Correction. New Reactions and Reagents. 5. Ketalization of 1,3

5. Ketalization of 1,3-Dihydroxy-2-propane with Alkanols. Formation of Acyclic and Cyclic Ethers Derived from Pyruvic Aldehyde. Shyam K. Gupta. J. Org...
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J.Org. Chem., Vol. 41,No. 25, 1976

Page 1291, column 2, bottom. 1 5.

+ H+


5 should be 1

Additions a n d Corrections

+ Hf *

Charles D. Hufford* and William L. Lasswell, Jr.: Uvaretin and Isouvaretin. Two Novel Cytotoxic C-Benzylflavanones from Uuariu chamae L. Page 1297. The name uvaretin has also been chosen for a C-benzylated dihydrochalcone from another species of Uuaria: J. R. Cole, S. J. Torrance, R. M. Weidhopf, S. K. Arora, and R. B. Bates, J.Org. Chem., 41,1852 (1976). Since the received date of our communication was later than that of Cole et al., we have agreed to change the names of our flavanones from uvaretin to chamanetin and isouvaretin to isochamanetin. The correct botanical authority for Uuaria chamae is P. Beauv. Samuel P. McManus,* P. Judson Kelly, William J. Patterson, and Charles U. Pittman, Jr.: Reaction of Lactones and Thiolactones with 2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol. Synthesis and 2-Substituted 2-Oxazolines. Page 1643, Table I. The calculated values for the elemental analysis of 5a are incorrect. The values for C, H, and N should be 61.12,9.62, and 8.91, respectively. Toshiaki Yoshimura, Tetsuo Omata, Naomiohi Furukawa,* and Shigeru Oae: Preparation and Physical and Chemical Properties of “Free” Sulfilimines. Page 1729. Table I: run 7, before (35-36)c the number 80 should be added; run 10, the number 55 should be moved down to run 11; run 19, after 95 (191) the superscript d should be added; footnote e , “mp 111“C” should be corrected to mp 104 OC. Column 1.In lines 5 and 6, “(runs 9,14)” should be corrected to (runs 10,15). In line 18, “(runs 10,12, 13, 15;18)” should be corrected to (runs 11,13,14,16-19). Page 1730. In Table 11, after P - C H ~ C ~c-C~HS H ~ (cyclopropyl) should be added. Column 1.In line 13, the numbers “11,19” should

be corrected to 12,20. In paragraph 3, lines 10 and 11,“longer wavelength” should be corrected to higher wavenurnber. H.-G. Heine,* W.Hartmann, F.D. Lewis, and R. T. Lauterbach Photochemical Reactivity of Some Bridgehead Phenyl Ketpnes. Page 1908. The structures of ketones 1 and 2 in Table I should appear as follows:


2 Sergio Alunni, Enrico Baciocchi,* and Piero Perucci: Kinetic Study of Elimination Reactions Promoted by Crown Ether Complexed Potassium tert-Butoxide in tert-Butyl Alcohol. Page 2637. In Table 11, line 21 should read as follows: 2 , 2 4 (Substrate); 30 (Temp, “C); 1.09 X low2([t-BuOK], M); 2.31 X ([18C6], M); 0.31 (kz,MI1 s-’). Page 2638, column 2. In footnote 7, line 2, “ref 3” should be ref 4.

Shyam K. Gupta: New Reactions and Reagents. 5. Ketalizntion of 1,3-Dihydroxy-2-propane with Alltanols. Formation of Acyclic and Cyclic Ethers Derived from Pyruvic Aldehyde. Page 2646, ref 18. We wish to call at,tention to two additional references pertaining to work described earlier by J. Gelas: J. Gelas and A. Thialliers, Carbohydr. Res., 30,21 (1973),and J. Gelas, P. Calinaud, D. Horton, and J. D. Wander, J. Chern. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 1145 (1974).