Correction. Electrochromatographic Separations of Calcium and

Veterans Administration Hospital. Coatesville, Pa. Pepper Laboratory of Clincial Medicine ... mental principles embodied in the various types of exist...
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V O L U M E 2 5 , NO. 5, M A Y 1 9 5 3 carded, a thorough cleaning of the working area, removal of all glassware and solutions used for the precipitation of lead, and finally a careful cleansing of chromate residues from the analysts hands have proved essential. LITERATURE CITED

Figure 4 the distance between the origin and the calcium zones was shortened by 10.3 cm.

Colorimetric Estimation of Residual Benzene Hexachloride

(1) Letonoff, T. V., IXD.ENG.CHEM.,ANAL.ED., 13, 631 (1941). (2) Letonoff, T. V.,and Reinhold, J. G., Ibid., 12, 280 (1940). T. V. LCTOSOFF Department of Biochemistry Clinical Laboratory Veterans Administration Hospital Coatesville,Pa. Pepper Laboratory of Clincial Medicine Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa.

I n the article entitled “Colorimetric Estimation of Residual Benzene Hexachloride” [ANAL.CHEW,24, 1976 (1952)], it has been suggested that the technique of checking ethyl ether be specified. The residue obtained from the evaporation of 150 ml. of ethyl ether should not form any visible color when treated with JOHN G. REISHOLD the vanadic acid reagent. K, F. PHILLIPS

PUBLISHED with t h e approval of t h e Chief Rledical Director, Veterans Administration, T h e statements a n d conclusions’published b y t h e authors are a result of their own s t u d y a n d d o not necessarily reflect t h e opinion or policy of t h e Veterans Administration.

Symposium on Impurity Phenomena Methoden und Anwendungen der Massenspektroskopie. H . Eicald and H . Hzntenberger. 273 pages. 1-erlag Chemie, GAIBH., Weinheini/Bergstr., Germany, 1953. Price, DLI 25.60. This hook constitutes a survey of the evolution and present-day status of mass spectrometry. I t is considered a survey because of its scope, but is not an introductory text. The authors emphasize the applications of mass spectrometric methods in the field of physics, especially nuclear physics, although there are sections dcvoted to applications in the fields of chemistry, biology, and . gc~ology .4 useful feature of this book is a carefully selected and subjectclassified literature survey. Every chapter, and in many cases cnch section of a chapter, is concluded with numerous literature references to the material treated. The reader’s attention n-ill be held by the many excellent and detailed illustrations and diagrams. The theory and experimental details involved in the design and construction of mass spectrometers are described. The fundamental principles embodied in the various types of existing instruments are examined. Finally, the major applications of mass spectrometry in the aforementioned sciences are illustrated. This book recommends itself to the experienced mass spectrom&-ist.

-4joint Symposium on Impurity Phenomena dl be held a t the Research Laborstory, General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y., June 16 to 18, under the auspices of the Division of PhysiCHEXICBL Socal and Inorganic Chemistry of the AVERICAN CIETY and the Division of Solid State Physics of the -4merican Physical Society. The General Electric Co. and the Eastern S e w York Section of the AJIERICANCHEnrIcaL SOCIETY will he hosts. Bdvance registration is important, as registration is limited to 300. Information may be obtained from E. K. Bacon, Department of Chemistry, Union College, Schenectady 8, S.Y. The program on June 18 n-ill include a session on “.Analysis for Trace Impurities,” under the chairmanship of I\-.D. Cooke. Trace Element Determination by the Mass Spectrometer.


Analysis for Trace Impurities by Neutron Activation. IT. A. BROOKSB~N G.KK. , LEDDICOTTE, and H. A. MAHLMAX. Ion Exchange Separation of Trace Impurities. W.A. BROOKSBASK A N D G. K. LEDDICOTTE. Extension of the Sensitivity of Emission Spectroscopy. LESTER STROCK. Application of Polarized Mercury Pool Electrodes to Polarogand W.D. COOKE. raphy. CARLA. STREULI

Metropolitan Microchemical Society

The eighth and final meeting of the season for the Aletropolitan Jlicrochemical Society will be held May 21 a t 8 P.V. a t Fordham HANSJ. STOLTEN University, Chemistry Building, Bronx, N. Y. Oskar Wintersteiner, Squibb Institute for Medical Research, will talk on “Recollections of Pregl as Scientist, Teacher, and Alan.” An informal mixer and dinner preceding the meeting will be held in Iieating Hall on the Fordham Campus.

CORRECTIONS Electrochromatographic Separations of Calcium and Phosphate Ions In the article on “Electrochromatographic Separations of Calcium and Phosphate Ions” by T. R. Sato, W. E. Kisieleski, JT-. P. Xorris, and H. H. Strain [AXAL.CHEM.,25, 439 [1953)]the scale of Figures 3 and 4 was changed n-hen the engravings were made. In Figure 3 the distance between the origin and the calcium zones was shortened by 16.5 em. instead of 12.5 em. as indicated. In

Greenbrier Hotel, White Sulphur Springs, W.Va., May 24 to 28 American Society for Quality Control. Annual meeting, Convention Hall, Philadelphia, Pa., May 27 to 29 Symposium on Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy. Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, June 15 to 19 Sixth Annual Summer Symposium. Analytical Chemistry of the Less Familiar Elements. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y., June 19 to 20 American Chemical Society, 124th S’ational Meeting, Chicago, Ill., September 6 to 11, 1953 Scientific Apparatus Makers Association.