CORRECTION- Conformation of Cytochromes. III. Effect of Urea

lipid Metabolism, Aronson, S. M., and Volk, B. W.,. Ed., New York, N. Y., Pergamon, p 325. Shapiro, D., Segal, H., and Flowers, . M. (1958a),. J. Am C...
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Acknowledgments The authors are especially indebted to Professor Gerhard Schmidt for the support which made this work possible and for his many valuable suggestions. We also wish to thank Mr. Lawrence Pincus for his assistance in the preparation of the synthetic dihydrosphingosine and Dr. Maurice Liss for the use of the scintillation counter.

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CORRECTION In the paper “Conformation of Cytochromes. 111. Effect of Urea, Temperature, Extrinsic Ligands, and pH Variation on the Conformation of Horse Heart Ferricytochrome c,” by Yash P. Myer, Volume 7, February 1968, page 765, the following correction should be made. In column 2 on page 775, lines 34 and 36 should read “containing eight amino acid residues from 14 to 21)” and “11 to 21) in the aromatic absorption region do not,” respectively.