Correction. Determination of Germanium - American Chemical Society

The charge is $2 per day per person. Room reservations on the campus can ... Designed for technically qualified persons who wish to appreciate contemp...
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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 84-40 101 St., Richmond Hill 18, X. Y. set as the deadline for receipt of papers.

LSU Symposium on Analytical HE seventh annual Louisiana State University Symposium T o n Modern Methods of Analytical Chemistry will be held February 1 to 4, 1954 a t Baton Rouge, La. A group of internationally recognized speakers have been secured to discuss their fields of specialization and a broad selection of important topics will be considered. The program will include discussions of both instrumental and noninstrumental methods. In addition to the formal program, time \vi11 be provided for informal discussions. Representatives of scientific supply houses will be present, and exhibits of instruments are planned. Special time will be allotted for the discussion and demonstration of new instruments, and tours will be scheduled through local industrial plants and university laboratories. The following program has been arranged:

Organic Reagents. CHIRLES v. BANKS, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Mass Spectroscopy. WILLARDH. BENNETT,Xar-a2 Research Laboratories, Washington, D. C. Extraction. LYMANC. CR.%IG, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York, N. Y. Applications of Newer Physical Methods to High Polymer AnalyDEBYE,Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. sis. PETER Complex Compounds. HANS JON.MSEX, Tulane University, Nex Orleans, La. Ion Exchange. ROBERTKUSIN,Rohm & Haas Co., Philadelphia, Pa. X-Ray. WILLIAMPARRISH, North American Phillips Co., h e . , Nen- York. N. Y . High Frequency and Coulometric Titrations. CHARLESN. REILLEY,University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy. E. J. ROSENB.\ZTM, Sun Oil Co., Marcus Hook, Pa. Preregistration is requested where possible. The registration fee is $10, including ticket for the mixer and banquet. The registration fee for students is $2 (xithout banquet ticket). The University has established facilities for use as a continuation education center and has reserved rooms on the campus. The charge is $2 per day per person. Room reservations on the campus can be made a t the time of preregistration. Those desiring to stay in the downt,own area should write directly to the Hotel Heidelberg. All correspondence should be addressed to: Philip JJ-, West), Coates Chemical Laboratories, Louisiana State Cniversity, Baton Rouge, La.

December 28 has been

Symposium on Recent Advances in Science The First Annual Symposium on Recent Advances in Science. Physics, and dpplied llathematics, will be Sponsored bv the Divkion of General Education, New York University, during a 15-week course to be given Monday evenings from February 8 to May 24. Designed for technically qualified persons who wish to appreciate contemporary scientific developments, the symposium will present a leading man of science each week, with ample time for discussion Information may be obtained from Sidney G. Roth, Division of General Education, New York Universitv, 3 Washington Square Sorth, S e w York, S.Y.

Corrections Spectrographic Determination of Trace Elements in lubricating Oils In the article on “Spectrographic Determination of Trace Elements in Lubricating oils” [.%SAL. (?mu.,2 5 , 151 (1953)] the gravimetric factor wae inadvertently used for converting chromium trioxide (CrOi) to chromium, rather than the factor for chromic oxide (Ci-20:). Thus the percentage of chromium in the master mixture shown in the first table in column 2, page 152, should be 7.14 rather than 5.43, R. F. MEEKER

Determination of Germanium In the art,icle on “Detcmnination of Germanium“ [ASAL. CHEII.,2 3 , 1023 (195l)l on page 102-2,line 6 in the paragraph on “Effect of Hydrogen Perozidc” should read: “1 mg. of hydrogen Hass.4 XEWCOVBE peroxide to 3 mg. of hem:ttoy-lin.”

In the paper “Fractionation of Baiiuni-Radium hliutures as Chromates by Precipitation from Homogeneous Solution“ [Salutsky, AI. L., Stites, J. G.. JI., and Martin, A. W.. AXAI, C m w , 2 5 , 1680 (1953)], Figures 2 and 3 were interchanged. The captions are correct as printed. The ordinate of Figure 2 i i Logarithmic Distribution Coefficient and the ordinate of Figure 3 is Limiting Distribution Coefficient.

In the article on .’Titrimetric Determination of Thorium” [Fritz, J. S., ANAL. CHEJI.. 2 5 , 1640 (195313, the name of the author is James S. Fritz.

New York Meetingin-Miniature The Xew York Section of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SocrETY has planned an all-day Meeting-in-Miniature on February 12 at Hunter College, New York, N. Y. There will be separate sessions in the following divisions: analytical chemistry, biological chemistry, organic chemistr,y, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, high polymers, microchemistry, chemical engineering, and chemical education. Scientists from New York and contiguous areas are invited to submit papers. Titles and abstracts of about 200 words should be sent to Nathan Keiner, Chairman, Endo Products, Inc.,

Fifth Annual Southeastern Symposium on Industrial Instrumentation. Univei sity of Florida, Gainesville, Fla., February 1 to 3 Instrument Society of America. Ninth Annual Regional Conference. Hotel Statler, X e s York, N. Y., February 4 Meeting-in-Miniature, New York Section, American Chemical Society. Hunter College, New York, N. Y.. February 12 American Chemical Society. 125th National Meeting, Kansas City, Mo., March 24 to April 1, 1954 Symposium on Instrumentation. t’niversity of Michigan, .Inn Arbor, Mich., May 2 1 t o 2 i , 1953