Correction. Reduction Cyclization. A Method for the Synthesis of

Correction. Reduction Cyclization. A Method for the Synthesis of Tricyclic Compounds Possessing a Bridgehead Nitrogen. Nelson Leonard, and William ...
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Dec. 20, 1952

Richard Baltzly. The Preparation and Properties of a Platinized Charcoal Catalyst with Some Observations on the Behavior of Tnhibitors. ’ Page 4587. In Table I, the product of reduction XXXIV should be “ethyl &phenyl hydracrylate” i n s t a d of “ethyl @-phenyl1nctate.”- RICHARDRAI,TZI,Y. C. G. Overberger, L. H. Arond, D. Tanner, J. J. Taylor and T. Alfrey, Jr. Ionic Polymerization. 11. Copolymerization of Styrene, p-Chlorostyrene and a-Methylstyrene with Meta and Para Substituted Styrenes Catalyzed by Stannic Chloride. Page 4852. The meta bond structures IV, V and 17 should have Fipaced lines as indicated. --CH -CH

IV but not completely dotted.-C.

632 1





Turner Alfrey, Jr., Howard C. Haas and Charles W. Lewis. The Dehalogenation Reaction. IV. Dechlorination of the Copolymers Vinyl Acetateltrans-Dichloroethylene and Vinyl Acetate/Trichloroethylene. Page 4856. In the first reaction, for ZnClr read ZnClt-. In the second reaction, for ZnCl read znC11-. In eqs. (1) LEWIS. and (2), for Z n a 3read ZnCla-.-CHARLES


Ernst Berliner, Marjorie C. Beckett, Elizabeth A. Blommers and Bernice Newman. The Alkaline Hydrolysis of Ethyl p-Alkylbenzoates. Page 4943. In Table 111, “k2 X l03(l.m.-’~ec.-~)”should be placed above the columns of the rate constants in 56% acetone.-ERNST BERLINER. Nelson J. Leonard and William J. Middleton. Reduction Cyclization. A Method for the Synthesis of Tricyclic Conipounds Possessing a Bridgehead Nitrogen. .’ A. Skita Page 5115. Make this addition to ref. 11: C and R. Rossler, Ber., 72, 265 (1939); H. A. Smith and F. P. I3yrne, THISJOURNAL, 72, 4406 (1950); R. Cornubert, P. Anziani, A. Aubry, P. Hartmann and M. Lemoine, Bull. SOC. chinz. France, 636 (1950); P. Anziani, R. Cornubert and M. Lemoine, Compt. rend., 229, 431 (1949); R. Cornubert, M. Andre, M . de Demo, R. Joly and A. Strebel, Bull. SOC. chim. France, 6 , 103 (1939); R. Cornubert, M. Andre and M. de Demo, ibid., 6 , 113 (1939); R . Cornubert, M. de Demo, R. Joly and A. Strkbel, ibid., 132 (1939); P. Anziani, R. Cornubert and M. Descharmes, Compt. rend., 223, 358 (19%). The argument as to relative stabilities of cis and trtrns forms of this complicated system is not as convincing as the evidence of the trans structure of the precursor as provided by the resolvability of the hexahydrojulolidine produced from it.--NELsoN J. LEONARD.

J. Kelvin Hamilton and F. Smith. Synthesis of Ascorbic Acids by the Osone-Cyanide Method. Page 5162. In col. 1, line 7 from the end, after “associates,’” insert “and also by Reichstein, Griissner and Oppen:me+’’ and the reference “( 5a) T. Reichstein, A. Griissner and R. Oppenauer, Helv. Chiin. Acta., 16, 561 (1933).”F. SMITH. Harold Hart and William J. Detroit. The Dissociation of 3,3‘,5,5’-Tetranitr04,4’-dihydroxydiphenyl in Methanol. Page 5215. In col. 1, line 8, for “477 mp” read “447 mp” and in line 4 from the end, for “10-6” read 10-5.”-H~RoLD

Mary Fieser, William E. Rosen and Louis F. Fieser. “An &Steroid Hydrocarbon from Ergosterol.” Page 5397. In col. 1, line 9, formula “C,$H4~’’ shnitld read ‘‘G&&.’’ Page 5400. Formulas I X and XI, should be designated “p”-Dihydroergosteryl Acetate, and the arrow should show that this is converted by SeO2 into Ergosteryl-B1 Acetate.LOUISF. FIESER.

D. M. Clarke, Fr. T. J. O’Leary and J. V. Karabinos. Catalytic Behavior of 2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol n i p o r over Alumina. Pages 5587 and 5588.(, Throughout the article read “is0 butylideneiniine” for i~ohutyleneiiiiine.”-J. i’ KAX4BINOS.

Roger Adams, P. R. Shafer and B. H. Braun. The Structure of Monocrotaline. S V . Page 5613. Col. 1, line 3 from the end, Chart I here referred t o erroneously appears on page 5878 of a paper by A d a m and Stewart.

R. Norman Jones, A. R. H. Cole and B. N o h The Characterization of Methyl and Methylene Groups in Steroids by Infrared Spectrometry. 11. Methyl and Methylene Bending Frequencies in Steroids Labeled with Deuterium. Page 5666. Fig. 5C. Insert CISangular methyl group.R. N. JONES. Anthony W. Schrecker and Jonathan L. Hartwell. Components of Podophyllin. IX. The Structure of the Apopicropodophyllins. Page 5679. There are minor errors in formulas IV, the bracketed intermediate and V; the first two are reprinted. while V lacks a 3 a t the lower right. H,C I2


NaH C 0 :





Roger Adams and John Morrow Stewart. Quinone Imides. XXIV. o-Quinonemonoimides. Page 5878. Chart I on this page should have been printed near its text reference on page 5613 of the paper by Adams, Shafer and Braun.


Max Hubacher. Phenolphthalol. Page 5217. In col. 1, line 41, for “phenolphthalein” read “l,heiiolphthaliii. ”

Mary E. Carsten. A Procedure for the Ion Exchange Chromatography of the Amino Acids of Urine. Page 5957. The graphs above Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 are interchanged.-MAw E. CARSTEN.