Correction: Relationship of Hydrogen-Ion Concentration of Natural

Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1920, 12 (12), pp 1214–1214. DOI: 10.1021/ie50132a608. Publication Date: December 1920. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind. Eng. Ch...
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A site for the new building in Washington which is t o serve as a home for the National Academy of Sciences and the National Research Council has recently been obtained. I t comprises the entire block bounded by B and C Streets and Twenty-first and Twenty-second Streets, K. W., and faces the Lincoln Memorial in Potomac Park. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Public announcement has recently been made of the opening of the new Department of Engineering Research a t the University of Michigan. This department is to be a t the service of the industries of the state for the solution of their various problems. The department will be entirely under the control of the Board of Regents of the University, and any results obtained in the university laboratories may be published a t the discretion of the Board. The administration of the department is placed in the hands of a director, who is a member of the Faculty, and an administrative committee, consisting of the dean of the Engineering College, and the heads of the professional departments of the College of Engineering. An advisory board of one hundred members, made up from the leading manufacturers of the state, will act on questions of policy, through its executive committee. The University has made an appropriation of $ ~ o , o o oto defray the expenses of the central office, but otherwise the department must be self-supporting. The director is Professor Albert E. White, who is in charge of metallurgical work a t the University. Many requests for service along various lines of research have already come in. The advisory committee is already organized, and there is no doubt that the biggest manufacturers of the state are behirid the undertaking.

100 students, and a new additional laboratory for general chemistry to accommodate 168 students.

SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS At the invitation of the Society of Mechanical Engineers, Mr. A. C. Fieldner has been appointed by President W. A. Noyes as the official representative of the American Chemical Society a t the meeting of the Fuel Section a t the annual meeting in New York City, December 7 to IO, 1920. A cordial invitation has been extended to any member of the American Chemical Society who may be interested to attend the session. THE JELLY STRENGTH OF GELATINS AND GLUESCORRECTION I n our paper under the above title [THISJOURNAL, 12.(1920), 10071 Fig. 8 was incorrectly lettered in the original drawing. The legend for the y-axis of the graph should read: Tensile Strength i n Grams, not Tensile Strength in Lbs./Sq. In. S. E. SHEPPARD, S. SWEGTAND J. SCOTT,JR. ROCHESTER, N. Y .

GASOLINE FROM NATURAL GAS. IV-TEMPERATURE CORRECTION AND BLENDING CHARTSCORRECTION In the article of the above title [THISJOURNAL, 12 (1920), 10111, the following revisions should be made in Table 11: Observed Gravity Be. Temperature 69 79

The American Field Service Fellowships for French Universities, formerly the Society for American Fellowships in French Universities, has been formed to award to American students fellowships for advance study in France, as a memorial to the men of the American Field Service who died in France. Fellowships for 1921-22, not to exceed Z j , will be of the value of $ 2 0 0 plus 10,000francs, and are renewable for a second year. Fellowships are offered in various fields of science, art, languages and literature, engineering, law, economics, and philosophy, and in universities a t Paris, Aix-Marseille, Alger, Besancon, Bordeaux, Caen, Clermont-Ferrand, Dijon, Grenoble, Lille, Lyon, Montpellier, Nancy, Poitiers, Rennes, Strasbourg, and Toulouse. The opportunities afforded in French universities are described in “Science and Learning in France,” issued in 1917 with the collaboration of one hundred American scholars by the Society for American Fellowships in French Universities, copies of which were sent to the libraries of every college in the United States. Copies may be obtained a t one dollar each from the editor of “Science and Learning in France,” 3 I West Lake St., Chicago, Ill. Applications for fellowships should be made to the Secretary, Dr. I. L. Kandel, 576 Fifth Ave., New York City. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY The Chemistry Department of Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., has greatly increased its facilities by adding to Busch Hall a new laboratory for quantitative analysis to accommodate




79 79

- 8 - 6 - 4



Degrees Baume at 60’ F . 76.7 in place of 75.7 9 0 . 8 in place of 89.8 9 0 . 4 in place of 89.4 90.0 in place of 89.0 1 0 2 . 4 in place of 103.4

I n Table I11 typographical errors should be corrected as follows : Observed Gravity


V O ~ 1. 2 , NO. 1 2

BC. 90 90

Temperature 110 100


Correction Factor 0.9610 in place of 0.9630 0.9685 in place of 0.9605


RELATIONSHIP OF HYDROGEN-ION CONCENTRATION OF NATURAL WATERS TO CARBON DIOXIDE CONTENT-CORRECTION I n the paper on the above subject [THISJOURNAL, 12 ( ~ g z o ) , 9891 the following changes should be made: On page 990, Equation 3 should read: (HC03 COa) = 3.333 X IO-’ X (HCOa-) and five lines below Equation 3 the similar expression should be: 3.333 X IO-’ X (HC08-I ((202) R . EDMAN GREENFIELD




CALENDAR O F MEETINGS American Institute of Chemical Engineers-Winter Meeting, St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, La., December 6 to g, 1920. American Society of Mechanical Engineers-Annual Meeting, 29 W. 39th St., New York, N. Y., December 7 to IO, 1920. American Association for the Advancement of Science-Annual Meeting, Chicagc, Ill., December 27, 1920, to January I , 1921. American Ceramic Society-Annual Meeting, Deschler Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, February 2 1 to 26, 1921. American Electrochemical Society-Spring Meeting, Hotel Chalfonte, Atlantic City, N . J.,April 2 1 to 2 3 , 1921. American Chemical Society-Sixty-first Meeting, Rochester, N. Y., April 26 to 29, 1921.