Correction: NON-EQUILIBRIUM SOOT FORMATION IN PREMIXED FLAMES. R Millikan. J. Phys. Chem. , 1962, 66 (12), pp 2719–2719. DOI: 10.1021/ ...
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Dec., 1962


W. A. T. Macey. The Physical Properties of Certain

Organic Fluorides. Page 254. The author wishes to note that the experimental work was lareelv carried out a t the Woolwich Polvtechnic in 1953-1957Gd some work described was a part of a thesis approved for the award of the Ph.D. degree by the University of London.-W. A. T. ~ T A C E Y . 1961, Vol. 65 Edward P. Egan, Jr., and Basil B. Luff. Heat of Solution of Orthophosphoric Acid. Page 524. I?( column 1, 4th line from bottom, for “-2913” read -2931”; the correct value appears in Table II.-EDWARD P. EGAN, JR. Joshua Jortner, Rapahel Levine, Michael Ottolenghi, and Gabriel Stein. The Photochemistry of the Iodide Ion in Aqueous Solution. Page 1233. In the legend to Fig. 1, J should be equal to 9.7 X lo-’ einstein I.-’ sec-1; in Fig. 1 and 6 the unit of [Iz]concentration should read 106 mole I.-’. Page 1234. In Fig. 3 the unit of (d[I~]/dt)oshould read 106mole-11.-1 sec.-l. Page 1237. The left side of eq. X should read (d[12]/dth instead of d [ I ~ ] ~ / d tThe . last equation on the page should read x.11 = k t l b k11aK,/[I-I Page 1238. The first equation on the page should read kiz = ktkb klzaKe/[I-] The calculation of the quantum yields and rate constant ratios presented in the paper was carried out using the correct data.-GABRIEL STEIS.



R. J. Thorn and G. H. Winslow. Correction of the Potassium Vapor Pressure Equation by Use of the Second Virial Coefficient. Page 1297. The constant term in thc equation obtained by reworking the data of hIakansi, et al. (ref. 8 of the paper) is 4.127 rather than 4.927. The equation given for log p (total) in the Abstract is preferred over the one in the SummarY.--GEORGE H. ~ ~ I ~ x S L O W . L. S. Bartell and D. Churchill. Polarimetrir Determination of Absorption Spectra of Thin Films on &fetal. 1. Interpretation of Optical Data. Pagc ?243. In eq. 5 k‘ should rracl K ‘ . Thc absorption index. K , is related to the absorption coefficient. k’, by k‘ = R ’ K . The s y i n h l cos 4 in eq. 8 should be icplaced by tan 4. Page 2244. Thr coiistnnt c should rcatl c = ( 3 r / X ) sin 9 tan +.-I,. S. BARTELL.

A. G. Buyers. A Study of the Rate of Isotopic Exchange for Zn66in hlolteri Zinc-Zinc Chloride Systems at 433-681’. Page 2256. The authors of ref. 5 should read 1,. E. Wallin and A. I,uncien.--A. G. BITERS. Stuart E. Love11 and John D. Ferry. 1nfluenc.eof ILIolccular Weight Distribution of Viscoelastic Properties of Poly-

mers as Expressed by the Rouse and Zimm Theories. Page 2275. In the second line below eq. 3, “thermal” should read “terrninal.”-JOHN D. FERRY. 1962, Vol. 66 Paul H. Kasai. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Study of Mn + + Ion in Polycrystalline Calcium F1uorophosphat.e. Page 674. Re-examination of our original samples by X-ray proves that the figure capt,ions given to Fig. 4 were MnSO., incorrect and should be changed to (a) CaC08 (b) C.aP20, hlnSO4, (c) CaFp hlnS0:. This change, of course, leads to a remion in the interpretation of the behavior of M n + + ions during the reaction, as pointed out by Hickok, et a1.l It also w m learned that the sharp sextet observed in the spectrum (c) of Fig. 4 is due to M n + + ion in CaO impurity in CaFz.2 The author wishes to express his thanks to Drs. Hickok, Parodi, and Segelken for pointing out the mistake.




(1) R. L. Hickok. J. A. Parodi, a n d W. G. Segelken, J . Phys. Chem., 66, 2715 (1962).

(2) R. L. Hickok, J. A. Parodi, and W. G. Segelken, private communication.

R. C. Millikan. Non-equilibrium Soot Formation in Premixed Flames. Page 798. My attention has kindly been directed by C. P. Fenimore to an arithmetic error in the constant terms of eq. 9, 10, and 12. In eq. 9 and 10 the constant terms should be 4.37, not 5.41 as given. I n eq. 12 the constant term should read 9.54. These changes do not affect the reasoning or conclusions of the paper, for they were concerned solely with the temperature-dependent terms of these equations. However, if one wishes to go beyond that and ask what is the ratio of pre-exponential factors for the competing reactions] a reasonable answer is now obtainable from the corrected equations.-ROGER c. ~ ~ I L L I K A N . Charles M. Apt, Frederick F. Margosian, Ivan Simon, Jay H. Vreeland, and Raymond M. Fuoss. Pressure Dependence of Electrolytic Conductance in Toluene. Page 1211. Equation (1)should read

RAYMOSD $1. Fuoss J. B. Ott, J. R. Goates, and A. H. Budge. Solid-Liqiiid Phase Equilibria and Solid Compound Formation in Mixtures of Aromatic Compounds with Carbon Tetrachloride. Pagc 1389. The references to the formation of a conipoiind hetween CCI, and p-xylene should rcad 1 and 7 instead of 1 and 6. The names in ref. 7 should rcad C. J. Egan and R. V. Luthy. In addition the authors failed to mention that C. J . Egan and R. V. Luthy [Id.Eng. Chem., 47, 250 (1955)] found a 1:l compound between CCl, and pseudocumene, and did not find compounds in the CCL-o-xylene and CCI4-m-xylene systems. Our results are in agreement with this earlier work.-J. B. OTTAND J. R. GOATES.