Corn bustion - ACS Publications

b Combustion instability in both liquid- and solid-propellant rockets is receiving more attention b Traces of antiknock substances such as iron pentac...
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an ( + / E C ( U n i t Processes Review

Cornbustion by Raymond Friedman and John H. Grover, Atlantic Research Corp., Alexandria, V a .

b b b

Interest in determining the nature of ionized species in flames has increased Combustion instability in both liquid- and solid-propellant rockets i s receiving more attention Traces of antiknock substances such as iron pentacarbonyl and tetraethyllead reduce hydrocarbon-air burning velocity significantly


ADVANCED PROPULSION techniques have continued to be a n important stimulus for combustion research, industrial applications such as flame extinguishment, chemical synthesis by combustion, and industrial and residential burner design have also been areas in which significant research has occurred. I n addition, many combustion research results dealing with the ultimate nature of flames are appearing, which do not relate directly to any application. These include combustion characteristics of various combinations of chemical fuels and oxidants, study of spectral characteristics of flames, and attempts to identify the ionized species generally formed in combustion waves. T h e present review covers highlights in these categories for the past two years ending in the spring of 1961.

laminar Flame Research T h e laminar gaseous flame has continued to be a focal point of experimental and theoretical study directed at detailed understanding of the combustion process. The most substantial recent progress has been in experimental rather than theoretical studies. Several reports (ZA, 24A, 37A, 32A, 36A, 39A, 458, 468) have dealt with the theory of propagation of adiabatic onedimensional laminar flames. Another group of theoretical studies (33A. 34A, 50A, 52A, 53A, 57A) considered flames with spherical or cylindrical symmetry. Several studies (5A, 7 A , 57A) have treated nonadiabatic models to understand flammability limits and quenching. All of these theoretical studies represent extensions of past concepts rather than novel developments. T h e table (p. 1021) summarizes 39 experimental investigations of various laminar gaseous flame systems; in each case the objective has been to obtain further understanding of the flame process. I t is of interest to note that bnly one fourth of these studies dealt


with hydrocarbon-oxygen flames, the remainder being concerned with various exothermic chemical systems, in many cases substances related to rocket fuels. A very wide variety of experimental techniques are being employed to obtain information about flames, including emission and absorption spectroscopy, sampling probes, refractometric procedures, isotopic tracers, thermocouples, and observations of gross flame behavior such as burning velocity, quenching distance, and flashback point. A problem which has received attention recently is that of determining reactivity in flames, the ingredients of which cannot be premixed before combustion-Le., hypergolic systems. Such pairs of gases can be burned as diffusion flames where the combustion rate is transport-limited and independent of chemical kinetics. However, Potter and others (47A, 42A) have shown that a hole may be formed in a diffusion flame pro-


duced by opposed coaxial laminar streams of fuel and oxidant gas, the flow rate a t which the hole appears being a measure of flame reactivity (see figure, below). This technique promises to be useful. Spalding (49A) has begun the development of a theory pertinent to this phenomenon.

Flame Spectroscopy Spectroscopy has been frequently employed in flame structure studies, as referenced in the previous section. However, additional studies of flame spectra have been made for their own intrinsic interest or to develop techniques for later use in flame structure studies. Such reports are listed here. T h e emissivity from soot particles in flames has been considered by Yagi and Iino (78B) and Foster and McGrath (7B). Radiant emission from rocketexhaust gases has been studied (6B). A number of studies have dealt with


Diffusion flames stabilized between opposed propane and air jets ( 4 7 A ) Increasing the flow rate of the jets above a critical value produces the broken flame (right)

Experimental Studies of Laminar Flame Structure Technique Fuel System

Fuel System

+ 02 C?H( + 02 C2H4 + C3Hs + 02 C3H8 + 02 CaHs + 02 CiHio + 02 H Z + 02 H P + On Hz +

Mass-spectrometer sampling Refractometric Flashback Carbon- 13 Spectroscopic Gas chromatography Spectroscopic Thermocouple and optical Gas chromatography Flashback Spectroscopy Various


0 2


0 2

Hz 02 NzHl decomp.

Boron compounds







Ionization in Flames The occurrence of abnormally high ionization (in excess of thermodynamic equilibrium) in gaseous combustion waves has long been known, but only recently has the mass spectrometer been used to identify these mysterious ions. Knewstubb and Sugden (9C) and van Tiggelen and others (ZC,3 C ) have led in this work. 'The most abundant species found in hydrocarbon-oxygen flames is H30+, although a variety of other ions are present, such as Hj02+, CHO+, C ~ H S +N, O + (if ?j, is present), and H,O+. Much speculation (7C, 4 C ) on the origin of these ions ha5 been made. Because charge-exchange reactions can easily occur: the precursor ion may not be the dominant ion present. Further, the large energy requirement for ionization limits the possible reactions. Mechanisms such as the following have been proposed : +


+ electron

or C2H



2 +


+ electron

and CzOeH+-+ CHO+

+ CO

The following rapid charge-exchange process would follow : CHO+

+ HzO



0 2

given to the source of the continua of the C O flame (9B) and of the hydrogen flame (74B)and to the emitter of the hydrocarbon flame bands (77B). *4bsorption spectroscopy has been applied to flat flames (8B,76B) and solid-propellant flames (7B). Effects of an electric field on flame emission have been studied (73B). Radiation from fluorine-NH3 flames (5B), CO flames ( 7 7B),hydrogen-fluorine flames (72B), and atomic hydrogen combining with has been atomic halogens in flames (75B) reported.


+ +

H Z Br2 Br2 Hg HzS - 0 2 Alkylsilane - 02 Organic nitro-, nitrate, or nitrite compounds ClOaF various fuels C2H2 or CHsCCH decomp. (C?H5)20 02



+ CO



0 2

I n addition to the mass spectrometer, other experimental means have been employed for studying flame ionization, including microwave attenuation (70C. 74C),electrical probes (7C, 7C, 8C,72C, 73C, 75C): and field-induced flow ( 7 I C ) , Extremely ion-rich gases may be produced in a flame by proper choice of a cesium-rich system with high flame temperature. Hord and Pennington (6C)have described results for a cyanogen-oxygen flame seeded with cesium, while Fagg and Friedman (5C) have discussed a solid mixture of Cshr03 and aluminum.

Flame Extinguishment This review is limited to scientific rather than practical aspects of fire control. Fife Research Abstia,ts and Reviews (20)is now the main reference for A useful information in this field. collection of studies dealing with modeling procedures in fire research has appeared (70). British investigators ( 7 0 , 9 0 ) have made very detailed studies on mechanisms of extinction of fires by water, on the basis of mass and heat transfer. T h e results of investigations aimed at chemical inhibition of flames are appearing. Lask and Wagner (40) have shown that n-hexane-air burning velocity is reduced 30y0 by as little as 0.072 mole yGiron pentacarbonyl, 0.074 mole yo tetraethyllead, or 0.15 mole PC13, while 8 mole % C O Z is required for the same effect. They also list many other effective gaseous additives, all of which contain either metals or halogens. Addition of gaseous HBr to a methaneair laminar flame, which reduces the burning velocity, was reported by Levy and others (5D)also to modify the flame structure as determined by sampling probes, inhibiting the first stage of the two-stage combustion process. Experiments on flame inhibition by dry powders (30)and additions of chlorine or bromine to C O flames ( 6 D ) have been described. Rosser and others ( S D ) have reported that halogen-containing inhibitors, while effective in methane-

Technique Burning velocity Chemical analysis Various



(ZB-dB,8B). Consideration has been


C2N2 decomp. C2N2 NO or N 2 0 0 8 decomp.

Optical Quenching Photochemistry Burning velocity Various Spectroscopic Product analysis Sampling, inhibition Sampling

air flames, are ineffective for methaneN O and methane-NO?. Also, ethyl nitrate and nitromethane were somewhat less sensitive than other fuels to inhibition by HHr.

Chemical Synthesis in Flames Partial combustion has long been an intriguing approach to chemical synthesis, the Sachsse process for acetylene manufacture being the best known example. From time to time, results from combustion research studies appear which may be of interest in this regard. Rich hydrocarbon-oxygen mixtures were burned between two cooled porous plugs by Kydd ( 3 E ) ,who performed gas chromatographic analysis on the effluent, reporting relative rates of primary oxidation of hydrogen, methane, ethane, and ethylene (increasing in that order) and rates of disappearance of the major intermediates methane and acetylene. Arthur and Napier ( 7 E ) have discussed the use of reversed diffusion flames (oxidant jet into fuel vapor atmosphere) for production of acetylene and ethylene from paraffins; Lindsey ( 4 E ) has described formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and carbon deposits from both normal and reversed diffusion flames. New data on the rate of production of HzOa from hydrogen and oxygen in a flow system with a cold trap were presented by Linnett and Tootal ( 5 E ) . Roblee and others (6E)have discussed evidence for the presence of carbon suboxide (CaOz) as an intermediate product in the cool flame oxidation of diethyl ether Berl and Wilson ( 2 E ) have shown that a steady-state flame of diborane and hydrazine vapor can be maintained in the absence of air with a special burner, the principal products being boron nitride and hydrogen.

Burners and Furnaces One of the most widespread applications of combustion is in burners and furnaces. Research on both industrial and residential burners has continued. VOL. 53, NO. 12



a n m d Unit Processes Review Speich and Locklin (70F) have made a literature survey of oil-burners for residential use. Various aspects of combustion in liquid-fuel burners and means of improving the combustion have been discussed (ZF, 3F, 5F, 6F, 8F,SF, 77F, 72F, 78F, 27F). Jacobson ( 7 F ) and Griffiths and Weber ( 4 F ) have investigated gas-fired burners. Thring (73F77F), in a series of reports, has considered several phases of flames and furnaces. The fluid dynamics of burners and furnaces has been studied by Chesters ( 7 F ) ,Ullrich (ZOF), and Thurlow (79F).

Droplet Combustion The burning of single and multiple droplets and particles is one of the basic steps in many combustion processes, and its continued attention is well warranted. Williams (8G-77G) has contributed to both theoretical and experimental understanding of single droplet and spray combustion. Wood and others (6G, 7G) have studied the combustion of single droplets of multicomponent fuels. Reichenbach and others (3G) have measured flame propagation rates for liquid-fuel droplet arrays, and Basevich and Kogarko (7G) have considered the burning probability for droplets of atomized liquid fuel in a turbulent flow. T h e combustion of a spray in the presence of a shock wave was studied by Webber (5G). A theory of the combustion of droplets at high pressures has been developed by Spalding ( 4 G ) . T h e consumption rate of droplets has been related by Mead (ZG) to the consumption rate of liquid strands.

Solid Propellant Combustion The solid-propellant developer can generally find a way of preventing combustion instability. However, the understanding of unstable burning is not complete. McClure and others (5H, 70H, 71iH) continue to be a t the forefront of research on this phenomenon. Several other investigators have also been looking into the problem (4H, 8H, 77H, 75H, / 7 H , 20H). Another characteristic of solid propellant that users can live with, but is not fully understood, is erosive burning. Theoretical and experimental aspects of this effect have been studied (SH, 9H, 74H, 24H). Theoretical treatments of the burning mechanism of solid propellant have been reported in a recent book (23H) as well as in several reports (ZH, 3H, 7H, 2 l H , 22”). The complexity of the combustion process has prevented complete understanding from being achieved.

1 022

The most widely used oxidizer in composite solid propellants is NH,C104. There are indications that the decomposition of this material is the controlling step in the burning of these propellants, especially a t high pressure. Several investigators (7H, 73H, 78H, 79H, 24H) have looked into the various phases of the deflagration of pure NH4C104 and “4c l o d propellants. Leipunskii (72H) studied the pressure dependence of the burning rate of black powder.

liquid-Propellant Combustion Combustion instability in liquid-propellant rocket engines can produce pressure oscillations of destructive proportions and is the outstanding combustion problem with bipropellant systems. Crocco and Grey (35) continue to be leading investigators in the study of this phenomenon, having obtained some experimental verification of their theories. Zucrow and Osborne (755, 76J),Shieber (72J), and Blackman (25) have also looked into various aspects of combustion instability. Another important variable of bipropellant combustion is the vaporization rate of propellants. This has been investigated by Mayer ( 9 5 ) and Priem and Heidmann (705). Other studies of bipropellant systems have been made by Baddiel and Cullis ( I J ) , Ingebo (45, 5 J ) , Somogyi and Feiler (745), and Lawhead ( 6 J ) . The other type of liquid rocket propellant system, monopropellants, is also of great importance. Satterfield and others ( 7 7 5 ) continued their interest in HzOp. Makovky (85) has studied the role of the decomposition of K O in the use of nitromethane. Lawrence and Knight ( 7 J ) reported on the improvements in the operating characteristics of n-propyl nitrate. Spalding (735) has also considered combustion in liquidfuel rocket motors.

Supersonic Combustion T h e demand for ever-increasing speeds of missiles and planes flying in the atmosphere has led to the desirability of having combustion take place in a supersonic air flow. Gross (4K-6K) has studied mainly the combustion of hydrogen in supersonic flow. Fletcher and Allen ( 7 K , 2 K ) have investigated the combustion of highly reactive fuel in supersonic air streams. A related area of interest is combustion and chemical reactions in shock waves. These processes have received attention (3K,8 K , 7 7K, 72K). An important aspect of the performance of rockets and ramjets is the combustion and recombination reactions that take place in the nomle. These have


been studied by Lewis and Harrison (7K) and Rastogi and Pandya ( 9 K ) . The deviation of chemical equilibrium in gas flow was considered by Rudin and Aroeste (70K).

Books and Reviews An excellent volume was edited by Ducarme and others ( 5 L ) , consisting of six monographs by experts o n various experimental aspects of combustion research (flow visualization, gas analysis, flame stability, optical techniques, quenching, and liquid-propellant ignition). A number of other bound volumes (7L-4L, 9L) have appeared, containing collections of papers presented a t various symposia. The Eighth International Symposium on Combustion, held in 1960, was by far the outstanding of these. The quarterly journal Combustton and Flame continues to be a n important publication medium. A book reviewing theoretical aspects of combustion, flammability limits, ignition, quenching, and detonation was written by Mullins and Penner (8L), with a phenomenological discussion of the same field emphasizing semiempirical generalizations. New editions o€ Gaydon and Wolfhard’s treatise (6L) and Lewis and von Elbe’s (7L) have appeared.

literature Cited Laminar Flame Research (1A) Adams, G. K., Cook, G. B., Combustion and Flame 4, 9-18 (1960). (2A Adler, J., Zbzd., 3, 389-97 (1959). (3Al A ntoine, A. C., “Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion,” Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md., in press. (4A) Barnard, J. A., Cullis, C. F., Zbid., (5A) Berlad. A. L., Yang, C. H., Combustion andFlame 3,447-52 (1959). (6A) Breisacher, P., Dembrow, D., Berl, W. G., “Seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion,” pp. 894-902, Butterworths, London, 1959. (7A) Chen, T., Toong, T., Combustion and Flame 4, 313 (1960). (8A) Child, E. T., Wohl, K., “Seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion,” pp. 215-20, Butterworths, London, 1959. (9A) Cummings, G. A. McD., Hall, A. R., Straker, R. A. M., “Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion,” Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md., in press. (10A) de Jaegere, S., van Tiggelen, A., Combustion and Flame 3, 187-200 (1959). (11A) Dixon-Lewis, G., Isles, G. L., “Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion,” Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md., in press. (12A) Dixon-Lewis, G., Williams, A., Combustion andFlame 4, 382 (1960). (13A) Fenimore, C. P., Jones, G. W., J. Phys. Chem. 6 5 , 298-303 (1961). (14A) Ferguson, R. E., Yokley, C. R., “Seventh Symposium (International) on on Combustion,” pp. 113-1 7, Butterworths, London, 1959. (15A) Fine, B., Combustion and Flame 4, 243 (1960).

an1d(16A) Fine, B., J . Phys. Chem. 65, 414-17 (1961). (17A) Fristrom, R. M., Grunfelder, C., Favin, S., J . Phys. Chem. 64, 1386-92 (1960). (18A) Fristrom, R. M., Westenberg, A. A., “Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion,” Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md., in press. (19A) Gerstein, M., A R S Journal 29, 514 (1959). (20A) Gerstein, M., “Seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion,” pp. 903--5, Butterworths, London, 1959. 21A) Gray, P., Lee, J. C., Ibid., pp. 61-7. 22A) Gray, P., Williams, A,, “Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion,” Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md., in press. (23A) Hicks. J. .4.. Zbid. (24Aj Hirschfelder, J. O., Van Domelen, S. A., Phys. Fluids 3, 210-16 (1960). (254) Iastrebov. V. V., Zhur. Fiz. Khim. . 34; NO. 1, 46-50 (1960). (26A) Kaskan, W. E.,Combustion and Flame 5 , 93 (1961). (27A) Kaskan, W. E., Millikan, R. C., “Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion,” Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md., in press. (28A) Kushida, R., Wohl, K., “Seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion,” pp. 221-8, Butterworths, London, 1959. (29A) Levy, A., Weinberg, F. J., Combustion and Flame 3.229-53 (1959). (30A) Lodwig, R. M‘., Mkrgrave, J. L., Zbid., 3, 147-56 (1959). (31A) Lovachev, L. A.,Ibid., 4, 357 (1960). (32A) Lovachev. L. A . , “Eighth Svm‘ posium (International) ’on Cckbustidn,” Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md., in press. (33A) Menkes, J., Combustion and Flame 4, 1-7 (1960). (34A) Menkes; J., “Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion,” Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md., in press. (35A) Mertens, J., Potter, R. L., Combustion and Flame 3, 525-7 (1959). (36A) Millan, G., Da Riva, I., “Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion,” Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md., in press. (37A) Padley, P. J., Sugden, T. M., “Seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion,” pp. 235-42, Butterworths, London, 1959. (38A) Peacock, F., Weinberg, F. J., “Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion,” Williams & Wilkins. Baltimore, Md., in press. (39A) Pleshanov, A. S., 1nzhener.-Fiz. Zhur. 2, NO. 7, 13-19 (1959). (40A) Potter, A. E., Jr., Anagnostou, E., “Seventh Svmuosium (International) on Combustior;,” ‘pp. 347:51, Butterwokths, London, 1959. (41A) Potter, A. E., Jr., Butler, J. N., A R S .Journal 29, 54 (1959). (42A) Potter. A. E.. Jr.. Heimel. S.. ’ Anagnosto;, E., “Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion,” Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md., in press. (43A) Powling, J., Smith, W. A. W., Thynne, J., Combustion and Flame 4, 201 (19 60). (44A) Reid, R., Wheeler, R., J . Phys. Chem. 65. 527-30 (1961). (45A) Rosen, G., j . ChLm. Phys. 32, 311 (1960). (46A) Ibid., 31, 253 (1959). (47A) Rutner, E., Scheller, K., McLain, W. H . , Jr. J . Phys. Chem. 64, 1891-6 (1960).

(48A) Sandri, R., Combustion and Flame 4, 284 (1960). (49A) Spalding, D. B., A R S Journal 31, 763-71 (1961). (50A) Spalding, D. B., Combustion and Flame 4. 51-8 (1960). (51A) Spalding,‘D. B., Adler, J., Zbid., 4, 94-5 (1960). (52A) Spaldihg, D. B., Jain, V. K., Ibid., 5 , 11 (1961). (53A) Spalding, D. B., Jain, V., Samain, M. D., Ibid., 5 , 19 (1961). (54A) Stokes. C. S. R.. Werner. P. M.. ’ otAers, INu. ENG. CCHEM.52, 75-8 (1960). (55A) Streng, A. G., Grosse, A. V., Combustzon and Flame 5 , 81 (1961). (56A) Waddington, D. J., “Seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion,” pp. 165-70, Butterworths, London, 1959. (57A) Westenberg, A. A., Favin, S., Combustion andFlame 4, 161 (1960). (58A) Westenberg, A. A., Fristrom, R. M., J . Chem. Phys. 64, 1393 (1960). (59A) Zeelenberg, A. P., “Seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion,” pp. 68-71, Butterworths, London, 1959.

Unit Processes Review

national) on Combustion,” Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md., in press. (4C) Eyring, H., Mukherjee, N. R., others, Ibid. (5C) Fagg, L. W., Friedman, R., A R S Journal 31, 157 (1961). (6C) Hord, R. A., Pennington, J. B., Natl. Aeronautics Space Admin. Tech. Note D-380, May 1960. (7C) Kinbara, T., Nakamura, J., Ikegami, H., “Seventh Symposium (International)) on Combustion,” pp. 263-8, Butterworths, London, 1959. (8C) King, I. R., J . Chem. Phys. 31, 854 (1959). (9C) Knewstubb, P. F., Sugden, T. M.,. “Seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion,” pp. 247-53, Butterworths, London, 1959. (1OC) Padley, P. J., Sugden, T. M., “Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion,” Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md., in press. (11C) Payne, K. G., Weinberg, F. J., Ibid. (12C) Poncelet, J., Berendsen, R., van Tiggelen, A,, “Seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion,” pp. 256-62, Butterworths, London, 1959. (13C) Ward, F. J., Weinberg, F. J., “Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion,” Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md., in press. (14C) Williams, H., “Seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion,” pp. 269-76, Butterworths, London, 1959. (15C) Wolfhard, H . G., Nichol, J., Siminski, V., “Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion,” Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md., in press.

Flame Spectroscopy (1B) Bent, H. A., Crawford, B., Jr., J . Phys. Chem. 63, 941-51 (1959). (2B) Carrington, T., “Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion,” Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md., in press. (3B) Carrington, T., J . Chem. Phys. 30, 1087 (1959). (4B) Dickey,’ F. P., Hoffman, J. M., “Seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion,” pp. 938-41, Butterworths, London, 1959. (5B) Eulner, R., Mertens, J., Potter, R. L., Flame Extinguishment Combustion and Flame 5 , 1 (1961). (6B) Ferriso, C. C., “Eighth Symposium (1D) Berl, W. G., ed., “International (International) on Combustion,” Symposium on the Use of Models in Fire Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md., Research,” Natl. Acad. Sci. Publ. 786, in press. 1961. (7B) Foster, P. J., McGrath, I. A., Com(2D) Committee on Fire Research and. bustzon and Flame 4. 191 (1960). Fire Research Conference, National Acad(8B) Gaydon, A. G., Spbkes,’G. N., van emy Sciences, National Research Suchtelen, J., Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) Council, Washington, D. C., Fire Research 256A, 323-33 (1960). Abstracts and Reviews. (9B) Kaskan. W. E.. Combustion and Flame (3D) Friedrich. M.. VFDB Zeitschrift. ‘ 3: 39-48 (i9.59). ’ ‘ Sbec. Iss. No: 2, (January 1960). (lOB) Kask‘an, W. E., J . Chem. Phys. 31, (4D) Lask, G., Wagner, H. G., “Eighth 944-56 (1 959). Symposium (International) on Com(11B) Leah, A. S . , Watson, H., Combustion bustion.” Williams & Wilkins. Baltiand Flame 3. 169-86 (1959). more, Md., in press. (12B) Mann,’D. E., Thrush, B. A., others, (5D) Levy, A,, Droege, J. W., others, J . Chem. Phys. 34, 420-31 (1961). Zbid. (13B) h‘akamura, J., Combustion and Flame (6D) Palmer, H. B., Seery, D. J., Combus3, 277-84 (1959). tion and Flame 4, 213 (1960). (14B) Padley, P. J., Trans. Faraday SOC. (7D) Rasbash, D. J., Rogowski, 2. W., 5 6 , 449-54 (1960). Stark, G. W. V., Zbid., 4, 223 (1960). (15B) Phillips, L. F., Sugden, T. M., (8D)Rosser, W. A., Jr., Inami, S. H., Can. J . Chem. 38, 1804-18 (1960). Wise, H., WADC Tech. Rept. 59-206, (16B) Spokes, G. N., “Seventh Symposium (OTS PB 151962). (International) on Combustion,” pp. (9D) Thomas, P. H., Inst. Fire Enginrs. 229-34, Butterworths, London, 1959. Quart. 19, 130-2 (1959). (17B) Vaidya, W. M., “Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion,” Chemical Synthesis in Flames Williams & W-ilkins, Baltimore, Md., in press. (1E) Arthur, J. R., Napier, D. H., Com(18B) Yagi, S., Iino, H., Zbid. bustion and Flame 4, 19-28 (1960). (2E) Berl, W. G., Wilson, W. E., Nature Ionization in Flames 191, 380 (1961). (3E) Kydd, P. H., Combustion and Flame (1C) Calcote, H. F., “Eighth Symposium 3, 133-45 (1959). (International) on Combustion,” (4E) Lindsey, A. J., Ibid., 4, 261 (1960). Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md., (5E) Linnett, J. W., Tootal, C. P., in press. “Seventh Symposium (International) (2C) Deckers, J., van Tiggelen, A., on Combustion,” pp. 23-6, Butter“Seventh Symposium (International) on worths, London, 1959. Combustion.” KID. 254-5. Butterworths. ?don, 1959. (6E) Roblee, L. H. S., Jr., Agnew, J. T., Wark, K., Jr., Combustion and Flame (3C de Jaegere, S., Deckers, J., van 5 , 65 (1961). iggelen, A . , “Eighth Symposium (Inter2



VOL. 53, NO. 12




Unit Processes Review

Burners and Furnaces (1F) Chesters, J. H., Trans. Am. SOC. Mech. Engrs. Ser. A . J . Eng. Power 81, NO. 4, 361-70 (1959). (2F) Curry, J. L., Plant 19, 40-3 (1959). (3F) Goksyr, H., Tidsskr. Kjemi, Bergvesen Met. 20, No. 4, 88-92 (1960). (4F) Griffiths, J. C., Weber, E. J., Am. Gas Assoc. Research Bull. No. 77 (1958). (5F) Hubbard, E. H., Combustion 31, 34-38 11959).

(8F) Odata, ‘T., J . Fuel SOC.Japan 38, NO. 387, 438-47 (1959). (9F) Reed, L. E., Wallin, S. C., J . Znst. Fuel 34, 26-36 (1960). (10F) SDeich. C. F.. Locklin. D. W. (eds.). ‘ “diteiature PertaininP to’ the Ari and Science of Oil Burnigg for Residential Applications,” API Publ. No. 1537, American Petroleum Institute, New York. 1960. (11F) Speich, C. F., Putnam, A. A., A S H R A E Journal 2, 63-9 (1 960), 13F) Thring, M. W., Iron @ Steel 32, No. 11. 483-5 (1959). (14Fj Ibid.. N o . 12. ww. 508-12. No. 13; ‘pi. 572-5. f18F) Thrine. M. W.. “Seventh Svm‘ poiium (I~~ernationalj on Combustidn,” pp. 649-63, London, Butterworths, 1959. (19F) Thurlow, G. G., Combustion and Flame 3, 373-88 (1959). (20F) Ullrich, H., Brennstoff- Wurme-Kraft 12. 114-7 11960). (21Fj Wilkidon, ’T. J., Clarke, D. G., Foundry Trade J . 106, 387 (1959). Droplet Combustion (1G) Basevich, V. Ya., Kogarko, S. M., “Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion.” Williams & Wilkins. (2

, Penner, S. S.,’ “Eighth ‘Symposium (International) on Combustion,” Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md., in press. (4G) Spalding, D. B., A R S Journal 29, 8 2 8 (1959). (5G) Webber, W. T., “Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion,” Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md., in press. (6G) Wood, B. J., LVise, H., Inami, S. H., Combustion and Flame 4,235 (1960). (7G) Wood, B. J., \Vise, H., Inami, S. H., Natl. Aeronautics Space Admin. Tech. Note TN-D-205, 1959. (8G) Williams. F. A.. Combustion and Flame ‘ 3,’215-28 (1959). ’ (9G) Ibid., 3, 529-44 (1959). (10G) Williams, F. A., J . Chem. Phys. 33, 133-55 (1960). (11G) Williams, F. A , , Penner, S. S., others, Combustion and Flume 3, 355-7 (1959 j. (:

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