CORNING - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

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Corning takes the"if"out of "Specific" The Corning Promise



CORNING* ion-selective electrodes will meet your specific ., measurement-application needs. Or you get your money back. That's a promise Here's a no-risk wa/ to evaluate measurement techniques with ion-selective electrodes. Here's a no-risk way to find out just how good CORNING brand Act/ion™ electrodes really are. This promise covers a lot of specific applications, because it covers all the growing line of glass and liquid and solid-state Act ion electrodes: Sodium and monovalent cation glass electrodes; calcium, divalent nitrate, potassium and chloride liquid exchange electrodes; fluoride, chloride, bromide, iodide, cupric and sulfide solid-state electrodes.


"If a CORNING brand Act/ion ion-selective electrode fails to fulfill the measurement function that you require in your specific application, and technical assistance from Corning fails to solve the problem, the purchase price of the electrode will be refunded when the electrode is returned. One requirement: you must try to use the electrode in the application for which it was purchased within 60 days of date of purchase, or this promise is not binding."

Sand this coupon. Or cell your dealer. Corning Glass Works, Dept. AC-5, Medfield, Mass. 0 2 0 5 2 Please s e n d m e m o r e d a t a o n : G CORNING brand A c t / i o n e l e c t r o d e s a n d the p e r f o r m a n c e promise



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