Correction. A Vapor Detector Based on Changes in Dielectric Constant

of dark brown species in areas of local excesses of the base, and these brown solutions did not revert to their initial colorlessness even on the addi...
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ages from concentration polarization with a corrcsponding decrease in the accuracy n i t h wliich k , could be determined. The fact tliat k, decreases as the p H and concentration of sulfate ion increase may be due to increasing complexation of Fe+3 by sulfate. One can calculate from the Fe(II1)-sulfate complex-dissociation constants determined by Whiteker and Davidson (2 3) t h a t t h e relative amounts of Fe+3, FeS04+, and Fe(S04)2- present in the three solutions of Figure 1 are 7%-55%38%, 1%-29%-70%, and