Correction: Potentiometric Determination of the Base Strengths of

Correction: Potentiometric Determination of the Base Strengths of Amines in Non-protolytic Solvents. H K. Hall. J. Phys. Chem. , 1956, 60 (12), pp 167...
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Dec., 1956 ADDITIOSS AKD CORRECTIONS VOL.57, 1953 Gene P. Rutledge, Roger L. Jarry and Wallace Davis, Jr. Freezing Point Diagram and Liquid-Liquid Solubilities of the System Uranium Hexafluoride-Hydrogen Fluoride. /Page 543. In the footnote of Table I, for “Fig. 1.” read “Fig. 2.” In col. 2, text line 5 from the end, for “mole” read “weight.’ ’ /Page 544. In col. 1, line 2, for “formuIa” read %eight.”WALLACE DAVIS,JR.

VOL.58, 1954

diffusion data %-erenot available to check the values calculated from equation (2). For non-ideal solutions of the benzene-alcohol type it has been shown by us that the mutual diffusion coefficient corrected for solution activity is not simply related to the self-diffusion coefficients suggested by the general equation (2). “It appears that for associated systems exhibiting positive vapor pressure deviations a simple activity correction is not sufficient to account for non-ideal diffusion behavior. In view of this, an attempt has been made to assign a diffusion coefficient to the various alcohol “mers” in alcohol-hydrocarbon systems and an expression relating these to the observed diffusivities has been developed. The results of this work will soon be submitted for publication.”-A. L. BABB and P. A. JOHNSON.

Herbert Morawetz and Paula E. Zimmering. Reaction Rates of Polyelectrolyte Derivatives. I. The Solvolysis of Acrylic Acid-p-Kitrophenyl hlethacrylate Copolymers.

H. K. Hall, Jr. Potentiometric Determination of the Base Strengths of Amines in Non-protolytic Solvents.

4 Page 754. The first line of footnote (7a) should read: “First order plots of the methanolysis of similar p-nitrophenyl methacrylate copolymers with methacrylic acid were strongly concave . . .”-HERBERT hIORAwET2.

/Page 64. In Fig. 1, the ordinate legend should be “E” instead of “ E l / 2 . The abscissa legend should read “log X/(1 - X ) ” instead of “pK.”

H. Rubin and F. C. Collins. Concentration Overpotential a t Reversible Electrodes. dPage 958 ff. The authors are grateful to hlr. Fred Anson, Department of Chemistry, Harvard University, for pointing out to us that our statement that, for potentials below saturation potential, the current will converge to the “limiting’, current a t sufficiently long time is incorrect. The general expression for the current after the short time transient behavior is

/Page 70. In col. 2, line 24, after “flasks” insert “with ethyl acetate.”-H. K. HALL,JR. Alfred J. Stamm. Diffusion of Water into Uncoated Cellophane. I. From Rates of Water Vapor Adsorption, and Liquid Water *4bsorption. J Page

77. In col. 1, Eq. (2), the first term should read

“&,,, Lines 5 and 6 below Eq. (2) insert “differential” be-

fore the word “diffusion.”

Page 79. In col. 1, Eq. ( 5 ) the first term should read and the numerator of the term after the equal sign, “TU$” In line 3 below Eq. after “8,” insert the words “beyond the dry thickness, an.



where the first bracketed term is the limiting current expression and the second term is a constant, for any given run. Also Eq. (10) should read lim c ( i , t ) = 0.-F. C. COLLIXS. X=O

VOL.60, 1956

P. A. Johnson and A. L. Babb. Self-diffusion in Liquids. I . Concentration Dependence in Ideal and Non-ideal Binary Solutions. Page 14. The authors report: “In this article an equation was given relating the mutual and self-diffusion coefficients


’Page 80. In Eq. (6) the first term should read “D,.” In col. 2, 6 lines from the end, omit the phrase “where the area above the curve XBY is equal to the area AWPC.”

L/ Page 81. In col. 1, line 2, after “0.422” insert “for desorption and f = 0.578 for adsorption.” I n line 4, change “E, = (1 - j ) z ’to ! read “1 - E, = jZ.” I n lines 9 and 10, omit “or absorbing.” In line 13, for “0.333” read “0.667.” I n col. 2, Fig. 5, on the ordinate, for “( 1 - E,)” read “E,.” On the abscissa, after “specimen” add “for desorption, reverse for adsorption.” I n line 5, for “over-dry” read “oven-dry .” Page 82. I n col. 1, the line before Conclusions, for “restraint” read “stress.” In col. 2, item (5), line 6, omit the words “lost or.” In line 7 , for “0.422” read “0.578.” I n lines 9 and 10, omit the words “of the evaporable or onethird.”-ALFRED J. STA;\IM.


Alfred J. Stamm. Diffusion of Water into Uncoated Cellowhere D1t is the mutual diffusion coefficient, and Dll and phane. 11. From Steady-State Diffusion Measurements. Dz2are the self-diffusion coefficients a t mole fraction 5 . This equation was ascribed to 6. Prager, J . Chem. Phys., 21, 1344 /Page 83. In col. 2, Eq ( l ) , the‘first term should be “byP.” (1953), whereas he actually presented equations first given I n the next line, add the word average” before “vapor.” by L. 8. Darken, Trans. Amer. Znst. Min. M e t . Eng., 175, Six lines below Eq. ( l ) , for La’’ read “an average.” I n the 184 (1948), and G. S. Hartley and J. Crank, Trans. Far. SOC., next line, for “Dye” read “Dye” and the same correction in 45, 801 (1949), which lead to a general equation the first term of Eq. (2).

/ Pa?: 84. In col.

2, Eq. (3), the first term should read

Equation (2) requires only the assumptions of negligible 7;;ge 85. In col. 1, line 1, for f‘dDycJJ read "Dye," and the volume change on mixing, and constant partial molar vol- same change in line 4 below. I n line 6, insert the word umes and was first presented by Darken. Equation (1) re- “average” before “diffusion.” In Eq. (4) the first term quires the added assumption of no net volume flow which should be “b,.” In Eq. (5) the first term should be “D,,” limits its application. Equation (2) has been verified by the denominator of the last term “ddi,” and this same change Darken using the data of W. A. Johnson, Trans. Amer. Inst. in the next line of text. Line 11 from the end, for “d.?i,” Min. M e t . Eng., 147, 331 (1942), on gold-silver alloys. read “dM.” I:,Table I, cols. 9 and 10, omit the “d” from P. C. Carman and L. H. Stein, Trans. Far. SOC.,52, 619 the terms “dD, and (‘dDyO.’’ (1956), recently applied equation (2) to liquid self-diffusion data for the system ethyl iodide-n-butyl iodide which be- P P a g e 86. I n col. 2, lines 8 and 6 from the end, omit the haves nearly ideally. Unfortunately, experimental mutual letter “d” from “dD,” and “dDv,.”-ALFRED J. S ~ a h r ~ .