Correction: Calculation of Complex Equilibrium Relations

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Calculation of Complex Equilibrium Relations Kaltcr Frey of Schtveizerhalle, Switzerland, h a s noted some errors in t h e article on “Calculation of Complex Equilibrium Relations” [Kandiner and Brinkley, 1x0. ENG.CHEM.,42, 850-5 (1950)l. T h e disorder arose from changing subscript notation while transcribing t h e illustrative example. We neglected inadvertently t o change the R’s, although t h e n’s were changed to conform with t h e notation employed i n the text. T h e following corrertions should be made in Table I on page 853:

K, = 1.93

X lo-‘

K g = 2.597 X K , = 3.448 x 10-3

Ks = 1.799 X lo-’ Ks = 2.155 X lo-‘ Kio = 3.846 X lo-‘

Frpy‘s correction to t h e equation for nlo is correct in principle and t h e equation on page 851 should read: 7llC


Kio (p/’n)-’


The defining equation (Equation 1) on page 851 should read: