Correction. Spectrophotometric Determination of Atmospheric Fluorides

Technol. 3, 946. (1969). State of California, Bureau of Air Sanitation, “Oxides of. Nitrogen in Air Pollution,” Sacramento, Calif., 1966. Stern, A...
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Kummler, R., Bortner, M., ENVIRON. SCI. TECHNOL. 3, 944 (1969). Kummler, R., Bortner, M., Ann. N . Y . Acud. Sci., to be published, 1970. Leighton, P., “Photochemistry of Air Pollution,” Academic Press, New York, 1961. Miller, D., Stewart, K., Proc. Roy. SOC.A 288, 540 (1965). Nader, J., PHS Pub. 999-AP-38, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1967. Murray, R., Ann. N . Y . Acad. Sci., to be published, 1970; Chem. Eng. News 48,34 (1970). SCI. Pitts, J., Khan, A., Smith, E., Wayne, R., ENVIRON. TECHNOL. 3,243 (1969). Snelling, D., Chem. Phys. Lett. 2, 346 (1968). Star, R., Sprung, J., Pitts, J., ENVIRON. SCI.TECHNOL. 3, 946 (1969).

State of California, Bureau of Air Sanitation, “Oxides of Nitrogen in Air Pollution,” Sacramento, Calif., 1966. Stern, A,, “Air Pollution,” Vol. I, Academic Press, New York, 1968.

R. H. Kummler Department of Chemical Engineering and Material Sciences Wayne State University Detroit, Mich. 48202

M. H. Bortner and Theodore Baurer Space Sciences Laboratory Space Division$ Philadelphia, Pa. 19101


SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC DETERMINATION OF ATMOSPHERIC FLUORIDES In this article by P. W. West, G. R. Lyles, and J. L. Miller [ENVIRON. S’CI.TECHNOL. 4, 487 (1970)], paragraph 4, page 489, should read as follows: Lanthanum nitrate buffer (2 X 10-3M). Dissolve 0.866 g. La(N03)3.6H20and 102 g. NaOAc (anhy) in 250 ml. H20. The pH of this solution, when diluted 1 :lo, and containing acetone to the extent of 25 (v./v.) (see Sampling Technique), should be 4.1 to 4.2.

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