polymerization of 3 in methylene chloride resulted in a homogeneous polymerization, with good control over the molecular weight as expected for a living polymerization (Supporting Information, Figure S3). Polymers of 3 (poly-3) were characterized by diffusion ordered spectroscopy (DOSY) using the procedure of Viéville and coworkers, which involves extrapolating the diffusion coefficients of the bulk and terminal groups of the polymer in question to obtain the dispersity (Đ).27 This relationship has been shown to hold over a broad range of polymer classes, from polystyrene and poly(ethylene oxide) to biopolymers such as proteins and DNA.28 By synthesizing a collection of polymers of varying sizes, Đ was determined to be in the range of 1.02−1.27 for samples of poly-3 (Supporting Information, Figures S4−5). These polymers of 3 were then subject to saponification to give poly-4. C

DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b02639 Inorg. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Inorganic Chemistry

Figure 4. Liquid−liquid extraction with 4. Organic phase: 26.7 mM 4 in toluene; Aqueous phase: 1 mM in the eight indicated metal salts (as MCl2; total concentration of M2+ = 8 mM), 1 M NH4Cl. (a) Data shown using pH before extraction; (b) data shown using the pH recorded at equilibrium.

Extraction Studies. Prior to carrying out extraction studies, we felt it appropriate to test whether tethering a norbornyl moiety to a picolinic acid moiety would affect metal ion extraction. Biphasic extraction studies with monomer 4 were thus performed using an aqueous solution of eight divalent metal chloride salts (i.e., of Cu, Ni, Zn, Cd, Co, Mn, Fe, and Pb) in the presence of ammonium chloride to increase overall metal ion extraction. Figure 4 shows the data obtained from these studies; it is shown using the initial pH, as well as the pH at equilibrium, so as to allow comparisons to previous work.24 In the case of Cu2+ essentially complete extraction still occurs at ca. pH 2. Moreover, appreciable extraction of the other potentially competitive divalent cations does not occur until the pH is raised by 1−2 pH units. However, under these latter higher pH conditions, significant extraction of Fe2+, Ni2+, and Zn2+ is achieved. Both Ni2+ and Zn2+ follow Cu2+ in the IrvingWilliams series providing a qualitative rationale for these findings. The extraction of Fe2+ is ascribed to its oxophilic nature and the fact that 4 provides two oxygen donor atoms. Support for the proposed metal cation complexation came from single crystal X-ray structural analysis of the complexes obtained using the Cu2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, and Pb2+ chloride anion salts (Figure 3). These structures revealed a 2:1 ligand-to-metal ion stoichiometry, with 4 acting as a tridentate ligand. Interestingly, in the solid state the tridentate binding character of 4 is maintained for each metal ion, including Pb2+, which adopts a hemidirected geometry presumably due to the additional lone pair in the valence shell. Subsequent to the above predicative studies, poly-4 was tested for its extraction ability. This polymer proved essentially insoluble in most common nonpolar solvents. Therefore, it was tested under conditions of solid−liquid extraction. When tested in this way, the solid form of poly-4 showed pH dependent extraction features while maintaining a degree of selectivity for Cu2+ in analogy to what was found for 4 (Figure 5). Additionally, extraction was seen at a lower pH than for liquid−liquid extractions performed with 4. While not studied in detail, this latter finding could reflect the increased effective concentration of hydrogen bond acceptors expected to be present near a given pendant carboxylic acid group decreasing its effective pKa. Such a rationale could also account for why poly-4 proved capable of extracting Pb2+ in contrast to what was seen in the case of free ligand 4. Selectivity Studies. Selectivity studies were performed with poly-4 by contacting it with a mixture of metal cations (as

Figure 5. Solid−liquid extraction with poly-4. Aqueous phase: 1 mM in the eight indicated metal salts (as MCl2; total concentration of M2+ = 8 mM), 1 M NH4Cl. Solid phase: poly-4 (Mw = 23,079 D, Đ = 1.07), 3.3 equiv of pendant extractant moiety relative to [M2+].

the chloride anion salts) present in excess. After the putative extraction, samples of poly-4 were digested with concentrated nitric acid and analyzed by ICP-OES to determine the nature of the extracted metal ions. Selectivity for Cu2+, was seen over a broad pH range, peaking around pH = 5 (Figure 6). The pH dependence appears to be driven by competition with Fe2+ and improves in relative terms as the pH is raised, likely due to the formation of insoluble Fe(OH)2 species as the aqueous medium becomes more basic.29 Application Testing Related to Purification of Cu Radioisotopes. While the selectivity for Cu2+ over some metal ions is modest, we noticed a high degree of selectivity compared to Ni2+ and Zn2+. This could make poly-4 of interest in the context in of Cu isotope purification, many of which are produced from enriched Ni or Zn parent isotopes.30 The 64Cu isotope has shown promise in the field of positron emission tomography (PET) and is attractive as a longer-lived (t1/2 = 12.7 h) alternative to 18F (t1/2 = 110 min.). The fact that 64Cu decays by both β+ and β− pathways also makes it appealing for radiotherapy. The current method of preparing 64Cu involves use of a biomedical cyclotron with 64Ni as the parent isotope. Purification is then effected by ion exchange chromatography.31 We hypothesized that poly-4 could be used to purify Cu2+ away from an excess of Ni2+, as well as from Zn2+, which is a decay product for 64Cu2+. D

DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b02639 Inorg. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Inorganic Chemistry

Figure 6. (a) Selectivity studies performed with poly-4 (Mw = 23,079 D, Đ = 1.07) using a 5-fold excess of each metal ion salt relative to the picolinic acid ligand sites present on the polymer. The bars indicate the selectivity observed for each metal ion. (b) Selectivity comparison for Cu2+, Ni2+, and Zn2+.

Figure 7. (a) pH-Dependence of biphasic extraction studies. Organic phase: 10 mM 4 in toluene. Aqueous phase: 1 mM in CuCl2, NiCl2, and ZnCl2, 1 M NH4Cl. The data is plotted as a function of equilibrium pH. (b) Metal ion extraction at ca. pH 2, varying [4]. (c) Time-dependent extraction of metal ions (1 mM) from an aqueous phase at ca. pH 2 with 4 (4 mM in toluene). (d) Linear fit of the extraction of Cu2+ versus time with 4 mM 4 in toluene.

Prior to studies with poly-4, the monomer 4 was studied under biphasic extraction conditions using equimolar (separate studies; 1 mM in each) aqueous solutions of Cu2+, Ni2+, and Zn2+ (MCl2) with toluene containing 4 (10 mM) used as the receiving phase. Initial extraction studies under these conditions (Figure 7a) provided evidence that Cu2+ was extracted selectively over Ni2+ and Zn2+ at a pH of ca. 1.7. This selectivity diminished as the pH was raised and was largely absent by pH = 3.0. This finding mirrors what was seen under

noncompetitive conditions.24 Under the biphasic conditions of Figure 7a, the optimal Cu2+ vs Ni2+/Zn2+ extraction ratio for monomer 4 was realized near pH 2. The effect of the concentration of 4 was then investigated. This was done keeping the metal ion concentration constant and varying that of 4, as shown in Figure 7b. Good extraction efficiency and selectivity for Cu2+ over Ni2+ and Zn2+ was obtained at a 4:1 ligand:metal cation ratio. The time dependence of the Cu2+ extraction was also studied and it E

DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b02639 Inorg. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Inorganic Chemistry was found that maximum extraction efficiencies could reached within 3 h, showing a linear time dependence over that period (Figure 7c,d). After 3 h, 88% of Cu2+ and only 3.5% and 4.2% of Ni2+ and Zn2+, respectively, had been removed from the aqueous phase, resulting in ratios of 25:1 of Cu2+:Ni2+ and 21:1 of Cu2+:Zn2+ extracted. In the case of poly-4, solid−liquid extraction studies revealed that a large increase in the pH (to ca. pH = 5) was required to obtain efficient Cu2+ extractions (Figure 8). However, it is to be

Figure 8. Solid−liquid extraction with poly-4. Aqueous phase: 1 mM CuCl2, NiCl2, and ZnCl2, 1 M NH4Cl. Solid phase: poly-4 (Mw = 23,079 D, Đ = 1.07), 3.3 equiv of pendant extractant moiety.

noted that the effective metal cation concentrations were lower in these studies compared to the studies with a panel of metal ions. Thus, it is difficult to assess at present the origin of the pH effect seen on moving from 4 to poly-4, but one cause may be a reduced Lewis acidic influence of metal ions on poly-4. Timedependent extraction studies revealed a lack of linearity. Nevertheless, ca. 80% extraction was achieved with poly-4 after 4 h under the present solid−liquid extraction conditions (Supporting Information, Figure S7), but resulted in lower Cu2+:Ni2+ and Cu2+:Zn2+ extraction ratios (11.6:1 and 3.3:1, respectively). The selectivity for Cu2+ over Ni2+ was further examined with poly-4 (Supporting Information, Figure S8), varying the pH to see if separation efficiencies could be improved at lower pH. Studies carried out using mixtures with 1:1, 10:1, and 100:1 Ni2+:Cu2+ ratios revealed a reasonably linear relationship between the ratio of Cu2+:Ni2+ extracted and the pH (Figure 9a). Notably, in the presence of a 100-fold excess of Ni2+, separation factors as high as 290 in favor of Cu2+ were observed (Table 1). An explanation for this value may be found by examining the complex formation constants of Cu2+ (log(Kf) = 14.78) and Ni2+ (log(Kf) = 12.44) with picolinic acid.32 We assume that complex formation occurs by the reaction shown in eq 1 (L corresponds to the picolinic acid ligand): M2 + + 2Cl− + 2L → ML 2 + 2HCl

Figure 9. Solid−liquid phase selectivity studies with poly-4 (Mw = 23,079 D, Đ = 1.07). Aqueous phase: 1 mM CuCl2, 1 M NH4Cl. The NiCl2 concentration was 1 mM (a), 10 mM (b), and 100 mM (c). 0.2 equiv of poly-4 were used, with respect to [Cu2+].

Table 1. Separation Factors for poly-4 at Varying Ratios of Ni2+:Cu2+a Ni2+:Cu2+ SCu/Ni (pH)




25 (2.08)

147 (1.94)

290 (1.84)



Separation factors were calculated as the ratio of the distribution coefficient of Cu2+ to Ni2+, based on concentration in the solid polymer and solution. [Cu2+] = 1 mM.

Using this equation and taking into account the difference in the formation constants for Cu2+ and Ni2+ with picolinic acid (Δlog(Kf) = 2.34), one can infer that the selectivity is largely dependent on the ratio of Ni2+:Cu2+ in the aqueous phase. Because this Ni2+:Cu2+ ratio was 100:1 in our case and because ΔKf ∼ 220, more Cu2+ must be extracted than Ni2+ to satisfy this equilibrium. Such a conclusion is consistent with the experimental value of SCu/Ni. Stripping studies to remove the bound Cu2+ from the polymer were carried out using hydrochloric acid. Under

favorable conditions, up to 60% recovery of the metal cation could be achieved (Supporting Information, Figure S9). However, when at HCl concentrations exceeding 6 M, evidence of polymer breakdown was seen. Stripping attempts with other acids (sulfuric, nitric) and bases (ammonia, ethylene diamine), as well as chelators, such as EDTA, provided no better recovery results. F

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Inorganic Chemistry

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CONCLUSIONS In summary, we have prepared a Cu2+ selective extractant that can be applied toward solid−liquid metal ion extractions. This ROMP-derived material, poly-4 could be used to purify Cu2+ away from Ni2+ and Zn2+ leading us to suggest that it might have a role to play in the purification of Cu radioisotopes. Systems related to poly-4 may also prove useful in the areas of hydrometallurgy and environmental cleanup.


S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b02639. Materials and general methods; synthesis and characterization data; NMR spectral and HRMS data; polymerizations and characterization; extractions experimental data; X-ray crystallography (PDF) Accession Codes

CCDC 1570007, 1570082, 1570287, and 1570856 contain the supplementary crystallographic data for this paper. These data can be obtained free of charge via data_request/cif, or by emailing [email protected]. uk, or by contacting The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, 12 Union Road, Cambridge CB2 1EZ, UK; fax: +44 1223 336033.


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. ORCID

Jonathan Sessler: 0000-0002-9576-1325 Author Contributions ‡

The manuscript was written through contributions of all authors. All authors have given approval to the final version of the manuscript. B.J.H. is unaffiliated. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Acknowledgment is made to the donors of The American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund for support of this research (grant no. 56925-ND7 to J.L.S.). Further support from the Robert A. Welch Foundation (F-0018 to J.L.S. and F-1631 to B.J.H.) is gratefully acknowledged. This material is based upon work supported under an Integrated University Program Graduate Fellowship. R.F. would like to thank Matthew Moore for helpful discussions.


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