Correction: "Inorganic Compounds Containing Sulfur and Fluorine

Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1950, 42 (12), pp 2579–2579. DOI: 10.1021/ie50492a049. Publication Date: December 1950. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an ab...
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December 1950



Figure 4.



Plasticizer Light Stability

Nickel and High-Nickel Alloys-Addendum

(I2:j) Brit. Patent 637,436 (puhlidwd May 17. 1950). 11.Franks urid W.0.Rinder to Eleetro Metsllurgieal Co., Assoe. (140) Brit. Petent 627,489 (Aug. 10, 1949). H. E. Gresham atid D.

.. . .......

\1- UIil

(142) Brit. Patent, 626.204 (July 12. 1949). W. T. Criffithu. (149) Brit. Pntwt 639.942 (Sei)t. 30, 1949), I). W. IIall axid K . Ihrtloy.

(Ifis) Brit. Patent 639.701 (Der. 19. 1949). R. Hunter (Met&(;as (b., Ltd.) (in Fob. 4. 1950. ~ S S Uof~ M o d General Reference Sheet, ,not 1940). (27111 Brit. Psterit 621,013 (April 1, 194Y!, General Electric Co.. Lid..

nnd A. D.Thomas.



Tlio,naoi,-Hoiito,r ('. 14x0. ('HEX, 42, 2223 (195O)i in Table' 111 the bliird stilt should have 1)cm written IW I,iSOaF.3He0. In Table 1 V the formulu for phosphorus monobromothioAuoridr should lrirve 1xm PSBrF?. 0 1 1 page 2227 the last enteirce in the first psragrilph in thc.first mluinn should have read: This minerill is found in Boras Lake and Svnrlcr l.:rkr,.