CORNING GLASS WORKS - ACS Publications - American Chemical

May 18, 2012 - CORNING GLASS WORKS. Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35 (11), pp 33A–33A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60204a724. Publication Date: October 1963. Copyright ...
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Machines at DDC shown are part of o n e of t h e largest single installations of Xerox Copyflo printers in t h e country. D o c u m e n t s preserved on microfilm are copied onto paper rolls at t h e rate of twenty feet of paper per m i n u t e . The rolls a r e then cut into p a g e size and a s s e m b l e d a s individual d o c u m e n t s for release to t h e Army, Navy, Air Force, and their c o n t r a c t o r s working in research, de­ velopment, t e s t s , or evaluation projects

to inform the scientific community of the new information received. The same group of specialists also analyzes each report to extract as many as twenty to thirty subject retrieval terms for the published in­ dexes and for machine access. After the reports have been ana­ lyzed, they are microfilmed and made into a 5- by 8-inch microform from which many duplicates can be manufactured and disseminated to other NASA Centers. In order to m a k e the informa­ tion received known to individuals and organizations participating in NASA programs, a biweekly an­ nouncement journal is prepared and disseminated. This journal, called the Scientific and Technical Aero­ space Reports (STAR) contains abstracts of all items received within the five-to-six week interval prior to cover date and is provided with a set of computer compiled in­ dexes. I n addition, these indexes are compiled into quarterly, semi­ annual, and annual printed indexes. STAR consists of two major sec­ tions. The first section contains a complete bibliographic citation, in­ cluding a unique accession number, and an informative abstract for each report announced.

The second section consists of a subject index, a corporate source index, a personal author index, a report number index, and accession number list for the items in each issue. I n the first section, the abstracts are prepared by photocomposition techniques in order to provide a high-quality readable information medium for informing the user of new developments of potential in­ terest. The abstracts are grouped by some thirty major subject cate­ gories for effective assimilation of the new information. The indexes in the second section are all compiled by computer in final camera-ready form in the course of the daily operations of the Facility. Each issue, then, contains indexes to its own con­ tents for immediate detailed search. Atomic Energy Commission ( A E C ) . The Office of Technical Information of the U. S. Atomic "Energy Commission (AEC) in Washington, D . C , is operating an information center which collects U. S. and foreign research reports, journal articles, patents, books, and translations on nuclear science and technology. The collection is used in the production of abstracts for,

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VOL 3 5 , NO. 1 1 , OCTOBER 1963

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